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中小学当前推行的新课程正在引起基础教育领域的一系列革命。在这场革命浪潮面前,作为中小学决策者的校长,如何引发广大师生生命激情与智慧的进发,推动素质教育高水平的实施,确实关系着这场革命的成败。本文试从基础教育学校管理的层面分析,认为中小学校长推行新课程的策略应该是:以人为本,依靠教师,支持教师建功立业,关注学生,帮助学生搭建成功的舞台,促进人(学生和教师)的全面发展。  相似文献   
运用文献资料法、专家访谈法等对鞍山市足球产业发展政策进行了研究。鞍山市在制定足球产业发展政策时应遵循坚持服务群众、坚持产业发展远景规划和坚持批判性借鉴成功经验的基本原则。建立足球产业后备人才培养政策、完善市场调节政策、制定宽松合理的税费价格政策、优化足球产业组织政策和调整足球产业结构政策是构建足球产业发展政策体系的基本内容。  相似文献   

New data-driven technologies appear to promise a new era of accuracy and objectivity in scientifically-informed educational policy and governance. The data-scientific objectivity sought by education policy, however, is the result of practices of standardization and quantification deployed to settle controversies about the definition and measurement of human qualities by rendering them as categories and numbers. Focusing on the emerging policy agenda of ‘social and emotional learning and skills,’ this paper examines the practices of ‘objectivity-making’ underpinning this new field. Objectivity-making depends on three translations of (1) scientific expertise into standardized and enumerable definitions, (2) standardization into measurement technologies, and (3) the data produced through measurement technologies into objective policy-relevant knowledge, which consolidates a market in SEL technologies. The paper sheds light on knowledge-making practices in the era of big data and policy science, and their enduring reliance on the precarious construction of objectivity as a key legitimator of policy-relevant scientific knowledge and ‘evidence-based’ education governance.  相似文献   
新中国成立以来,我国的教育方针是在毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民三代领导人亲自关心领导下提出、确立、发展和不断完善的。同时,三代领导人对教育方针的理念都有各自新的创意和不同的哲学思考。  相似文献   
Informal Science Learning (ISL) is a policy narrative of interest in the United Kingdom and abroad. This paper explores how a group of English secondary school science teachers, enacted ISL science clubs through employing the Periodic Table of Videos. It examines how these teachers ‘battled’ to enact ISL policy in performative conditions at the micro-scale, and how this battle reflected macro-scale epistemological and political considerations. Data from the study suggests that for some, ISL was low stakes as it was seen to have negligible impact upon performance data. As a result, there was some resistance towards enacting ISL and conflict between the formal and informal curriculum processes. Nonetheless, analysis indicates that the informants highly valued ISL despite the requirement for them to justify it over more formal and ‘effective’ approaches to learning science.  相似文献   
Over the past decade the scholarship ofteaching has received considerable attention inthe higher education literature as a reactionto the widely cited Carnegie Foundation'sreport ``Scholarship Reconsidered'; however, theconcept has remained devoid of a unifieddefinition. A recent Delphi study conductedwith a selective group of scholars whoseexpertise lies in the area of universityteaching and learning indicated the extent towhich these ``experts' agreed with each other onimportant features and unresolved issues theyassociate with the scholarship of teaching. Building on the results of the Delphi study,the present article discusses the results of asecond survey comparing these ``experts' 'conceptions with those of a larger group ofscholars whose expertise lies in a differentacademic field (``regular academic staff'), inorder to identify the similarities anddifferences in the conceptions of thescholarship of teaching held by each of the twogroups. While regular academic staff werefound to associate the scholarship of teachingmore with good or effectiveteaching ``experts' pointed to notions such aspeer review and scholarly standards. Thediscussion of the results focuses on the notionof consensus reached within and betweenthe two groups. It is argued that in order topromote changes in policy with respect to whatis to count as scholarship, identifying andreporting ``experts' ' conceptions, thoughclearly necessary for promoting moreenlightened discussions on the issue, willremain insufficient. Policy change in academeis more likely to ensue as a result of thewider academic community reaching consensus onthe meaning, and nature, of the scholarship ofteaching. The wider academic community includes``experts', as well as colleagues in departmentsand disciplinary associations. The articleconcludes by exploring the notion of consensusthrough the lens of critical social theory.  相似文献   
我国小学科学课程标准实验稿颁布十余年来,纷争一直不断.研读国外小学科学课程标准文本,总结国外小学科学课程改革经验与发展趋势,有助于为我国标准的修订与完善提供借镜.综观国际经验,有关我国小学科学课程标准完善的建议主要为:完善课程目标维度,增加具体化的纵向目标;优化课程内容领域,合理设置课程模块;优化课程内容选择与组织,认真对待科学知识;优化课程内容呈现,指导教材编制;细化课程实施建议,为教师提供切实帮助;改进课程评价,制订具体可行的评价标准.  相似文献   
经济哲学与宏观经济调控方略在经济发展中的重要性显而易见.回顾经济学流派的各种经济政策展示了调控的显著性,在当今国际经济一体化过程中,宏观经济政策的贫乏越加显现出来.创新是首要任务.以宏观经济指标理论,政策性和阶段性的宏观调控策略.宏观经济良性循环三大任务为综合目标的七元素调控宏观经济的数学模型是三率调控宏观经济的进一步深入和细致,我们分析了税收,存款利率,贷款利率,汇率,货币发行量,国债发行量,财政预算七元素与30个宏观经济指标变量间的经验关系,并由此建立粗略的阶段性的效益矩阵作为决策的基础.利用宏观经济指标对经济的贡献率确定加权系数,并建立线性的目标函数并求出离散组合优化值,为中国宏观经济的发展献一点调控策略。供政府部门的决策者参考.  相似文献   
后发展国家干预经济近代化的方式首先都是直接从干预经济开始的。自 1 9世纪 60年代起 ,清政府选择了“官为控制”近代工业的政策目标模式。甲午战争后 ,改“官督商办”为“纵商为之” ,颁布了大量新的工商政策法规。但由于缺乏有效的宏观管理体制 ,以致于大大影响了经济改革的深度和力度。  相似文献   
本文阐述了50年代美国远东新战略的形成及其结果,认为它是冷战前提下美国遏制中国政策的产物,这种政策不变,则中美两国关系的僵局就无法打破。  相似文献   
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