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《最后的堡垒》由"辍学"这一表象反观市场经济体制下教育供给与需求之间日益激化的矛盾,在展示教育收费为核心的教育产业化进程时,以批判和实证的书写方式,深刻地揭示出改革现行教育体制——即攻克计划经济的最后一个堡垒时,所呈现的各种矛盾、冲突、焦虑与困惑。论文中所体现出来的作者的书写倾向和价值立场,与报告文学一以贯之的文化批判性、非虚构性和跨文体性等基本规范一脉相承,它决定了作者叙述的全部基调,即对现象的直击式书写、对问题的批判性反省、对人物悲境的同情以及对国家与民族命运的深广忧思。  相似文献   
For adolescents new to the United States, the experience of war and acculturative stressors may play complex roles during early stages of adjustment to a new culture and country. The overall purpose of this study was to deepen understanding of the experiences of adolescents who are new to the United States, also called “newcomers”, through the examination of pre-migration war exposure and post-migration acculturative stressors as predictors of psychosocial adjustment and academic achievement. The study sample included newcomer immigrant and refugee youth (N = 184) with an average of 3.5 years in the United States. Triangulated data were collected from youth, teachers, and official school records. Results indicated that the participants who were exposed to war (N = 57) experienced more self-reported and teacher-reported anxiety, more self-reported conduct problems, and had lower academic achievement than participants who had not been exposed to war. Acculturative stressors also predicted more self-reported anxiety, conduct problems, and lower academic achievement, but only for those adolescents without war exposure, suggesting that exposure to traumatic events like war may change newcomer adolescents’ response to acculturative stressors. This may be related to the development of coping or growth that follows after trauma, which enable youth to navigate other life challenges. Understanding potential risk and resilience associated with war exposure among newly arrived students can assist clinicians, educators, and researchers in creating solutions to difficulties in psychosocial adjustment and academic performance.  相似文献   
研究目的:观察间歇性低氧暴露适应过程中,人体甲襞微循环的时序性变化及探讨可能机制.研究方法:7名足球专业学生,每天在低氧室(O2%:15.4%,CO2%〈5 000 ppm,温度23±3℃,湿度63±5%)内休息10 h,每周7 d,共4周.分别测试常氧常压、急性低氧暴露、低氧2周、4周后安静时和定量运动负荷后甲襞微循环的变化.结果表明:急性低氧暴露后,甲襞微环出现明显的代偿性变化;从甲襞微循环流态积分、总积分时序性变化的角度来看,间歇性低氧暴露4周的效果要优于间歇性低氧暴露2周.  相似文献   
叶鸣 《北京体育大学学报》2005,28(12):1641-1643
通过对急性运动大鼠红细胞2,3-二磷酸甘油酸、血气等指标进行测试,研究间歇性低氧暴露提高有氧代谢能力的可能机理.结果表明:HS、HT组红细胞2,3-DPG均明显升高,呈非常显著性差异(P<0.01);HS组动脉-静脉血氧饱和度差值及动脉-静脉血氧含量差值均升高,具有显著性差异;HT组动脉-静脉血氧饱和度差值及动脉-静脉血氧含量差值均明显增加,具有非常显著性差异(P<0.01).说明:间歇性低氧暴露可通过增加红细胞2,3-DPG提高向组织释放氧气的能力;间歇性低氧暴露可提高组织对氧的利用率,通过增加组织摄取、利用氧的能力来提高有氧代谢能力.  相似文献   
开展武钢生产的X65管线钢在琼海、江津、青岛5年大气暴露腐蚀试验,得到了X65管线钢在三地的大气腐蚀速率的数据,实验结果表明试验钢在琼海站耐蚀性最好,江津站次之,青岛站最差。分析环境因素得出影响材料耐腐蚀性能的关键因素是SO2沉积率、H2S含量和SO2-4含量。通过数据回归拟合,得出X65管线钢在三个实验站的腐蚀规律均符合公式D=A·tn。  相似文献   
《Child abuse & neglect》2014,38(12):1934-1944
Children exposed to intimate partner violence (IPV) are at increased risk of experiencing behavioral difficulties including externalizing and internalizing problems. While there is mounting evidence about mental health problems in children exposed to IPV, most of the research to date focuses on IPV exposure as a unitary, homogeneous construct. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between subtypes of IPV exposure on child functioning and presence of harm within a child welfare sample. Given the evidence of the “double whammy” effect, co-occurring IPV exposure was also examined. Using data from the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect – 2008 (n = 2,184) we examined whether specific IPV exposure subtypes or their co-occurrence resulted in a greater risk of child maladjustment. Information was obtained from child welfare workers’ reports. Caregiver and household risk factors were also examined. Co-occurring IPV exposure resulted in the greatest risk for reported child maladjustment. Exposure to emotional IPV and direct physical IPV were significantly associated with increased risk of internalizing problems and presence of harm. Caregiver mental health and lack of social support emerged as significant risk factors for behavior problems. This study adds to the evidence that exposure to subtypes of IPV may be differentially related to child functioning. Given that risk factors and child functioning is part of the decision-making framework for case worker referrals, this study provides important preliminary evidence about how the child welfare system operates in practice with respect to sub-types of exposure to IPV. These findings suggest that intervening with children exposed to different types of IPV may require a tailored approach.  相似文献   
Childhood sexual abuse (CSA) is relatively common and is associated with a multitude of negative outcomes in adulthood, including posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and lower marital satisfaction. However, CSA has been understudied in military samples. The purpose of the present study was to examine the relative contributions of CSA and combat exposure to PTSD and marital satisfaction. Two hundred eighteen National Guard/Reserve veterans who deployed overseas between 2001 and 2008 completed self-report measures of CSA, marital satisfaction, combat exposure, and PTSD symptom severity. Data were analyzed using linear regression and path analysis to evaluate a comprehensive model including all variables. CSA accounted for unique variance in PTSD symptom severity independent of combat exposure. CSA also had a negative direct association with marital satisfaction, independent of combat exposure and PTSD symptom severity. In contrast, combat exposure had only a negative indirect association with marital satisfaction via PTSD when all variables were examined simultaneously. CSA accounted for unique variance in both PTSD symptom severity and marital satisfaction in this sample of combat veterans. Clinically, results suggest that assessment and treatment of CSA is indicated for military veterans suffering from PTSD. Further, treatment of CSA may improve marital satisfaction, which may positively affect psychological functioning in the veteran.  相似文献   
在我国,赛事收入的最主要来源是赞助收入。赞助商广告牌的曝光参数(时间、频次、位置)是评估赞助价值的主要依据。在体育赛事中由于赞助广告牌是作为背景广告出现的,所以,目前国内外通用的赞助价值评估方法是基于背景广告曝光率的计算方法,通过人工观察进行测算,其不足之处在于费时、费力,易出差错。以体育赛事背景广告曝光参数测算为主要研究对象,主要目的在于改进人工测算的不足,在对软件设计原理及需求做详细分析的基础上,通过文献资料法、访谈法、系统分析法、程序语言设计等方法探讨如何设计与开发体育赛事背景广告曝光参数测算软件,其中软件主要实现了赛事背景广告曝光参数测定,赛事转播机位测定及测算结果查询导出的功能,安装与运行环境简单,操作方便,通过对中超赛事的测试,证实软件测算较以往人工测试快捷、准确、自动化程度高,效果良好。从理论和实践上证明体育赛事背景广告曝光参数测算软件的设计与开发具有一定的意义,是一种背景广告曝光参数测定的有效工具。  相似文献   
怒江州广播电视极低的覆盖率和不稳定的信号,使大众传播处于"传而不达"的状况,同时语言瓶颈使得大众传播不但"不达"且"不通"。但电视广播依然还是民众最常接触的媒介,少部分民众已经意识到大众传媒的力量,并且积极地在寻求运用这种力量的方法。  相似文献   
标志性体育赛事传播力问题变得日益重要,论文借鉴媒体传播力的评价指标建构标准,结合标志性体育赛事的特征,从公众认知度、媒体曝光度、网络关注度以及城市形象引导度四个维度建构了标志性体育赛事传播力评价指标体系,并以"武网"为典型案例,借助问卷调查和网络大数据分析相结合的方式,对标志性体育赛事的传播力现状做了测量。研究发现:"武网"的公众认知度、媒体曝光度、网络关注度以及城市形象引导度都比较高;尤其在引导受众了解、评价和向往武汉方面效果明显;但动态地看,"武网"的赛事传播力则有逐年下降的趋势;此外,从地域分布来看,"武网"的赛事传播力辐射范围仍以武汉和湖北为主,兼顾东南沿海等发达地区,在全国范围内的影响仍显不足。论文建议通过强化政策的连续性、实施精准营销、提升赛事新闻价值等途径,保持社会热度、改善用户体验、增加曝光几率,以解决"武网"赛事传播力在空间上的延伸和时间上的持续问题。  相似文献   
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