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福建是中国偷私渡犯罪活动的重灾区,近年在相关部门加大力度打击偷私渡活动的前提下,福建的偷私渡犯罪总体上下降,但仍难以禁绝并呈现出新的特点。  相似文献   
古希腊人在长期生产和生活实践中 ,创造出光辉灿烂的物质文明 ,也形成了独具民族特性的家庭婚姻观和婚俗文化。古希腊人的婚俗文化 ,第一 ,婚制是复杂的 ,但主体仍是一夫一妻制 ;第二 ,在家庭婚姻生活中 ,斯巴达等城邦的妇女享有很大的自由 ,而雅典妇女则被禁锢在家庭中 ;第三 ,性的混乱和自由广泛地存在于古希腊社会中 ;第四 ,古希腊人鼓励生育 ,提倡优生优育 ,但在性别的选择上重男轻女  相似文献   
市场经济的发展有赖于土地市场的建立。内蒙古自治区土地市场是在清理整顿土地隐形市场的过程中建立起来的,但还存在经济发展水平制约土地市场发展等问题,针对上述问题,本文提出今后本区上地市场的发展途径主要是加强对地产市场的管理、不断健全土地中介机构和搞好土地市场的系列宣传工作。  相似文献   
合法化是检察改革应当遵循的最基本准则,是指检察机关实施的改革措施必须符合法律的规定。真正意义的检察改革在内容上必定具有不法性,因而检察改革的合法化主要针对改革的程序而言。我国检察合法化改革面临较大的困境,即不法性的检察改革层出不穷,不法的检察改革具有巨大的消极影响,必须对其进行规制。实现检察合法化改革首要的是应有调整检察改革专门性的法律,保障检察改革有法可依,在有法可依的基础上进而实现改革的法律化运作。  相似文献   
在讨论对于非法演绎作品的保护时,笔者认为,应该分为两个层次进行分析。一方面,由于非法演绎作品满足了作品的实质性要件,所以应该给予一定的著作权保护。另一方面,因为其欠缺"经原著作权人许可"的形式要件,那么对其采取的保护方式只能是消极的,在立法时,其保护内容应该包括三个:第一,演绎人可以在无需原作者同意的情况下按自己的意志进行演绎行为;第二,未经许可,演绎人对演绎作品进行公开的使用属于侵权行为;第三,第三人未经演绎人许可而公开使用其作品的属于侵权行为。  相似文献   
绑架罪既遂标准的通说观点使得绑架罪的既遂过于提前,而要求绑架行为实际勒索到了财物或实现其他不法要求的观点,则使绑架罪的既遂过于推后,甚至取消和否定了绑架罪的既遂。绑架罪应以行为人实施绑架行为后向人质的关系人提出不法要求为既遂标准。  相似文献   
当前我国的收入分配不公,主要表现在城乡之间、地区之间,劳动和资本之间,国家、企业和居民三者之间,垄断行业与非垄断行业之间收入分配不公等方面;形成原因有国家政策倾斜、劳资关系失衡、优势资源分配不公、法律法规执行不严、税收调控力度较小;治理收入分配不公,需要进一步加快中西部发展速度;逐步提高劳动报酬在初次分配中的比重;逐步提高居民收入在国民收入分配中的比重;深化垄断行业改革;严格执行法律法规,取缔各种非法收入等.  相似文献   
Cricket bowling is traditionally thought to be a rigid-arm motion, allowing no elbow straightening during the delivery phase. Conversely, research has shown that a perfectly rigid arm through delivery is practically unattainable, which has led to rule changes over the past years. The current rule requires a bowler not to increase the elbow angle by more than 15°, thus requiring a measurement to confirm legality in “suspect” bowlers. The aims of this study were to evaluate whether the current rule is maintained over a range of bowlers and bowling styles, and to ascertain whether other kinematics measures may better differentiate between legal and suspect bowling actions. Eighty-three bowlers of varying pace were analysed using reflective markers and a high-speed (240 Hz) eight-camera motion analysis system in a laboratory. The change in elbow segment angle (minimum angle between the arm and forearm), the change in elbow extension angle with respect to the flexion–extension axis of a joint coordinate system, and the elbow extension angular velocity at ball release were measured. We found that bowlers generally bowled within a change in elbow extension angle of 15°. However, this limit was unable to differentiate groups of bowlers from those who were suspected of throwing in the past. Improved differentiation was attained using the elbow extension angular velocity at ball release. The elbow extension angular velocity at ball release may be conceptually more valid than the elbow extension angle in determining which bowlers use the velocity-contributing mechanisms of a throw. Also, a high value of elbow extension angular velocity at ball release may be related to the visual impression of throwing. Therefore, it is recommended that researchers and cricket legislators examine the feasibility of specifying a limit to the elbow extension angular velocity at ball release to determine bowling legality.  相似文献   
为"让本港所有适龄儿童均可接受费用合理且质素优良的学前教育",香港特区政府于2007年推出了"学前教育学券计划"。该计划彰显了学前教育公平,推动了幼儿教育师资队伍建设,提升了学前教育质量。但在教师薪酬待遇、工作压力以及幼稚园生存状况等方面也出现了一些问题。  相似文献   
This study reports on science student perceptions of their skills (scientific knowledge, oral communication, scientific writing, quantitative skills, teamwork and ethical thinking) as they approach graduation. The focus is on which teaching activities and assessment tasks over the whole programme of study students thought utilised each of the six nominated skills. In this quantitative study involving two Australian research-intensive universities, the teaching activities identified by students as developing the broadest number of skills were laboratory classes and tutorials. Lectures were only effective for developing scientific knowledge and, to a limited extent, ethical thinking. Assessment tasks that students perceived to utilise the broadest range of skills were assignments and oral presentations. The findings of this study document the students’ perspective about their gains in skill sets, and the teaching activities and assessment tasks that require them to use and thus develop these skills. The findings provide an opportunity to evaluate the constructive alignment of skills development, teaching activities and assessment tasks from a student’s perspective. Further research is required to actually measure the skills that students gain over their whole programme of study.  相似文献   
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