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当代小说创作的表面繁荣主要体现在数量的庞大上,但在质量方面却很难产生经典名著。仅以路遥的《人生》、刘庆邦的《到城里去》、欧阳黔森的《白多黑少》三部中篇获奖小说为例,其间悖情悖理的虚假失真之处俯拾皆是,大有滥用“戏不够,神仙凑”之胡编乱造的拙劣平庸手法之嫌。从个人方面来说,古典文化功底浅薄限定了往高精尖处发展的空间,在作品中便裸露出捉襟见肘之窘和山穷水尽之憾。从社会因素衡定,则与转型期所普遍存在的浮躁心态挚密相关。急功近利,多写快出,是假冒伪劣顽疾在小说创作领域的真实体现,致使作品情节虚假问题变成了一种习以为常、司空见惯的集体无意识。此项流弊应及早引起文学界领导层和作家们自身的高度重视和认真反思,以便对症下药,制订出切实可行的改革措施,呼唤并敦促新时期文学巨人的早日脱颖而出。  相似文献   
阐述了惠斯登电桥电路的特点,利用戴维南定理推导了电桥的平衡条件,介绍了惠斯登电桥平衡时的两种处理方法,最后用典型实例说明了惠斯登平衡电桥在电路分析中的应用。  相似文献   
利用数学是常识的精微化指导数学教与学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
数学是常识的精微化,在数学教学中利用这一特征可为学生数学知识的建构搭建“脚手架”的两种策略为:(1)根据任务回归,溯源的普通常识搭建“脚手架”,(2)通过创设利于增加“个人体验”的场景搭建“脚手架”。  相似文献   
宛梆花腔的艺术特色来源于它特有的机能状态。传统的花腔唱法蕴含着宝贵的经验,也存在理论的误区。花腔训练要纳入现代声乐技法的范畴,步入声乐科学的新境地。  相似文献   
This article draws attention to the growing evidence of a mismatch between sociological categorization and actors' worlds of meaning as expressed in the classroom. The mismatch is especially blatant in cases where students from disadvantaged groups are introduced to what educators and theorists presume to be the liberating discourse of multicultural education. Nurtured by recent developments in the sociology of culture, the article sheds light on this phenomenon by delving into the logic of the actors' own worlds of meaning while making a concerted effort to avoid directing prepackaged allegations of ‘false consciousness‘ at informants. The article delves into the mismatch by reviewing multicultural education sites in two national contexts, the United States and Israel. Its findings from a unique high school in Jerusalem invite researchers to explore new avenues for understanding cultural encounters at school in view of the growing multicultural reality.  相似文献   
虚假信息是影响网络正常秩序、危害网络文化安全的主要因素之一。要防范网络虚假信息,应进一步完善有关法律法规,加强网络媒体的内部管理,对出现影响恶劣的虚假信息的网站及相关责任人加大处罚力度;注重员工培训,提高员工抵制虚假新闻的意识和水平,并积极利用社会力量对虚假信息进行监督举报。同时,网民应加强道德建设,提高自身传媒素养。  相似文献   
语言之间存在不对应性是很自然的现象。翻译的目标不是字面上的对应。汉英互译过程中,真正需要转换的对象不是语言单位预先规定的意义,或曰孤立静止的词典释义,而是上下文语境中的变通意义。  相似文献   
渡边淳一的《失乐园》传达出与众不同的情爱观念,即对于极致爱的推崇。对于人生的求解,一直是一个永恒而深刻的话题。男女主人公企图用所谓极致爱来支撑自己的人生,但是,这种爱只限于肉体本能,根本无助于解决人们的精神困境,这样的人生求解注定是虚妄的。  相似文献   
"新闻"一词,在《红楼梦》中出现达十多次。在曹雪芹的字典里,"新闻"既是客观存在的事实,又具有一定的时效性。曹雪芹笔下的新闻,多为有趣味的市井新闻和奇闻逸事,它们属于社会新闻的范畴。在曹雪芹的观念里,一反常态的、新颖奇特的、不同寻常的事物,就是新闻。对待制造假新闻的人,曹雪芹坚决予以批判。  相似文献   
Propensity score matching (PSM) has become a popular approach for research studies when randomization is infeasible. However, there are significant differences in the effectiveness of selection bias reduction among the existing PSM methods and, therefore, it is challenging for researchers to select an appropriate matching method. This current study compares four commonly used PSM methods for reducing selection bias on observational data from which the treatment effects are intended to be assessed. The selection bias, standardized bias and percent bias reduction are evaluated for each of the PSM methods using empirical data drawn from the national Education Longitudinal Study of 2002. The results of the current study provide empirical evidence and helpful information for researchers to select effective PSM methods for their research studies.  相似文献   
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