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宁波在农村住房改革实践中,探索出以改革宅基地审批制度,建立宅基地置换住房的宅基地退出机制,统筹安排建设用地,建设多层、高层为主的农村住宅小区,建立全方位保障的住房供给体系,推进公共服务向住宅小区延伸等为主要内容的发展模式,促进了宅基地的节约集约利用,实现了农村住房保障的根本性转变,发挥出宅基地资本化的最大经济效益。  相似文献   
"旧宅基地"的流转与退出是实现中小城市"城中村"改造的关键,而这种具有"福利性与社会保障功能"和"无偿、无限期使用集体土地"法律属性的农村宅基地,在城镇化过程中,只具有"霍布森选择"的单向退出途径,因此,必须在以"民众利益最大化"基础上寻求"旧宅基地"退出机制的创新,包括以收回补偿为动力引导,建立旧宅基地退出的激励和约束机制、建立配套"旧宅基地"流转退出的社会保障措施等,以降低迁移居民后顾之忧,实现"城中村"的功能再造。  相似文献   
农村宅基地立法的若干热点问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改革开放以来中国宅基法制建设取得了明显的绩效,但也存在不少问题。当前农村宅基地立法热点问题主要有:宅基地能否继承问题,宅基地转让问题,城市居民购买农村宅基地问题,农村宅基地使用权抵押问题,农村宅基地使用期限问题,农村宅基地使用权登记问题,宅基地使用权用补偿问题等。  相似文献   
The provision of support for students with special educational needs in schools is seen as a critical factor in the development of inclusive education. The means through which support is provided, continues to be based upon assumptions that individualized learning approaches may remediate learning difficulties. This paper reports findings from a longitudinal study of provision for students with special educational needs conducted in The Republic of Ireland. The authors identify in‐class and withdrawal approaches to support and consider the impact and efficacy of these. It is suggested that the withdrawal of students from class continues to be a dominant model, and that this approach has limitations and may not be conducive to the promotion of inclusive practice. Drawing upon data obtained through interviews with service users (students and parents/carers), and service providers (teachers, paraprofessionals, principals), and those gained from a national survey, the authors present the authentic voices of individuals to illustrate the experiences and opinions of those directly involved in special education in schools.  相似文献   
本文探讨了保护生态环境所具有的自然美特征,对协调人与自然的关系,维护生态平衡以及对现代人类景观活动所具有重要意义。指出具有自然美特质的诗意人居空间是人类的内在需求,也是时代发展的需求。  相似文献   
党员退出机制是执政党自身建设的重要环节,是保持党的先进性与纯洁性的重要手段。该文章从党员退出机制的内涵、完善党员退出机制面对的新形势、党员退出机制的建设路径等方面进行整理和归纳,期望能为此研究的深入尽绵薄之力。  相似文献   
Early withdrawal from higher education (HE) programmes can be detrimental for the students and institutions involved. Quantitative research has often concentrated on demographic and social antecedents (e.g. gender, prior education). Other factors may be more open to intervention e.g. students’ academic experiences in HE. Using data from an institutional survey (N?=?1170), logistic regression tested a range of academic experiences, regarding their relationship to contemplation of withdrawal (‘COW’: a recognised marker for actual withdrawal). COW was associated with student perceptions of low one-to-one contact with staff; non-traditional delivery methods; low peer-interaction; and high assessment load. Interestingly, COW was not associated with overall contact hours, large classes, or personal tutoring. The contributing factors explained 5.1%–8.6% of variance in COW, suggesting they may be meaningful levers for optimising retention. The paper discusses links to existing literature, future research directions, and applied implications for institutions.  相似文献   
冬婴是重庆当代诗人创作中比较勤奋者之一,他的取材主要是倾向于乡村物象,不凡也有城市的偏爱.其诗歌创作理念主要倾向于传统乡土,伴随的是城市化现代因子的淫浸.质朴、纯净、自然、细腻是他的创作本色.在解读诗歌集中,笔者不自觉的隐隐觉察到其诗歌具有这样一种影像,即家园意识的追寻与生命情绪的体验;乡土意象与乡土风格的审美特征;陷入现代性泥淖中的困惑与迷思.沿着这样的思绪,静听低处的风声,企图追寻冬婴所体认的诗歌理想世界.  相似文献   
面对现实与理想的差距,海子渴望到远方和麦地寻找自由和幸福。然而他最终也没有找到自己的精神家因——但他始终坚守自己的理想主义和浪漫主义情怀,不懈地传播他所谓的“大诗”和理想.他是一只孤独而又忧伤的天鹅,但他依然在飞行。海予的抒情短诗《天鹅》就是一曲时代的挽歌,也是一首天鹅的绝唱.  相似文献   
国有经济布局战略性调整及其路径选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国有经济布局战略性调整既包括所有制结构的调整,也包括国有资产在不同产业间的调整,“有进有退”是调整思路,而“退出”是关键。  相似文献   
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