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目的:基于自行车运动员的训练负荷实证评价,探讨竞速运动项目训练负荷主观感知疲劳评价(session rating of perceived exertion,SRPE)的有效性,并证明训练因素[心率(HR)、训练压力分数(TSS)、训练刺激量(TRIMP)、代谢当量(MET)、能量消耗(EE)]与非训练因素(自感疲劳、压力等级、睡眠质量、肌肉酸痛、训练积极性)对训练负荷量(SRPETL)的影响作用。方法:10名优秀职业自行车运动员(均为男性),测试开始前1周均未进行过大强度运动。运用SRPE、心率计(Garmin佳明HRM-tri)、码表(Garmin佳明edge 200)、身心恢复测试量表等对42天的高原训练负荷进行测试。内部负荷采用SRPE-TL、ETRIMP、ETRIMP、%HRmax表示,外部负荷采用TSS、MET、EE表示。结果:平均每周的SRPE-TL为5 300±1 512 AU。训练单调性(TM)为2.22±0.81 AU,训练应激(TS)为12 766±1 334 AU。SRPE-TL与各测试指标之间具有显著相关性(r=0.58~0.81)。逐步多元回归分析结果表明ETRIMP、TSS、自感疲劳、肌肉酸痛和压力等级可以解释SRPE-TL 71.8%的变异程度(Y=453.12+2.99 ETRIMP+1.20 TSS-114.81自感疲劳-111.30肌肉酸痛+85.81压力等级)。结论:SRPE是评价竞速项目训练负荷的一种有效手段,并且SRPETL是一个全域性指标,且训练因素与非训练因素均对运动员感知疲劳有影响作用。  相似文献   
以社会控制理论的方法探析先秦射礼的社会治理行为,认为:基于权威关系、核心利益以及情感号召基础上的强制、交换、动员等社会控制要素,在从大射仪到乡射礼的社会治理路径上存在着不同的分配与行使机制。"君与"的大射仪通过意识形态的施压、推行"知识体系"和树立"模范"标杆为强制手段,以"身份"和"资本"交换贵族的"中"与"忠",结合内在动机的激励式动员,达成了表彰"国家意志"的准集权式强制型治理形态;而"君不与"后的乡射礼则是立足政策规范,以"兴贤能"的号召、塑造"社会背景"以及引导自我操控等动员形式为举措,辅之以"禄仕"和"射义"作为民众"道德"与"君子"的回馈而实现的体现"地方行动"的分权式动员型治理风格。从"国家意志"到"地方行动",先秦射礼践行了一种准集权式的强制型与分权式的动员型治理共生共存的社会治理模式。  相似文献   
2019-2020年之交,我国暴发新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情(下文简称“新冠肺炎疫情”)。新冠肺炎疫情给国家各项事业的正常运行带来了严峻挑战,为打赢这场新冠肺炎疫情攻坚战,全国科技工作者纷纷从各自不同的领域为疫情防控贡献着自己的力量。体育事业作为国民事业的重要组成部分,如何积极应对新冠肺炎疫情给各项体育事业带来的冲击,深刻思考新冠肺炎疫情背景下各项体育事业的发展路径,是体育事业健康发展的必然诉求,也是体育科技工作的应然使命。学者当以天下苍生为己任,为国家出谋,为社会担当,为人民谋福。体育学术期刊亦须做好学术担当,肩负起应有的使命与责任,传播体育科技工作者针对此次疫情所开展的社会服务和智慧贡献,探究体育事业逆疫发展之道。为此,《体育学研究》编辑部从开展征稿活动的50余篇来稿中,聚焦群众体育、竞技体育和体育产业等领域,对钟秉枢、黄志剑、王凯、车冰清、宋昱等体育专家及青年学者的观点和思考进行集成,形成了《困境与应对:聚焦新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情对体育事业的影响》一文。以期为疫情的科学防控和推动体育事业健康发展提供理论和实践参考。  相似文献   
以法治为理论视角,采用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法,分析了民间体育组织治理的困境,提出了应对策略。存在困境是:法治建设、法治思维与法治模式滞后于民间体育组织治理的实践与探索。主要对策是:健全相关法律保障体系;培养和强化法治思维;创新法治方式与模式。  相似文献   
中国宪政陷入困境的一个主要原因是:我们对于宪政理念的整体把握乏力,对于西方党政的历史及其意义缺乏足够了解和体悟。经过对作为范本的西方宪政进行文化的历史考察,可以认为,保障人权、限制国家权力、政治容纳性、自由、民主和法治,是西方宪政发展历程中形成的历史品格。西方宪政的历史道路给我们的启示是:宪政需要一定的社会、经济、文化条件;根植于不同文化土壤的宪政,可以具备不同的形式、价值内涵和国家政治形式;缺乏法治和权利文化资源的中国,需要寻找一个更高层次的价值,以统摄文化交融时代的宪政理论和实践。  相似文献   
Britain’s exit from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism in 1992 and the Second Iraq War in 2003 are two infamous examples of disastrous policy, but governments blunder all the time – whatever party is in power. Infrastructure projects overrun. The aims and techniques of different departments clash. Scandals erupt among officials and politicians. Controversies stymie attempts at agreement and consensus. But why exactly do these failures happen? Are they more or less widespread than in the private sector? And can studying British governments’ decision-making across the twentieth century improve it in the future? In his May 2018 inaugural lecture, Professor O'Hara recommended a slow, deliberative, transparent, democratic and above all humble and sensitive approach in order to avoid another Black Wednesday or ruinous war – an approach in contrast to the populist tone of much recent debate.  相似文献   
The progressively global, neoliberal, privatised, and digital education environment poses new methodological challenges for educational researchers, prompting a need to innovate. It has been suggested, however, that better commentary and reflection on methodological innovation in education is required. This paper considers the benefits and challenges associated with the use of network ethnography, one methodological approach that has emerged to address new social complexities. We explain the rationale for, and process of, this methodology through reference to an illustrative case: a network ethnography of the outsourcing of Health and Physical Education (HPE) curricular work to external providers. In doing this we map and critique three interrelated activities (i.e. Internet searches, interviews, and network diagram construction) that constituted our network ethnography. The discussion turns to how network ethnography allowed us to access new knowledge about the outsourcing of HPE curricular work to external providers by, for example, facilitating us in asking different questions, and foregrounding various stakeholders, networks and relationships that we may not have discovered had we relied on other approaches. This illustrative case demonstrates the capacity of network ethnography to generate rich data and offers a provocation for educational researchers to consider expanding their methodological repertoire.  相似文献   
Wrist movements have been identified as an important factor in producing a successful golf swing, with their complex motion influencing both club head velocity and orientation. However, a detailed analysis of wrist angles is lacking in the literature. The purpose of this study was to determine kinematics across wrists and club head characteristics during the golf swing under weak, neutral and strong grip conditions. Twelve professional male golfers executed 24 shots using a driver under three grip conditions. A six degrees of freedom analysis of the hand with respect to the distal forearm was performed using a 10-camera three-dimensional motion capture system. Differences in joint angles were explored using repeated measures ANOVAs at key swing events (onset, top of backswing and impact), in addition club head velocity and clubface angle at impact were also explored. Main findings revealed significant differences in flexion/extension and internal/external rotation for both wrists at all swing events, whereas fewer significant interactions were found in ulnar/radial deviation across grips for both wrists at all events. Clubface angle only differed significantly between the weak and the strong and neural grips, presenting a more ‘open’ clubface to the intended hitting direction. This study is the first to explore tri-planar wrist movement and the effect of different grips, such analysis has implications for coaching knowledge and practice and should inform future research into different aspects of skill, technique analysis and may inform injury mechanisms/prevention.  相似文献   
为备战2010年温哥华冬奥会,加拿大联邦政府设计了“登上领奖台”战略,委托OTP组织负责财政援助的划拨和绩效管理。OTP组织采用“决策层—执行层”的双层治理架构,以“奖牌至上”为原则,创建了由“项目文化”“以往成绩”“夺牌潜力”“领先优势的可持续性”4个一级指标的协会分层分类资助制度,邀请国家奥委会和残奥委、国家运动项目协会、体育科研院所等利益相关者组成协同治理网络。通过梳理加拿大治理经验,建议我国当前的备战2022年北京冬奥工作,应重视“一臂之距”理念,明确政府在冬奥备战中的职责;尊重专业自治准则,锻炼社会力量成为竞技体育治理主体;改进绩效管理模式,优化冬奥备战财政资金的申请和使用程序;重视科学创新,促进体育智库组织网络化。  相似文献   
公众参与档案资源建设既是新时代社会治理赋予的必然权利,也是公众参与社会治理的实践表征.界定社会治理视域下公众参与档案资源建设的概念内涵,厘清三者之间的互动关系,归纳总结国内外公众参与档案资源建设的既有模式,对于明确当下公众参与现状和面临的困境并针对性地提出对策具有先导意义,进而有效凸显社会治理中的公众角色和档案力量.  相似文献   
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