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The essay analyses the history of geopolitical conceptualizations of Asia a century ago, found in the texts of Japanese Okakura Tenshin, Indian Rabindranath Tagore, and Chinese Sun Yatsen. They are not only classics in formulating new meanings for Asia, but they are also relevant nowadays in the light of contemporary attempts to advance Asian cooperation. During both periods, a crucial aspect of the discussion was conceptual: what to include and what to exclude from Asia, and on what grounds. In their own time all three authors appeared as innovative ideologists, who rhetorically redescribed the concept of Asia. That was necessary, because the whole geopolitical construction named Asia had thus far been dominated by European civilizational discourse, where Asia was seen as an aggregate of everything geographic, racial, and cultural that did not fit within Europe. It was a residual category, not containing anything that would make Asia into a common entity, except its essentialized non‐Europeanness. Culture, in the sense of the existence of a high civilization different from the dominating European one, became the central concept on which the three authors began to build a new understanding of Asian commonality. Because they were early pioneers, they often had to proceed metaphorically, using imaginative leaps of thought to fill the empty places necessarily appearing in such a new endeavour. Occasionally they also run into conceptual problems, which are as interesting as their usually quoted slogans. The problems were caused by the fact that they were Western educated and had to base their thinking on Western concepts, while at the same time attempting to proceed with classical Buddhist and Confucian ideals. It is exactly these conceptual difficulties that are relevant nowadays, when there is again a need to create Asian commonalities, while Asian relations with the rest of the world make these common aspects relative and contextual.  相似文献   
自20世纪90年代初开始,蒙古国在对外经贸领域进行了大规模的战略调整,从原来的只依靠苏东阵营(主要是苏联)发展单一的计划经济向发展市场经济转变.蒙古国依靠自己独特的地缘条件和拥有丰富的战略资源优势积极地与中、俄及“第三邻国”开展经贸关系.对内发展市场经济、提高人民活水平、维护社会稳定;对外则以发展与各国的经贸关系为先导,推动与各国的全方位外交关系为重点,提升本国在东北亚地区的影响力.蒙古国的对外经贸发展战略由原来的单向依赖苏东集团走向了多边主义.经过十几年的调整与发展,蒙古国的多边主义经贸战略已经逐步形成,获得了来自国际社会巨大的经济援助和经济实惠,缓解了社会转型过程中的困难,为未来的经济社会发展和国民生活的改善奠定了坚实基础.  相似文献   
晋文化源远流长,内涵丰富,个性突出。如果我们把视角转向社会政治背景,就会发现,山西在中国古代社会政治生活中能够居于主导地位只限于北宋以前,并且也只显现于分裂、动荡时期,这是山西地缘政治的一个显著特征。其形成的决定性因素主要表现在四个方面,即表里山河、易守难攻的地理形势;人性劲悍、习于戎马的人文特点;兼容并蓄、博采众长的开放意识;审时度势、顺时应变的革新精神。  相似文献   
文章在总结2011年国际原油市场价格走势的基础上,分析了2012年影响国际石油市场形势的主要因素,认为2012年全球宏观经济形势仍将主导国际油价走势,地缘政治因素是价格变化的最不确定因素,而石油市场供需、市场投机行为以及美元汇率等也将在不同程度上影响油价的短期波动。结合对形势的判断和我们研发的模型,我们预测,如果全球经济继续维持当前的缓慢复苏状态,2012年国际油价将整体保持上涨趋势,全年平均油价为101.6美元/桶。但是,如果欧洲债务危机出现恶化,油价将可能回落至76美元附近;相反,伊朗问题等地缘政治事件升级将推动油价突破130美元/桶。  相似文献   
中印美三角关系在亚太政治格局中占据着独特而重要的地位,对中国的对外战略有着举足轻重的影响.本文在对中印美三角关系的历史演变及其特点进行分析的基础上,对新世纪影响中印美三角关系发展的关键因素进行了探讨.为更好地维护中国国家利益,在新世纪中国的战略选择中必须对中印美的三角关系予以高度重视.  相似文献   
从独立后直至冷战结束,柬埔寨国内局势持续动荡,政权频繁更迭,外交取向也在东西两大阵营中摇摆不定,这在很大程度上源于冷战时期柬埔寨独特的地缘政治。由于多股势力在东南亚地区的角逐,作为"地缘缓冲器"的柬埔寨成为各方争夺的焦点。越南战争、与邻国的领土纷争、地区结盟都成为影响柬埔寨内政外交和其人民命运的地缘政治变量,柬埔寨亦因此陷入了长期的动乱和战乱之中。  相似文献   

Russia’s (and the USSR’s) use of sports mega-events (SMEs) makes this BRICS country (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) not only an outlier among emerging states, but also among key SME hosts generally. Both the historic Moscow Olympics (1980) and the more recent hosting of the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics provide evidence that Russia has, on both occasions, focussed on geopolitical priorities using hard power (military might) at the expense of soft power acquisition. Furthermore, both Olympics were, first and foremost, used to pursue domestic soft power goals. This, again, makes Russia an outlier in terms of the political use of SMEs by states in the literature on this subject. The 1980 Olympic Games, therefore, in terms of their potential to generate soft power and national unity, turned out to be a mis-used opportunity for Russia. To what extent is this specific to Russia and could the first Russian Olympics provide valuable insight into the modern-day hosting of SMEs by Russia (2014/2018)?  相似文献   
地缘政治在“世界地理”课程教学中的安排   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国对外开放的不断深入及经济的迅猛发展,在"世界地理"课程教学中注入地缘政治的内容,有利于世界地理学科的发展和学生综合素质的提高。本文就地缘政治在"世界地理"课程的教育理念、教学目标、教学内容、板块设置、课时设置、教学方式和考核方式等方面进行了安排,以推进"世界地理"课程教学内容的创新,提高课程教学质量。  相似文献   
从地缘政治学的角度看,中亚始终具有很重要的地位。中亚一直是大国争端的集中地,而该地区丰富的自然资源储备,如石油,尤其是天然气,更是极大地吸引了外部世界,尤其是大国的注意力,使其成为全球能源政治的核心。能量地缘政治包含了一个将能量发射到能源丰富地区的综合方法,谁控制了该地区的能源资源,谁就能在心脏地带的中心发挥重大影响力。俄罗斯、中国、美国、欧盟、印度和其他国家都在为获取遥远的中亚地区的油气储备而展开激烈的斗争。  相似文献   
云南省以其毗邻越南的特殊地理位置,在中国援越抗美的过程中始终处于援助活动的前沿,在中国援越抗美史中占有重要的地位,并形成了其独特的面貌和特点。随着越战从特种战争、局部战争到战争"越南化"的逐步变化,云南也经历了战争初期的率先援助、战火重起时期的重点援助以及战争"越南化"和战争结束后的援助历程。  相似文献   
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