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人工智能时代的课堂教学革新要更加重视完整理解"学习"的含义,确保通过课堂教学促使学习完整地发生,教师要做好选择、组织和整合这三项工作.要理直气壮地提出"学教统一",调动师生两个方面的积极性.教学的空间和时间会有较大的变化,将更加适合学生个性化和差异化发展的需要.课程内容也将实现翻转,在学习任务的类别上,要重视"为什么"...  相似文献   
本文主要从功能性,与自然环境相协调,参与性,生态意识,现代艺术形态对园林的影响,文化和艺术是园林的承载品位六个方面探讨园林设计中的手法和理念、内涵,强调当代景观与艺术、科学的完美结合,并实现其功能的多元化.  相似文献   
本文阐述了项目风险管理的重要性,分析了风险管理各过程之间的联系,提出了在项目风险管理过程中应给予高度重视的五个问题,总结出了项目风险管理的整体构架.以此构架为基础,再结合软件项目自身特点,把风险管理的方法切实应用到软件项目中,提出了阻碍软件项目风险管理有效实施的几个方面,讨论了软件项目的风险管理过程和在该过程中风险管理技术及工具的选择和应用,总结了软件项目风险及风险应对策略.  相似文献   
以我国草根组织中的典型组织——跑团为例,分析了我国跑团兴起的主要原因,发展过程中存在的问题:跑团内部机制不健全,治理方式滞后;缺乏稳定的社会资源;政府职能部门引导、扶持不力;相关的规章制度、法律不够完善;较难获得合法身份致使发展受阻,缺少主管单位监督和行业自律;跑团存在多种安全隐患;对于各种跑团社交软件及社交平台的管理不够。据此提出了对策:对跑团进行分级分类管理,充分发挥中国田协的指导与监督作用,政府部门不断完善跑步公共服务体系,加强跑团制度建设与规范管理,健全安全健康监管保障体系。  相似文献   
《Sport Management Review》2019,22(5):694-707
Despite the known benefits of volunteering–such as helping others, contributing to community and the development of skills–individuals with a disability are underrepresented in volunteering roles. In this research, the authors examine the benefits and barriers to including volunteers with a disability in three Australian sport and recreation organisations, as well as the potential human resource management implications. The authors take a multi-level perspective and draw on interviews with sport volunteers with a disability, staff from sport organisations, and recipients of services from volunteers with a disability conducted in 2016–2017. Researchers have not previously examined these diverse perspectives, but they are important for understanding how to include and support sport volunteers with a disability. Analysis of the interviews revealed a wide range of benefits of including volunteers with a disability including social acceptance, social inclusion and personal development; but both volunteers and organisations identified numerous barriers to volunteering, including negative attitudes, personal factors, organisational factors and lack of social inclusion. Based on the results of this study, the authors develop recommendations for human resource management practices and policies to support volunteers with a disability in sport and recreation organisations, which are organised around an ability-motivation-opportunity framework. The results suggest that organisations need to create an environment that facilitates open, two-way communication with volunteers with a disability about their needs and wants. There also should be training and education to all volunteers and staff around an inclusive workplace culture.  相似文献   
Given sport has been largely absent from U.S. public health policies and discourse, the author suggests ways that sport can be better managed to promote health. Using a critical perspective and grounded theory approach, the author examined the experiences of 14 men in the grassroots recreational program, F3. Data were collected through observation and semi-structured interviews. Based on the results, a conceptual model that suggests how sport should be managed to address illnesses related to physical inactivity is put forth. The resulting Sport as Medicine model indicates that Creating a Team Structure, Providing a Place to Be Accountable, and Ensuring No One is Left Out, led to meaningful Health Outcomes, including Physical Health, Mental Toughness, and Social Connections. As the distinctiveness of sport continues to emerge, the author provides a framework to consider how sport can be part of public health efforts to address physical inactivity. Thus, this work positions sport as medicine by pinpointing how sport can be managed so that holistic health outcomes are more likely achieved.  相似文献   
随着休闲经济的兴起,运动休闲理念和诸多休闲运动项目也被传播到中国,徒步运动以其健身性、自然性和冒险性的特点,深受世界人民喜爱,今年来已在中国大地慢慢流行开来。与西方国家相比,中国的步道拥有量少得可怜,急需建设大量步道以满足日益增长的徒步爱好者的需求,同时,步道规划、建设、管理成为运动休闲管理的新课题。西方国家的步道管理已有逾百年的经验,其核心要点就是,步道依自然条件而建,尽量突出其自然、野外的特点,尽量减少人工土木的痕迹;在管理上应突出健康性、公益性、环保性的特点;要重视步道建设、管理对运动休闲产业的拉动作用。  相似文献   
[目的/意义]阐述图书情报与档案管理一级学科面临的机遇,探讨学科和专业发展路径。[方法/过程]从新文科建设出发,将新图情档看作一个系统,分析外部环境对系统的影响,具体从高等教育、技术、行业、文化四个维度进行分析。[结果/结论]新文科建设对于图书情报与档案管理一级学科既是机遇也是挑战。在新文科建设背景下进行新图情档建设,全力打造创新式教育,通过技术赋能形成技术人文一体式教育,面向行业和社会需求,突出中国特色。  相似文献   
科学数据共享FAIR原则:背景、内容及实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的/意义]FAIR原则已经成为科学数据管理的国际准则,研究该原则的理念内涵将有助于我国科学数据管理工作的布局与实践。[方法/过程]基于文献调研和网络调研,首先从时代特性角度分析了FAIR原则的产生背景;然后透过关键语词详细解析了可发现、可访问、可互操作、可重用4项子原则的具体内容;最后从学术会议、研究成果、科学计划、数据出版四个方面介绍了FAIR原则的研究与实践进展。[结果/结论]文章认为,数据资源持续积累、科学研究范式变革、数据共享全球行动为FAIR原则产生奠定了背景,4项子原则及其15条具体原则层层递进,共同描绘了FAIR体系。未来的科学数据共享系统将朝着融合化、智能化、生态化方向发展。  相似文献   
从人力资源管理的内涵出发,分析了我国中小企业人力资源管理的现状及存在的问题,并针对存在的问题,从企业角度提出更新观念、制定合理的长期规划、重视员工的技能培训等一系列可行性的建议与对策.  相似文献   
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