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Public discourse about school bullying is frequently underscored by debates about the relative roles and responsibilities of parents and schools in preventing bullying. Such debates are often characterised by a sense of recrimination, with blame apportioned according to perceived negligence. In this article, I provide a critique of ways in which parents have been represented in school bullying research, and consider how these representations inform public discourse about parents in relation to bullying. I argue that prevailing representations of parents in terms of responsibility and risk are a product of the dominance of psychological conceptualisations of bullying as individual pathological behaviour which stems from child development problems associated with poor parenting. As I show, this is but one of a number of ways in which bullying has been conceptualised in the research literature and provides a limited view of parents in relation to a complex social and cultural problem. I suggest that post-structural approaches to bullying research provide an important opportunity to broaden our understanding of how parents are positioned in the social and institutional systems of power in which bullying, and responses to it, takes place; and to move beyond current counter-productive discourses of responsibility and blame.  相似文献   
本文从功理和功法两个方面阐述了长拳的重要技击法则──“八法”功要,同时对传统的拳术“八法”也作了系统的介绍.  相似文献   
司马迁历任郎中、太史令、中书令等职,从他的任职情况上,可以看出汉武帝时的官制发生了重大的变革,具体表现在:一是改革选官制度,广纳贤才;二是增减职位,改变职责;三是更名部分官职。官制的改革强化了君主专权及中央集权,有力地保障了武帝各项事业的顺利进行,并对后代官制产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to better understand the prevalence, scope, and unique challenges of undergraduate and first year librarians over the last decade, through the use of quantitative and qualitative data from job listings, online surveys, and phone interviews. The findings indicate that there is very little consensus about what the undergraduate librarian does, how the work is structured on a daily basis, and how its goals are negotiated and assessed. Further, undergraduate librarians face a number of issues, including navigating vaguely defined responsibilities, establishing their professional credibility, and communicating their role within the library and to the university. Survey participants reported experiencing tension between the traditional (reference, instruction, collection development) and undergraduate-specific aspects of their duties, indicating that it is difficult for them to prioritize engagement and outreach. While the literature on blended librarianship anticipates some of these issues, undergraduate librarians are unique because they provide an intersection between broader higher education priorities and the academic library. The author stipulates that the lack of definition, strain, and the perception of undergraduate librarianship as an entry-level position is incongruent with the importance colleges and universities place on undergraduate student success.  相似文献   
北京文雅堂所藏秦封泥甚多,对其进行考释,有助于对战国晚期至统一时期的秦的职官、地理等方面的了解和研究。  相似文献   
在生态环境调查研究中寻求晋南鼓舞的生存发展规律,是鼓舞研究的一种新视野。以翼城花鼓与万荣花鼓为例,对二者的显要动作部位及其动作进行比较分析,发现翼城花鼓的道具和人物角色比万荣花鼓更为丰富,万荣花鼓则较为单纯。二者虽然都是以手部为显要部位,但除了小丑的"敲击拨浪鼓"动作相同,其余动作皆不同。两者动作形态的差异产生了不同的审美风格。翼城花鼓以恢宏大气、简洁干练见长,万荣花鼓则以细腻精致、灵活生动著称,二者各有千秋。  相似文献   
古人自然方位尊卑的主要特征是崇阳。在君位之下,现实世界的朝堂礼仪场景以东为尊;神灵世界和室内场景以西为尊;在面位过滤的作用下,自然方位的阴阳因素投射是形成左右尊卑的基础因素,自身位的性质是影响左右尊卑意义演变的重要因素。  相似文献   
师范院校人才培养模式变革已经是世界潮流,地方高等师范院校传统的培养模式还有很多不足,改革势在必行.从人才培养的层面看,顶岗实习已经开辟了地方高师人才培养模式的新方向,是地方高师人才培养模式转换诉求的实现.顶岗实习已经实现大学生职业生涯辅导从教师的说教式到职业实践中的体悟式转换,从职业的外推式辅导到职业的内悟武辅导转换.  相似文献   
思想政治理论教育质量的提高,不仅关系到教师的政治立场、理论功底、文化素养,而且还涉及到思想政治理论教育本身蕴含的文化内涵而带来的一些技术层面上的美育境界、艺术表现、案例教育、教学手段等要素。  相似文献   
在对电力系统配网自动化运维专业人才需求调研的基础上,探讨该专业新入职员工岗位要求。以配电自动化技术发展为主线,从培训体系的定位、培训实施的理念、策略、培训结构设计、培训体系评价等方面研究专业培训体系的构建,提出增强培训效果的措施。  相似文献   
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