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课堂引入在教学中是一个非常重要的阶段,它既可以激发学生的学习兴趣,又可以增长求知欲,消除其他课程的延续性,使学生的思维进入最佳状态,从而达到事半功倍的效果。实验引入法、讲故事引入法、情景引入法、问题引入法、复习引入法等教学方法在物理教学中能取得良好的效果。  相似文献   
本文主要简单地介绍了线上教学和线下教学各自的优劣之处,通过对现阶段大学物理课程教学中存在的问题进行分析,来探讨MOOC环境下大学物理课程线上教学与线下教学的有效融合,以改变传统教学模式,充分应用现代计算机互联网技术,适应新的MOOC教学环境,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高大学物理课程教学质量,实现教学效益最大化。  相似文献   
Atomic clocks with cold atoms play important roles in the field of fundamental physics as well as primary frequency standards. Operating such cold atom clocks in space paves the way for further exploration in fundamental physics, for example dark matter and general relativity. We developed a space cold atom clock (SCAC), which was launched into orbit with the Space Lab TG-2 in 2016. Before it deorbited with TG-2 in 2019, the SCAC had been working continuously for almost 3 years. During the period in orbit, many scientific experiments and engineering tests were performed. In this article, we summarize the principle, development and in-orbit results. These works provide the basis for construction of a space-borne time-frequency system in deep space.  相似文献   
本文从四个方面就新时期大学普通物理学教师应该如何拓展职业素养进行了讨论:1、构建先进的大学物理教育观;2、转变角色,构建优质教学的素养和能力;3、重视研究与社会实践,构建创新素养和能力;4、构建专业知识更新机制。  相似文献   
物理是初中阶段的重要课程,也是学生对世界进行基本科学认知的引导课程.在学生系统学习了近两年的物理后,学校和教师应对学生进行物理核心素养评价和学业质量检测.在物理核心素质评价与学业质量检测中,只有从物理观念、科学探究、科学思维、科学态度与责任入手,才能让评价与检测全面、丰富和多元.  相似文献   
信息技术的广泛应用对物理教学产生了较大的影响,但现实中仍存在着观念滞后、能力不足、资源缺乏的问题。为此,应加强对传统教学模式加信息技术的新型教学模式的研究,大力开发多媒体教材,共建教育资源库和不断增强教学的趣味性。  相似文献   
The standard model (SM) of particle physics, comprised of the unified electroweak and quantum chromodynamic theories, accurately explains almost all experimental results related to the micro-world, and has made a number of predictions for previously unseen particles, most notably the Higgs scalar boson, that were subsequently discovered. As a result, the SM is currently universally accepted as the theory of the fundamental particles and their interactions. However, in spite of its numerous successes, the SM has a number of apparent shortcomings, including: many free parameters that must be supplied by experimental measurements; no mechanism to produce the dominance of matter over antimatter in the universe; and no explanations for gravity, the dark matter in the universe, neutrino masses, the number of particle generations, etc. Because of these shortcomings, there is considerable incentive to search for evidence for new, non-SM physics phenomena that might provide important clues about what a new, beyond the SM theory (BSM) might look like. Although the center-of-mass energies that BESIII can access are far below the energy frontier, searches for new, BSM physics are an important component of its research program. This report reviews some of the highlights from BESIII’s searches for signs of new, BSM physics by: measuring rates for processes that the SM predicts to be forbidden or very rare; searching for non-SM particles such as dark photons; performing precision tests of SM predictions; and looking for violations of the discrete symmetries C and CP in processes for which the SM expectations are immeasurably small.  相似文献   
从转变实验教学观念、建立科学实验教学体系、规范实验室管理、改善实验环境等方面介绍了浙江农林大学省级物理实验教学示范中心建设的实践.实验教学示范中心的建设过程贯穿“高等教育生态化”理念,构建并实施了以“三层四模”为核心、“两个平台”为栽体的生态化实验教学新体系;建设了由网络教学资源平台和网络管理服务平台组成的物理实验网络信息教学平台;创建了实验中心内部环境以及内外部环境关系生态化的实验教学环境.初步实践表明,示范中心的建设提高了实验教学效益,“拉动”了实验教学水平的提高,实现了教与学的双赢.  相似文献   
跆拳道运动进入高校体育课堂,是对体育课程教学内容有益的补充。文章考察了习练跆拳道对普通大学生在心理、体质等方面的影响,研究结果显示:跆拳道运动对大学生的影响是积极的。  相似文献   
针对目前农业院校大学物理实验教学现状以及存在的主要问题,结合本校的物理实验教学的实际情况,提出了以学生为主体的大学物理实验教学改革的相关措施和方法,以进一步推动大学物理实验的教学改革。  相似文献   
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