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古罗马法中的身份权是支配权,现代身份权与古代的身份权大相径庭。将身份权认定为支配权以偏概全,缺乏立论依据,难以解释一些具体的身份权的非支配权性。现代身份权是一个诸多权利的集合体,具有支配权、请求权、形成权的性质。  相似文献   
Purpose: The main purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of fatigue on musculoarticular stiffness (MAS) of the ankle joint across sexes. Methods: Twenty-seven males and 26 females participated in the study. After baseline assessment of MAS and related variables, localised fatigue was induced in triceps surae using the standing heel-rise test during which the subjects were instructed to lift and drop the heel at a frequency of 0.5?Hz. When subjects were unable to continue due to exhaustion the test was terminated and another MAS test was performed soon after. Results: Significant higher triceps surae MAS was found in men compared to women (p?p??1 and from 14.5 to 13.9?KN?m?1 in men and women, respectively. Percentage changes revealed, however, that in relative terms the changes in all the variables evaluated were similar (p?>?.01) between sexes, with MAS less than 5%. Conclusion: Despite the sex-related differences at baseline, fatigue seems to affect biomechanical properties of the ankle joint similarly in men and women.  相似文献   
为进一步深化预算体制改革,促进管理重心下移,扩大二级教学单位办学自主权,充分体现二级教学单位办学主体地位,促进高校内涵、质量、特色协调发展,提高高校的整体办学水平和效益,高校急需探索出适合自身健康发展的经费核拨模式。传统的经费核拨模式存在主观性强,准确性差,标准定额制定不合理、不科学,缺乏弹性和绩效指标调节机制等问题,严重限制了高校科学发展的步伐。为进一步调动高校二级教学单位当家理财的积极性,结合学校综合财力和实际发展情况,提出了"零基预算+绩效"经费核拨模式,并针对二级教学单位具体情况应用合理选择绩效调节因素权数,科学统计绩效量化指标,设计出高校二级教学单位日常运行经费核拨公式,实现经费核拨与办学质量相挂钩,让预算数据在阳光下运行,提升预算绩效评价的透明度,使高校有限的经费资源得到最优化配置。  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 美国教学质量中心与"2030教师解决方案"小组预测,教师在未来将成为一个混合型职业,由教学团组成员以各司其职的方式为学生提供定制化、有意义学习的教学方案。学科馆员应该积极探索,成为教学团队中的一员。本研究从学科馆员专业知识技能出发,提出立足图书馆资源组织的嵌入式学科服务模式。[方法/过程] 采用案例分析法,以大学微课为例,着重构建一种基于碎片化知识单元的微课教学资源组织框架,并在超星学习通平台予以呈现。[结果/结论] 研究表明,立足学科信息资源才是学科馆员进行学科服务的根本和立足点。学科馆员通过高效的资源组织、发现和呈现,实现面向学科的精准化服务,藉此成为高校教学科研队伍中的有机组成部分。本研究提供了学科馆员精准化嵌入式学科服务的新尝试。  相似文献   
论知识链接的建立规则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
把信息单元视为文献单元和知识元之间的桥梁和纽带,以文献单元间的参考文献链接和知识元名(或与知识元相关的文字)到知识元的知识元链接为研究对象,重点分析这两种链接的建立过程、建立规则以及技术难点。认为从理论上研究知识链接的建立规则对知识链接系统和知识服务系统的开发大有裨益。  相似文献   
我国现行刑法明确了单位犯罪的主体地位,但对单位犯罪能否适用自首却没有明确规定,以致在理论界及司法实务界引发争论。基于对刑法基础理论、刑法相关条文及当前单位犯罪现状的分析,应当认定单位可以成立自首。单位自首可在一定程度上影响个人自首。  相似文献   
This paper describes the fabrication of a waveguide and the analysis of its polarization characteristics by applying light-emitting diode (LED) pumping lights to its surface. By using double tubed coaxial line (DTCL) microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (MPCVD) equipment, an a-Si:H/SiN multilayer waveguide was fabricated whose thickness could be controlled at nanometer order. The main structural material of the waveguide sample consisted of a combination of layers of amorphous silicon hydrogen and silicon nitrate. Once the sample was ready, another major objective of the experiment was to analyze the polarization characteristics of the fabricated waveguide. The idea of the experiment was to analyze how the waveguide reacts when three types of LED (blue, yellow, and red) are radiated onto its surface. The results showed that the fabrication of the a-Si:H/SiN sample is successful. Most effective transmission results, which accord with the polarization characteristics analysis, were obtained.  相似文献   
We propose a novel kind of compound permanent magnet synchronous machine (CPMSM), which is applicable in low-speed and high-torque situations. We first explain the structure of the CPMSM. Based on theoretically deducing the calculation formulae of the CPMSM electromagnetic parameters, we analyze the operating characteristics of the CPMSM, and obtain the power-angle curves and working curves. The no-load magnetic field distribution and the cogging torque are analyzed by applying the finite element method of three-dimensional (3D) magnetic fields, to determine the no-load leakage coefficient and the wave0form of the cogging torque. Furthermore, the optimal parameters of the permanent magnet for reducing the cogging torque are determined. An important application target of the CPMSM is in direct-drive pumping units. We have installed and tested a directdrive pumping unit in an existing oil well. Test results show that the power consumption of the direct-drive pumping unit driven by CPMSM is 6 1. 1% of that of the beam-pumping unit, and that the floor space and weight are only 50% of those of a beam-pumping unit. The noise output does not exceed 58 dB in a range of 1 m around the machine when the machine is 1.5 m from the ground.  相似文献   
现实的社区模式——对“单位型社区”批评的反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
单位制曾在很长一段时间内构成我国城市社会特有的城市基层社会管理的方式,随着中国社会的全面转型,城市基层社会管理的方式也由单位制向社区制转变。从单位到社区是社会发展的基本方向,但在制度性建设中遇到不少现实问题。然而,单位制下形成的社区由于其先天的特点,本身就具备了现代社区的某些特征。在对单位制一边倒的批评中,忽视了单位型社区在制度建设过程中的积极意义,可以从这个角度来探讨社区建设的另一种途径。  相似文献   
从1999年开始,我国高等教育规模迅速扩大,2007年高等教育毛入学率已达23%。同时,大学生就业难、文凭贬值等问题日益凸显,据此引发了人们对教育"过度"还是"不足"的争论。因此,分析我国历年来高等教育规模及其主要影响因素,并探寻它们之间的协整关系就显得非常有意义。在以往的相关研究中,学者们用最小二乘法实证分析历年高等教育规模及其影响因素之间的关系,但容易出现"伪回归"。运用动态计量经济学中的协整理论进行分析则可以解决这个问题。协整计量的结果发现,高等教育规模与四个影响因素之间确实存在稳定的长期均衡关系,其影响系数从大到小依次为总人口数、恩格尔系数、GDP发展水平和第三产业占GDP的比重。  相似文献   
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