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在全面从严治党的背景下,分析思考大学生党员廉洁教育的现状及问题,从制度为本、支部为基、创新为源几个层面出发,试图探究一些行之有效的路径,进一步加强大学生党员廉洁教育,对于高校落实立德树人任务、营造良好社会风气、永葆党员队伍先进性和纯洁性、实现中华民族伟大复兴具有深远影响。  相似文献   
该教材中有几个观点值得商酌:思维和存在的关系包括两个方面的内容,笼统地说对思维和存在的关系的回答是划分唯物主义和唯心主义的唯一标准,这是不严谨的;在有的章节中把旧唯物主义说成是可知论,而在其他章节中又把它说成是不可知论,自相矛盾;"宇宙是一个普遍联系与永恒发展的'巨系统'"提法违背了系统论的基本精神;认为"人的需要、利益、情感意志和活动的变化会造成社会规律的变化"的观点否定了马克思主义关于人类社会发展规律客观性的思想;另外只讲主要矛盾,不讲矛盾的主要方面,把对立统一规律仅仅概括为揭示事物发展动力的规律,也不符合对立统一规律的全部内容的要求。  相似文献   
Plagiarism continues to be a concern for all educational institutions. To build a solid foundation for high academic standards and best practices at a graduate university, aspects of plagiarism were reviewed to develop better management processes for reducing plagiarism. Specifically, the prevalence of plagiarism and software programmes for detecting plagiarism was investigated. From that information, best practices for responding to plagiarism were developed and a process to enhance academic integrity was instituted. The results were impressive, the incidence of plagiarism offences reduced by half in three years, and by 75% among the English as a second-language student population.  相似文献   
王崇简在明朝灭亡之前考取进士,未及授官,李自成军队便进入北京,遂携家眷流寓南方,两年后返回北京。自顺治初年授官后,仕途顺遂,康熙初年以原官致仕。可以说,在明亡前夕,王崇简虽然参加复社,对时局感悲不已,但并没有抱定"君亡与亡"的决心;清军入关后,他南奔避祸,期望南明政权恢复旧土,但无望而北返,也无意隐居埋名,最终投效清廷,荣宠备至。  相似文献   
大学生考试诚信问题越来越严重,问卷调查结果显示学生普遍认为高校教师能够严格要求对考核诚信有着非常重要的影响。通过对高校教师和学生之间博弈过程的分析,发现如果能够落实高校教师的主体责任,高校教师和学生之间博弈的纳什均衡能够提高学生的考试诚信水平。  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the intensifying pressures on critical research and academic integrity in a research policy context that has come to be increasingly dominated by an instrumentalist mind-set. Using sensitising resources drawn from Geoff Whitty’s critique of the ‘what works’ agenda, we reflect on the current conditions of academic labour and some of the key issues and dilemmas they pose for critical researchers in the sociology of education and beyond. In particular, we underline the trend for ‘what works’ agendas to become constitutive of academic identities and practices, including at micro-levels, such that the option of ‘standing outside’ them is shifting from being merely personally taxing to being institutionally disallowed. In addition to highlighting the dilemmas this creates for critical researchers and the threat this poses to expansive and democratic approaches to education, the paper emphasises the centrality of relationship-forming in understanding and underpinning academic integrity.  相似文献   
Ghostwriting is difficult to detect, it has the potential to be high quality, and universities do not currently have adequate policies in place to police it. Determining the quality of the ghostwriting services available to tertiary students is of vital importance because underestimating the potential for students to use these services to pass their courses affects universities’ ability to detect their use and counteract their prevalence. This study examines the service being advertised to students by the 30 top-ranked ghostwriting websites. The study examines the quality of the service being offered by purchasing 2 essays from 13 of these businesses, 1 undergraduate and 1 postgraduate. These essays were graded by three academics who believed they were grading real student papers. The results of the study are alarming because they imply that had these essays been submitted to a university, the majority of them would have passed without any plagiarism detected.  相似文献   
邓小平社会主义经济理论博大精深,内容丰富,已形成了一个完整的科学体系。务实性是贯穿其中的一条主线,也是邓小平经济理论的本质特征;辩证性是邓小平建设有中国特色社会主义理论的思维品格,也是邓小平经济理论体系的显著特征。  相似文献   
司马迁的学术思想不能以或道或儒一家标准去规范。司马迁继承并发展了其父司马谈的学术自由和独立思考精神 ,“厥协六经异传 ,整齐百家杂语”,对此前的学术思想一视同仁 ,兼收并蓄 ,进行了不同于董仲舒、班固的学术整合 ,达到时代的最高水平。  相似文献   
从加强和改进大学生思想政治教育看高校师德建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中共中央、国务院《关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见》的制定和发表,充分表明了我们党和政府对大学生思想政治工作的关心和重视。高校教师承担着教书育人的责任和义务,教师的道德素质直接影响大学生的成长和成才。就新形势下如何加强和改进师德建设进行思考和探索,旨在加强高校教师队伍建设,推进大学生思想政治教育工作。  相似文献   
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