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高等数学能提供大量的不等式和等式,利用它来证明初等不等式,可使证明过程更简便.  相似文献   
“初等几何研究”课程改革与实践   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着数学教育的深入发展,高师数学教育课程的势在必行。“初等几何研究”课程的教学大纲需要重新制订,其课程体系和教学内容也需要大幅度调整,特别是将原来的“初等几何研究”课程和“高等几何”课程合并成为一门课程,并将该课程的教学目的从初等几何“研究”转到初等几何教学素质的培养上来。与此同时,编写中的教材《初等几何教学基础》也必须突出与数学教育改革思路相适应的特色。  相似文献   
进入21世纪,高职教育受到前所未有的重视。然而,作为一种新型的教育制度,它的教育理念、培养模式尚未最终形成。要发展高职教育,处理高职教育中的一系列问题,必须首先处理好四个方面的关系。  相似文献   
本文以就教师继续教育对我国基础教育改革的重要作用为切入点,就基础教育师资队伍的现状,深层次地剖析了教师继续教育工作中出现的问题,预测了21世纪我国教师继续教育的发展趋势,并对如府建立2l世纪我国教师继续教育质量保障体系进行了有益的探讨。  相似文献   
21世纪的教育,是以人为本的教育,是主体性、发展性教育,这也是基础教育所确立的新基础教育价值取向。用以新基础教育价值取向为核心而形成的新的教育质量观、学生观、人才观及评价观来指导教育实践,必将会减轻学生的学习负担。  相似文献   
MM教育方式与当代数学教育   总被引:2,自引:7,他引:2  
20世纪80年代至21世纪初,对数学教育改革和研究,这大浪淘沙式的严酷条件下,“MM教育方式”几乎是唯一存活下来,而且还在发展的一种教改方案.MM教育方式对当代数学教育的启示是:不能眼睛向外,看不到我们在数学教育方面的长处;要防止去“数学化”的倾向;要将数学教育理论研究与数学实践相结合.  相似文献   
中小学当前推行的新课程正在引起基础教育领域的一系列革命。在这场革命浪潮面前,作为中小学决策者的校长,如何引发广大师生生命激情与智慧的进发,推动素质教育高水平的实施,确实关系着这场革命的成败。本文试从基础教育学校管理的层面分析,认为中小学校长推行新课程的策略应该是:以人为本,依靠教师,支持教师建功立业,关注学生,帮助学生搭建成功的舞台,促进人(学生和教师)的全面发展。  相似文献   
The common exams that have been administered in elementary school since 2007-2008 academic year are inter-classes mid-term evaluations. With these exams, measuring the teachers' performance as well as revealing the differences among the classes are aimed at. Therefore, evaluating these exams in terms of teachers' opinions is essentially important to realize the aim mentioned above. This study aims to get the teachers' considerations on common exams, if any, to determine the problems and their solutions related with common exams. Case study, one of the qualitative research methods, has been used in this research. The research group is consisted of 60 teachers working in a variety of elementary schools in Ankara province in 2009-2010 academic year. The interview form, prepared by the researcher, was administered to elementary school teachers in research group. The interview form was structured to explore teachers' views on common exams by using five questions. The content analysis was used in order to analyze, sort and quantify the written and verbal data. At the end of the study, it is stated that according to the teachers, the purpose of the common exams is to state the level of classes and the cooperation between classes and to determine whether the objectives of the courses has been achieved. It is concluded difficulties in giving lectures synchronously in school, non-existence of cooperation between teachers and having difficulties during the preparation of the exam questions are the main problems, which teachers faced with. Teachers participated in the interviews emphasized the advantages of the common exams rather than disadvantages of it.  相似文献   
在艺术设计教学中,存在着专业基础课与专业设计课脱节、重技能轻创意等问题。这种情况,已明显不符合整个设计教学和时代的要求。面对当前设计专业知识更新之快,要培养与时俱进的设计师,就必须改革专业基础课教学,重视学生创新思维的开发。  相似文献   
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