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通过分析世界优秀短跑运动员的百米成绩 ,论述了在短跑训练中应以发展运动员的最高速度作为重点进行突破 ,并从生理学、生物化学及生物力学的角度对其进行了细致地分析 ,对快速提高短跑成绩提出了行之有效的训练方法  相似文献   
卢梭政治思想中的自由悖论问题是200年来西方政治思想家争论的焦点。卢梭的政治思想与以洛克为代表的自然法学派具有很大的区别。卢梭认为人类在自然状态中并非没有天赋的自然权利,完全是根据自己的欲望和本性享受着不受任何约束的个人自由,而不是在一定范围内不受侵犯也不得侵犯他人的权利。但这种自由只有在人类签订社会契约,摆脱自然状态,进入公民社会时才可能出现。卢梭认为,个人的自由就是对代表公意的法律的遵守,而这种自由在自然状态中是不存在的。卢梭这种对自由论证的逻辑并不存在矛盾,其关键点就在于人的自由只有在政治共同体中才能够实现。  相似文献   
杨玲玲 《江苏高教》2020,(7):103-106
大学生契约精神的培育是践行社会主义核心价值观的内在要求,高校作为大学生契约精神培育的主要阵地,具有思想引领、制度保障、文化浸润的教育功能。家庭作为社会的基本单位,对大学生具有目标引导、行为参与、价值塑造的教育功能。充分发挥"家—校"育人协同联动机制,家庭育人与高校育人的优势互补,形成培育力量的整合,是大学生契约精神培育的有效途径。  相似文献   
Contract cheating is currently a concern for universities and the higher education (HE) sector. It has been brought into the spotlight in recent years through the growth of online essay mills, where students can easily commission and purchase written assessment responses. This study contributes to the wider literature on academic integrity in HE by examining the phenomenon of contract cheating from a supply‐side perspective, thereby considering the essay mill offering and student interaction with it. The authors covertly engage with five essay mills, before successfully completing an assignment purchase with two of these providers. The pre‐purchase stage of an assignment transaction is first examined, unpacking ten reassurance cues used by essay mill providers in the text of their websites. These reassurance cues help to ensure the attractiveness of the essay mill product to potential student consumers. The analysis then moves to explore the ethical discourses around academic integrity that essay mills provide, revealing inconsistencies in their stance towards the potential for academic misconduct from the use of essay mill services. Finally, the article explores the quality of the essay mill product, through grading and Turnitin® reports for the two purchased essay mill assignments. Following recent calls for the outlawing of essay mills, this article provides a timely addition to current understanding of this phenomenon, and the associated challenges of contract cheating in HE.  相似文献   
借鉴求线性矩阵方程组同类约束解的MCG算法(修正共轭梯度法),建立了求多个未知矩阵的线性矩阵方程组的一种异类约束解的MCG1-3-5算法,证明了该算法的收敛性。该算法不仅可以判断矩阵方程组的异类约束解是否存在,而且在有异类约束解,且不考虑舍入误差时,可在有限步计算后求得矩阵方程组的一组异类约束解;选取特殊初始矩阵时,求得矩阵方程组的极小范数异类约束解。同时还能求取指定矩阵在该矩阵方程组异类约束解集合中的最佳逼近。算例表明,该算法有效。  相似文献   
我国公立中小学教师临聘制存在自我履约机制困境、缺乏第三方依赖和缺少纵向一体化等问题。基于经济学中的不完全契约理论,笔者提出应对之策在于发挥“教师是基础、学校是保障”的自我履约机制;健全“完善法律设计,规范聘任程序”的第三方实施机制;实施“政府营造环境,学校规范执行”的纵向一体化机制,从而保证公立中小学临聘制教师有效管理与培养。  相似文献   
宗胜亮  柴国荣  刘佩 《软科学》2012,26(12):14-17
在考虑制造链中一个制造商和多个供应商的努力水平下,构建其合作研发的一般契约和利益共享契约模型。结果表明,在一般契约中转移支付价格与供应商努力水平和制造商成本系数呈正相关,与制造商努力水平、供应商成本系数和供应商数量呈负相关;在利益共享契约中转移支付价格与制造商分配比例和供应商努力水平呈正相关,而与制造商努力水平呈负相关。最后得出在合理的利益分配区间内共享契约是较优选择的结论。  相似文献   
长期以来,合同能源管理研究主要在节能服务产业发展的状况、障碍等方面,对合同能源管理的模式研究较少,而合同能源管理模式研究关注的正是合同能源管理项目执行的优化选择.主要对国外主要合同能源管理模式及比较研究等方面的现有研究进行了分析,并提出我国促进合同能源管理的相关建议.  相似文献   
基于公平偏好理论的激励机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
传统经济学的理性人假设在许多情况下与现实不符,行为人并非单纯追求自身利益的最大化,而是还会关注收益的公平性.本文研究引入行为经济学中行为人具有公平偏好的研究结论,运用心理规律弱化理性假设,改进并构建新的委托-代理模型,研究代理人关注物质效用和公平分配情况下的最优激励契约和激励效率.模型分析结果表明,公平偏好会改变最优契约的报酬结构形式,影响激励的效率;在公平条件下建立的新互惠契约是一种帕累托改进,并且是激励、保险、公平三者之间相互平衡的契约.  相似文献   
Theoretical, empirical and anecdotal evidence suggests that there are more violations of sustainability principles in supply chains in developing countries than in developed countries. Recent research has demonstrated that blockchain can play an important role in promoting supply chain sustainability. In this paper we argue that blockchain’s characteristics are especially important for enforcing sustainability standards in developing countries. We analyze multiple case studies of blockchain projects implemented in supply chains in developing countries to assess product quality, environmental accounting and social impact measurement. We have developed seven propositions, which describe how blockchain can help address a number of challenges various stakeholders face in promoting sustainable supply chains in developing countries. The challenges that the propositions deal with include those associated with an unfavorable institutional environment, high costs, technological limitations, unequal power distribution among supply chain partners and porosity and opacity of value delivery networks.  相似文献   
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