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摘 要:采用文献法、调查法、访谈法对闽台体育产业发展状况和两地的交流与合作进行调查研究,结果表明:体育用品业均是闽台体育产业的支柱产业,而两地竞赛表演业、休闲健身娱乐业也都呈现出良好的发展势头。闽台体育产业交流与合作曾有过成功的尝试,也存在一定的瓶颈,为此提出发展对策。展望未来,闽台体育产业交流与合作将具有光辉灿烂的前景。闽台体育产业界将建立互信、互动、互补、互利的合作机制,达到一种双赢的战略格局;在闽台城市间轮流举办“海峡两岸体育产业论坛”,扩大闽台两地体育产业学术界的影响;通过民间组织、体育用品制造企业协会的作用,搭建闽台体育用品企业合作的平台,组建闽台体育产业集团,构建闽台体育产业REP系统,共同打造中华国际名牌体育产品;架设体育产业人才交流的畅通渠道;在闽台两地策划并定期运营国际知名大型赛事。  相似文献   
中越关系正常化以来,边境贸易日益红火。随着中国—东盟自由贸易区建设步伐的加快,中越边境贸易的地位不容忽视。通过对中越传统文化的共性及不同点进行分析,在客观分析传统文化交流与边境贸易的相互作用和影响的基础上,提出发展边境文化教育产业、对边境地区民族教育实施特殊优惠政策、增加政府组织的文化教育交流活动、增加民间文化交流宣传活动、保护边境地区生态环境等更有利于中越边境贸易发展的文化交流的建议。  相似文献   
高校辅导员队伍和思想政治理论课教师队伍是大学生思想政治教育的主力军,两支队伍只有携起手来,共同托起大学生思想政治教育的重任,才能更好地实现育人的目的。但在现实工作中,两支队伍各自为阵、各行其事的现象一直存在,并没有形成有效的合作交流机制,这在一定程度上影响了思想政治教育工作的效果。结合高校大学生思想政治工作的实际,分析两支队伍合作交流的现状和问题,构建有利于两支队伍合作交流的组织领导机制、选拔任用机制、工作交融机制、考核评价机制,是有效提升大学生思想政治教育工作水平的路径之一。  相似文献   
随着科学技术迅猛发展,古籍藏与用的矛盾逐步得到改善,但是怎样更好地实施"保护为主、抢救第一、合理利用、加强管理"是当今乃至今后图书馆业的重要课题。  相似文献   
电子出版物已成为出版的一种重要技术和传播手段,是期刊出版的新宠;科技期刊规范化不仅是提高期刊质量的手段,也是其走向国际化的重要途径;建立科学合理的评审制度是确保期刊学术水平的基础;提高科技期刊的影响因子是各刊物追求的共同目标;编辑的培训和再教育是知识经济时代对科技编辑的挑战;只有加强国际期刊间的交流与合作,才能共同推动世界科技前进的步伐。  相似文献   
高等教育国际化视域下,给排水科学与工程及相关专业的双创型人才培养有了新的助力。论文剖析了当前高等教育国际化及国内双创教育的政策和技术的现状,结合开展的国际化视域下的双创型人才培养方法与实践,分析和总结了实践成果,为培养出更适合行业和学科发展的优秀人才提供参考。  相似文献   
运用文献资料法,比较分析法,通过对闽港澳台的学校体育现状进行比较研究,找出它们之间的区别,其目的是为了它们更好地交流,互相借鉴,实现优势互补,使这些地区的体育事业更加繁荣。  相似文献   

Despite demonstrated credentials, vast subject expertise, and knowledge of foreign languages and cultures, immigrants educated in schools of library and information science (LIS) in Eastern Europe (EE) and the former Soviet Union (FSU) face numerous challenges when trying to gain work as professional librarians in Canada. We introduce a model for retraining EE-and FSU-educated librarians to expedite their entry into professional librarianship in Canada without their having to undertake the formal requirements of a host-country graduate LIS degree. Taking into account and building upon their existing foreign-earned degrees, this retraining program will result in an ALA-accredited LIS degree that will allow foreign-educated immigrant librarians to compete on a level playing field with domestically educated librarians, thus eliminating discrimination based on what one labor economist calls the 'national origin of an individual's human capital.'  相似文献   
In large-scale educational reforms, many actors play their roles. The diversity of contributions and lack of harmonization prove to be frequently found to cause educational reform failures. Many explanations for these failures focus on differences between the actors and on differences in their contributions to the reform process. In this article, we examine the effects of these differences and emphasize on the need to harmonize these contributions to the reform process. Contributions by several actors to a large-scale curriculum reform undertaken in the Netherlands in the 1990s are mapped for this purpose. This curriculum reform is part of a larger educational reform aimed to introduce a constructivist approach. Education is conceptualised as a social system, and educational reform as the manner in which this social system adapts to immanent and emmanent changes. The actors in the education system are distributed across functional subsystems. In the present analyses, teacher acting within a particular subsystem stands central. The results show adequate exchange and harmonization of the contributions from the different subsystems to be a necessary condition for successful educational reform. To achieve a good exchange and harmonization, the use of an Educational Impact Assessment is recommended.  相似文献   
This paper offers an account of the historic and ongoing international interchange between Britain and Japan in the field of progressive education. Concentrating on the last half-century, it takes two reference points from Roy Lowe’s writings in 1977 and 2006. Eveline Lowe Primary was a newly built model progressive school when documented by him in a seminal work on school architecture, later becoming a key point of interest for Japanese educationists. The British educational policy context against which this exchange of ideas and practices occurred was later documented by Lowe in a major book. Contemporaneous debates and events within Japanese society and government meanwhile provided the impetus for networks of research and transmission of progressive practices. The most recent turn in the narrative presented here demonstrates Japanese support for independent progressive practice continuing in the UK. Responding to an extensive historical research literature on transnational migration of educational ideals and practices this paper constitutes a micro-study that draws on personal memory, oral testimony, records of classroom observation on site and by means of video-conferencing, in addition to more formal documentation of conference proceedings and policy-making.  相似文献   
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