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生产要素贡献率是衡量一个地区经济发展水平及未来发展方向的重要指标。通过建立计量经济学模型,运用回归法测算大连经济增长的资本产出弹性和劳动产出弹性。并在此基础上对大连生产要素的贡献率进行实证分析,找出目前推动大连经济增长的重要因素和制约条件。并以此为依据,提出某些大连发展的对策性建议。  相似文献   
农村环境污染问题备受学术界关注。当前农村环境污染的类型主要为土壤污染、大气污染、水体污染、生活垃圾污染等,将农村环境污染问题放置在生态人类学的视野中进行分析,从人们对人与环境关系的认识不清以及不合理的生产生活方式等层面解析环境污染问题的产生原因。农村环境污染的治理是一个涉及多层面的综合过程,而开发当地有关生态保护的地方性农业生产知识,不失为一个防治农村环境污染的有效途径。  相似文献   
在玉竹的栽培生产中,病害大量发生,其中最为严重的是根腐病。玉竹根腐病是由镰刀菌引起的一类土传病害,近年在湖南、广东老栽培区域有逐年加重的趋势。分析其危害症状和发生特点,可对其采取合理轮作、栽培措施防治、土壤消毒、药剂防治等综合防治措施,以促进玉竹的产量和品质。  相似文献   
20世纪30年代,以上海为中心的沿海城市在西方工业文明的冲击下,加速了现代化进程。上海都市文化市场体制逐步形成。上海拥有现代中国最发达的出版机构和传播媒介,报刊传媒繁荣,出版业平民化,自由的文学撰稿人队伍出现了,文学的接受机制发生了变化。这对上海乃至全国文化领域的发展变化起到了重要作用。  相似文献   
面对地球资源日益枯竭与环境日趋恶化的严峻现实,企业作为地球上普遍的经济组织,是在地球上留下“生态足迹”最大的一类组织。它的生产方式的革命性变革,即依据生态系统闭路循环规律实现企业生产过程的“生物链化”是消解当下资源环境问题的关键和必须。从循环经济——从未端治理到源头控制的理念出发,围绕企业产品的绿色设计,资本循环各环节的“生态”规制等方面阐述了企业生产“生物链化”的价值路径选择。  相似文献   
高职产学研结合中创造了大量的科研成果,如何管理好这些科研成果档案是一大难题。目前高职院校科研成果档案利用和管理过程中存在颇多问题,因此需要采取相应的措施和办法,做好管理及开发利用,实现科研成果的社会与经济价值,更好地服务于高职院校的教学和科研。  相似文献   
Student-mothers who study vocationally related higher education programmes are a relatively under-researched group. Specifically, there is a paucity of research into the emotions that these learners experience. This article discusses a qualitative investigation that examined the emotional narratives that a group of vocational student-mothers offered. They were studying for a foundation degree for teaching assistants at a university in the North of England. The student-mothers were largely found to have experienced positive emotions. However, familial and workplace guilt had also been encountered. These emotions emanated from notions about how family and workplace time should be used. Student-mothers managed this cognitive dissonance by stressing the reciprocal relationships that existed between their studies, family lives and school work. However, for many of these learners familial and workplace guilt was a strong and continuing emotion.  相似文献   
利用茎尖脱毒生产脱毒种薯是解决马铃薯退化的根本性措施,本试验通过改良制定出新的马铃薯脱毒瓶苗生产工艺流程,从培养基制作、温度控制、瓶装苗及其污染控制、消毒灭菌和定期检查等方面研究了马铃薯脱毒苗快繁生产管理技术和脱毒苗扩繁技术关键,提出降低凭苗污染率和生长量的调控措施,使马铃薯脱毒瓶苗快繁技术应用更加完善和有效。  相似文献   
The dominant role of English as the global language of science entails a requirement for science teachers to equip their non-native English-speaking students with receptive and productive language skills for communication in scientific contexts. Although science courses with English elements are part of some schools’ bilingual programmes, they are usually not available to a wider student audience, but are restricted to high achieving or highly motivated students. The present study was to test whether a newly developed biology content and language integrated learning (CLIL) unit could also benefit standard ninth grade classes. The learning gains and motivation of bilingually inexperienced students were compared to those of a preselected group and a comparison group that had been taught solely in their native language. All participating classes achieved similar gains in content knowledge, and the standard students rated their motivation for bilingual science lessons as positive, albeit not as high as the preselected group. We thus provide evidence against concerns that teaching non-selected students bilingually might lead to deficits in content knowledge acquisition. Following this, we conclude that scientific English should be a part of standard science lessons regardless of specific school programmes.  相似文献   
顶岗实习是高职院校有效推进工学结合人才培养的主要形式,是强化学生应用能力和实践技能的重要途径,可以实现在校生与社会人的缓冲过渡。文章对高职顶岗实习现状进行了分析,并提出提高顶岗实习效果的有效策略。  相似文献   
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