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裕固族民间故事《神箭手射雁》,貌似戏剧性的爱情故事,实则不然。借用格雷马斯的"语义方阵"分析法,不难发现:"惩恶扬善"是这则故事的核心主题,"善-恶"二元对立是其深层结构。这种对立在裕固族民间文学中十分突出,形成了裕固族民间文学"善-恶"对立的基本叙事结构。究其原因,既与裕固族长期信仰佛教相关,也与讲述人"以善为美"的审美理想紧密相连。为表达自己的审美理想、完成善-恶叙事,叙述者又不断借用巧合、对比等多种具体叙事技法。  相似文献   
在阅读和讲授文言文的过程中,人们常常会遇到一些注释问题与词汇难点。不疏通字词,便不能准确地理解原文。审文例是义训的重要手段,对于解释词义有着极为重要的作用。在中学文言文教学中恰当地运用审文例的方法,有助于我们探求词义,理解语义。  相似文献   
鉴于正义概念的宏大与复杂,确定平等原则为理解正义的理论坐标具有历史和理论逻辑上的合理性。不同历史时期的平等观着眼于不同的道德视角,在厘清此三个基本问题基础上的差异平等正义观改变了西方传统正义观的理想化状态和鸟托邦模式,具有道德理想上的合理性和社会实现的普遍方式及可能。  相似文献   
体育新课程标准和九年制义务教育体育教学大纲中都明确要求,培养学生体育运动的意识、技能和良好习惯,促进终身体育教育事业的发展.因此,体育教师在教学中,要努力提高自身修养,成为学生学习的榜样.同时,要重视学生的养成教育,培养学生体育运动意识,对学生进行良好运动习惯训练,注重心理素质的培养,促进终身体育素质的养成和全民体育事业发展.  相似文献   
The number of students studying for university qualifications through the medium of English and for whom English is not their first language has increased significantly in recent years. This, along with efforts to widen access to those under-represented in higher education, has brought into focus the question of what academics see as constituting a ‘good’ piece of student writing. In this small-scale pilot study, Thurstone’s method of paired comparisons was used to establish a scale for ranking six essays in terms of how favourably each was viewed by academic lecturers when compared with every other essay in the set. Kelly’s repertory grid technique was subsequently applied to interviews conducted with the same lecturers to establish which traits they associated with the upper and lower end of the scale. Findings suggest that this methodology represents a promising approach to establishing what academic tutors regard as the key elements of good writing and thus provides an indication of what English teachers might fruitfully focus on in their teaching of the skill.  相似文献   
This article excavates some of the core intellectual elements underlying the Xinhai Revolution of 1911 and their historical genealogies. Rather than focusing on the modern nature of the revolution, Mizoguchi locates the revolution within the context of traditional Chinese culture and thought. A central focus of the article is the notion of “self-governance” (zizhi), which played a central role in determining the shape the revolution was to ultimately take. It analyzes the social thought of key figures of the Qing period, showing how in modified guise, core Confucian ethical concepts such as the dichotomy between the private (si) and public (gong) as well as utopian concepts such as datong (great harmony) determined the deep structure of revolutionary thought at the end of the Qing and into the Republican and Communist periods.  相似文献   
台湾的闽南籍移民后代对教育的重视程度决不亚于原乡,这除与提倡勤奋读书、造就人才的社会风尚相关外,还与台湾经济的增长和教育的发展、科举制度主导下的功名驱动、闽南移民及其后代到台湾任教、文化素养在社会竞争中占有优势等因素密不可分。  相似文献   
留置权是一种重要的担保物权,对留置权标的性质和范围的认识影响到留置权制度在实践中的适用效果.本文认为,留置权在不可转让物上也可成立,基于效益原则,在不动产上不宜成立留置权.在有价证券之外的其他证券上也可成立留置权,只是可行使权利内容不同.当债权与动产的返还义务基于同一法律关系而生时,在非债务人之物上也可成立留置权.  相似文献   
《庄子》对时人的心病有大量的分析,并提出了治疗的良方,这是该书最具实践意义的部分。庄子认为,世人心理多不正常,导致身心疲惫。若能推心于自然之道,即可调节康复。而“静”则为登上“道”这一平台的阶梯。  相似文献   
李渔养生学说与杨朱学派养生思想在一些基本原则上具有相似性。李渔对古代养生思想作了大幅度的扬弃与整合,形成了一个以道家化的杨朱学派的养生思想为主、杂取儒道养生合理成分和后世养生精华的驳杂的混合体。  相似文献   
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