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《玉台新咏》是宫体文学兴盛时期的产物,其成书也有着较为复杂的政治背景。以萧纲为中心的文学集团的形成,对宫体诗的产生和发展起了重要的推动作用。随着萧纲的被继立,他们的诗体被冠之以“宫体”之名并遭到攻讦。编写《玉台新咏》是萧纲高明的政治策略,通过编一本收集自古以来有关女性的诗歌总集,将宫体置于文学长河中,证明其合理存在,是对自己因“宫体事件”陷于政治困境的一种解说。  相似文献   
BackgroundRegular exercise is beneficial for adults with cardiovascular disease (CVD) and CVD risk factors. Tai Ji Quan is popular among older adults and may offer additional exercise options. The present article aims to review the scientific literature published within the past decade on Tai Ji Quan as an exercise modality to prevent and manage CVD.MethodsAn electronic literature search of four databases (PubMed, CINAHL, PsycINFO, and AMED) was conducted from April 2003 through March 2013. Studies that examined Tai Ji Quan, were published in English, and specified a target study population of participants with a known CVD condition (e.g., coronary artery disease, chronic heart failure, or stroke) or studies conducted among participants with a CVD risk factor (e.g., hypertension, dyslipidemia, or impaired glucose metabolism) were included.ResultsA total of 20 studies met the inclusion criteria: 11 randomized clinical trials, seven quasi-experimental studies and two cross-sectional studies. The effect of Tai Ji Quan was examined on more than 20 different study variables among persons with coronary artery disease (n = 5 studies), chronic heart failure (n = 5 studies), stroke (n = 4 studies), and CVD risk factors (n = 6 studies). These studies were conducted primarily in Asia (n = 9, 45%) or the United States (n = 8, 40%). Overall, participants enrolled in Tai Ji Quan had better outcomes, though mixed results were reported.ConclusionCollectively, these studies indicate that Tai Ji Quan is a safe form of exercise to prevent and manage CVD. Further research is needed with more rigorous study designs, larger sample sizes, adequate Tai Ji Quan exercise doses, and carefully chosen outcome measures that assess the mechanisms as well as the effects of Tai Ji Quan, before widespread recommendations can be made.  相似文献   
Falls in older adults are a significant public health issue and a particularly significant health risk in Minnesota. With accumulating research evidence suggesting that falls can be prevented through exercise, there is an increased public health effort among organizations serving older adults to translate and disseminate evidence-based programs into the community. Such efforts, however, face additional challenges if they are implemented in communities with older adults from different cultural backgrounds and languages. This paper briefly describes a pilot community-based dissemination project, including the initiation, implementation, process, and outcomes, of an evidence-based fall prevention (Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance formerly known as Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance) through a local Area Agency on Aging in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metropolitan area in Minnesota (USA). Overall, the program was successfully implemented resulting in adoption by local community organizations serving Asian and, to a lesser degree, East African non-English speaking older adults. Bilingual community instructors were trained to lead the classes resulting in broad participation and improved physical performance by the older adults targeted for the intervention. The results from this pilot study indicate that Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance can be implemented with positive results in non-English speaking community settings using bilingual leaders.  相似文献   
Despite the large number of articles published in the medical literature advocating the use of Tai Ji Quan for a wide variety of health-related outcomes, there has been little systematic broad-scale implementation of these programs. It may be argued that the lack of funding from organizations capable of implementing and overseeing large-scale programs, such as governmental health agencies or national non-governmental organizations concerned with healthcare for older adults, is to blame. However, the evidence these organizations need to justify underwriting such programs is in short supply because of conflicting priorities and standards related to determining the efficacy and effectiveness of Tai Ji Quan. Establishing efficacy through acceptable designs such as randomized controlled trials involves strict protocols to ensure meaningful internal validity but different approaches are needed to demonstrate meaningful effectiveness (external validity) outside the study setting. By examining the quality, quantity, and relative proportions of the randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews, and dissemination studies reported in the medical literature, this paper highlights the disparity in emphasis between efficacy and effectiveness research that has impeded the development of a cohesive literature on Tai Ji Quan and concludes that until more researchers develop a systematic, long-range commitment to investigating its health-related benefits, the research related to Tai Ji Quan will remain fractured and sporadic, limiting the incentive of large funding agencies to support its wide-spread use.  相似文献   
阴阳学说最早出现在春秋战国时代,是中国最具特色和代表性的道家哲学思想之一,阴阳理论深深渗透于中国传统文化的各个领域,对太极拳哲学思想理论和技术发展,也产生了极大的影响.文章运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法等研究方法,从道家阴阳学角度对太极拳中的虚实分明、虚实转换进行剖析及总结,旨在丰富太极拳功法理论.  相似文献   
文章运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、实验研究法和数理统计法对中国传统体育项目——太极拳在技法指导下练习对人体核心区域的肌肉力量的增强,从而提高人体核心区域的稳定性进行研究.文章以遵义师范学院体育学院2008、2009级体育教育专业武术主项提高班的30位同学为研究对象.30名同学通过两年的太极拳练习,在练习前期、中期和后期进行核心稳定性的四项测试(双腿压球两手支撑平衡式、软垫平衡式、单腿半蹲支撑平衡式、8级腹桥测试),并对所测试的数据进行分析,结果表明:在太极拳技法指导下练习太极拳,人体核心区域的肌肉在处于静态收缩或拉伸,持之以往,对其肌肉力量增强的同时确实提高了人体核心区域的稳定性.  相似文献   
传统课堂教学模式的改革是大学教学创新发展绕不过去的壁垒,大学课堂向何处去?这是21世纪大学创新发展必须回答的时代难题和攻坚战。本文对工业文明土壤中产生的传统课堂进行了深刻剖析,对当代大学改革前沿涌现的课程创新、课堂创新之典型个案进行了深层次评介,揭示了当今世界范围内传统课堂向高效学堂转型的历史潮流和大趋势。作者基于对信息时代大学学习方式创新的长期实践和理论研究成果,继承和发扬中华传统文化与教育智慧,融会东西方大学精神,吸纳当代非线性科学理念与方法论,提出了"太极学堂"这一新理念,主张在网络课程与现实课程、学习主体与学习环境的双向建构、"太极运转"中,使中国大学的课堂焕发生命活力。"太极学堂"以"诚信"为本,以信息技术和学习科学为两大杠杆,以促进学习方式变革为目标,是信息时代大学课程与教学创新的孵化器,从中可生长出大学的优秀课程、优秀教师、优秀学生。本文介绍了"太极学堂"工程设计的思路及其在南京大学本科教学创新中的初步探索,提出了"变消费式学习为生产式、创造式学习"的构想,提出了"化整为零"的大学学习评价和网络课程开发之新思路,提出了"零存整取"的高校"学分银行"新模式,形成了21世纪大学课堂教学创新发展的一种整体战略。  相似文献   
东南亚的傣-泰族群主要分布在泰国、缅甸、老挝、越南。在不同国家官方的识别族名不同,缅甸定为“掸 族”,老挝、越南与泰国都定为“泰族”。笔者在进行跨境民族文化调查时发现,东南亚的傣-泰族群大部分自称“傣”,只有 与外族、特别是外国人交流时,才以“泰”自称。这些族群分属两大文化圈,一是信仰南传上座部佛教文化圈,一是坚持原 始宗教文化圈。除宗教区别外,他们在区域分布、语言文字、习俗文化等也有各自特性。  相似文献   
澜沧江流域傣族传统伦理与艾滋防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云南省自20世纪80年代末检测出首例HIV感染者以来,艾滋病病毒迅速蔓延.现全省各个地州县市均已有感染者发现。云南是一个有着25个少数民族居住的西部省份,由于地域、政治、经济、文化等方面的原因,受艾滋病的影响更为深刻。艾滋病在云南尤其少数民族社区造成了极其严重的社会后果,成为云南省全面建设小康社会、构建和谐社会面临的重大挑战之一。少数民族的伦理道德是一种内化的非正式社会控制手段,它对人们的行为有着极大的规范和约束作用。在防治艾滋病的过程中,可以从中挖掘出能为我们所用的积极能动因素,充分发挥其潜力和功能。  相似文献   
台静农是早期乡土小说流派的代表作家之一,他的乡土小说善于营造死亡意象。本文就台静农小说中死亡意象的表现和台静农为何专注此种意象的营造,进行探求与剖析。  相似文献   
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