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本文利用非拓扑粒子模型计算了核物质环境中的核子(孤粒子)的尺度增量等物理量。这些结果可被认为是由核物质中真空性质的变化引起的。相对论性核平均场论可以用来研究核介质中与夸克相互作用的标量场。计算结果能够合理地符合与质量数相关的轻子与核的深度非弹散射的测量。  相似文献   
随着西方科学的广泛传播,晚清国人对科学的认识也在不断深入。从清末国人使用的“格致”、“格物”、“科学”词语演变及词义差异中,即可看出当时国人“科学”观的变化过程。  相似文献   
梁清 《教育教学论坛》2019,(15):143-144
固体物理课程是凝聚态物理研究的基础。选修固体物理课程的学生往往是一些准备考研,将来从事凝聚态物理等相关学科的科学研究工作的学生。针对这一特殊的学生群体,在固体物理的教学过程中,教师应对教学内容、教学方式方法等方面进行适当的改革,以开阔这些准研究生的视野,培养他们的科研兴趣,提高他们的科研能力。本文将结合作者近几年的教学实践,提出一些关于面向准研究生的固体物理课程的教学内容及教学方法的改革建议。  相似文献   
We have derived a set of field equations for a Weyssenhoff spin fluid including magnetic interacton among the spinning particles prevailling in spatially homogeneous,but anisotropically cosmological models of Bianchi type V based on Einstein-Cartan theory.We analyze the field equations in three different equations of states specified by p=1(1/3)ρand p=0,The analytical solutions found are non-singular provided that the combined energy arising from matter spin and magnetic interaction among particles overcomes the anisotropy energy in the Universe,We have also deduced that the minimum particle numers for the radiation(p=(1/3)ρ) and matter(p=0) epochs are 10^88 and 10^108 respectively.the minimum particle number for the state p=ρ is 10^96,leading to the conclusion that we must consider the existence of neutrinos and other creation of particles and anti-particles under torsion and strong gravitational field in the early Universe.  相似文献   
设计了膜生物反应器 (MBR)与粉末活性炭 (PAC)联合使用的膜组合工艺 (PAC MBR)处理微污染地表水 ,并用分子量分析方法来考察PAC MBR组合工艺及各单元工艺对有机物的去除效果 .分析结果表明 ,由于原水中的小分子有机物难生物降解 ,该工艺出水有机物集中在小于 1k的分子量区间内 ,活性炭的投加能显著提高这部分有机物的去除率 .试验证明 ,PAC MBR工艺中生物处理与活性炭吸附互相促进 ,在稳定运行阶段对CODMn、UV2 54 、UV4 10 和氨氮的去除率分别达到 70 %、70 %、10 0 %和 92 % .  相似文献   
正确选用题材是散创作中的一项重要工作。这项工作做得怎样,直接影响到作写作意图的表达,影响着散的质量。秦牧的散在这方面做出了很好的表率,值得人们好好学习。  相似文献   
This paper argues that the teaching of a subject can change our understanding of what it means to know, to teach and learn that subject. It also argues that when our understanding is questioned and changes then academic work can become an emotionally charged endeavour. This paper reports on a study where, over a semesters teaching, around two thirds of teachers changed some aspect of their scholarly thinking or practice. These teachers were teaching a range of first and second year classes, they were not new to teaching, nor were they unfamiliar with the teaching of the subject. For approximately one third, the change in understanding was not major. It involved a change in teaching practice but it did not involve the questioning of their existing understanding of subject matter. For another third, however, the change was substantial. These teachers, in some way, questioned previously taken for granted assumptions, they re-thought aspects of the structure of the discipline or the relationship of the subject to the discipline. They also revised their ideas about how to best teach that subject and what learning the subject involved. This change invariably involved anxiety and uncertainty and in some cases this was extreme. Little attention has been paid to change in teachers understanding of subject matter and little, or no, research has focused on the emotional impact of this change. This initial exploration of these neglected aspects of university teaching suggests a rich vein for further exploration. This paper builds on previous work that has used phenomenography to examine changes in university teachers understanding of subject matter taught. An analysis of metaphor is used to explore change and to tap into the rich and complex emotional experiences that accompany this change.  相似文献   
在物质无限可分及力的一元论新观点下给出(吸)引力的本质性描述,并在此基础上,讨论了科学技术哲学范畴内熵守恒的可能性及与之相关的“热寂”问题,同时为解决这一困扰物理学界百年之久的佯谬性疑难提出了一种应该是令人信服的论点。  相似文献   
施启良先生在《中国社会科学》1991年第2期上发表了《宇宙统一于信息吗?——与王存臻、严春友同志商榷》一文,对“宇宙统一于信息”这一命题提出种种诘难。其实,施先生误解了这一命题。所谓“宇宙统一于信息”,不过是说宇宙统一于物质的属性,这一命题是对恩格斯关于物质同一思想的进一步阐发;宇宙“统一于信息”与“统一于物质”这两个命题之间不仅不存在矛盾,而且是一致的,前一命题以后一命题为前提。同时它又是对后一命题的具体化,它揭示了物质统一性的具体方式。互联网和克隆技术的发展,为全息统一理论提供了强有力的佐证。全息论正是把中国某种古典思想嫁接到现代科学发展之树上而出现的新理论。  相似文献   
本文指出,波粒两重性所挑战的是牛顿的绝对时空观,即物质性背景空间的存在及其作用于粒子的效应未能完全地包含在经典力学之中。考虑到这一效应,牛顿基本定律将需作适当地修正,并于本文由变分原理给出了描述粒子运动的非线性方程。在下一篇文章中,我们将证明在经典极限和微观条件下它将分别导出牛顿方程和薛定锷方程。  相似文献   
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