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Teacher education in Botswana is offered at various higher education institutions (HEIs). Undergraduate pre-service teachers for the secondary school level are trained at the University of Botswana (UB) and the Botswana College of Agriculture, and both HEIs offer different and autonomous teacher-training programmes. The Faculty of Education at UB has its own quality assurance mechanisms for the Teaching Practice (TP) and Practicum. The purpose of the study reported on was to identify the quality assurance mechanisms and processes in place and then to establish their effectiveness. The research type adopted was the case study. Data for the study was collected through document analysis, an open-ended questionnaire and interviews with student teachers, TP coordinators and supervisors and those who have participated in moderation panels. Generally, the findings indicated that there are effective quality assurance mechanisms, structures, processes and procedures in place for the TP at UB.  相似文献   
Student teaching evaluations (STEs) are increasingly used in the process of determining promotion and tenure. While most research has focused on career consequences, there has been little inquiry into the remarks students write at the end of the evaluation form. The structure of the collection process, involving emotional arousal and anonymity in a group situation, may induce a state of deindividuation, which allows students to write cruel remarks and morally disengage from the consequences of their actions. Such behavior may also reflect more general student attitudes toward their education—specifically, the current cultural student-as-consumer metaphor. This paper describes a small pilot study examining such cruel remarks and proposes some changes in the process of collection of these ratings. Theoretical and empirical perspectives from disciplines such as behavioral economics, psychology and sociology, education, rhetoric and composition, ethics, and public policy may be helpful in further understanding this phenomenon.  相似文献   
县委书记作为党在县级的领导人,是维系国家与社会和谐发展的中坚力量。近些年来县委书记腐败案件呈上升趋势,解决的根本途径是要把权力关进制度的笼子里,建立预防腐败的权力制约监督机制,让权力在阳光下运行。具体来说,就是要通过建立和完善县委集体决策制度、党务公开制度和廉政风险防控制度,形成不敢腐的惩戒机制;建立健全县委书记的廉政法律体系,加强廉政机构的协调性和执行力,依法查处县委书记腐败案件,形成不能腐的防范机制;加强县委书记的廉政道德教育,建立优薪福利制度和社会监督体系,形成不易腐的保障机制。  相似文献   
我国职业体育产业政府规制的动因分析   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
职业体育产业的垄断性、外部性、信息不对称等市场失灵问题会导致资源配置无法达到帕累托最优状态。同时,现阶段我国职业体育产业还存在着诸多市场欠缺问题。因此,在我国市场化导向的体育体制转轨过程中,政府规制扮演着重要的作用,不仅要解决市场失灵问题,还要解决市场欠缺问题。尤其是在市场机制不能到位的较长时期内,一定条件下,还需要政府实行积极的规制政策。  相似文献   
Understanding the evolution of influenza A virus, which poses a global challenge to public health, is of special significance for its control and prevention. Although the genome structure of the virus is seemingly simple, their evolutionary patterns and molecular mechanisms are difficult to reveal.  相似文献   
The selection of students is a critical issuecurrently facing South African higher educationinstitutions. The identification and selection ofdisadvantaged students with the potential to succeedin mathematics- and science-based study is aparticularly pressing problem. The new South Africanhigher education law requires that selection is donein a fair and transparent manner. Selection has to befollowed by adequate support for selected students tosucceed in their study programmes. Issues of accessare closely coupled to issues of retention andsuccess. The research results discussed in this paperillustrate how these issues can be successfullyaddressed and how selection fairness and effectivenessmay be optimised under the constraints of selectionefficiency. An optimal solution can be found bydeveloping test specifications and selection cut-offvalues based on the teaching programme for which theselection is done. The resulting close fit betweenselection testing and teaching after selection leadsto a reasonable expectation of success for selectedstudents in the study programme. Under suchconditions, selection can be seen as a contract toteach at the student's level.  相似文献   
互联网金融是金融创新的产物,代表了金融民主化和普惠金融的趋势。美国互联网金融产业有较为完善的法律制度和监管体系,这保证了从业主体的规范运作以及行业的稳健发展。我国互联网金融的诞生与发展有其历史性原因和时代性诉求。我国应立足本国实际,充分借鉴美国先进的监管理念和规范的监管路径,厘清监管原则与框架,完善立法及配套政策措施,通过切实保护金融消费者合法权益、建设行业自律体系等路径,积极探索我国互联网金融监管的新范式。  相似文献   
为了管理好、使用好高校国有资产,使其在学校各项事业的发展中发挥最大效益与作用,必须加强国有资产的监督和管理。国有资产的监督管理工作是目前高校国有资产管理工作中一个十分突出的问题,构建新时期高校国有资产监督管理体系必须要从健全体制、机制,完善制度,加强审计监督等诸多方面考虑。探求构建新时期高校国有资产监管体系的思路和途径是我们国有资产管理者义不容辞的责任和义务。  相似文献   
在当前的基础教育服务经营中,非政府组织经营者发挥着不可低估的作用,成为扩大受教育机会和提高教育质量的一项重要资源.在亚太地区的众多国家里,各种不同的非政府经营者都可以满足教育的需要.但成功的公私合作伙伴关系(PPP)需要精心设计和认真执行.因此政府应当转变角色,出台授权性的政策架构,扶持私营部门成长壮大,推动PPP项目提高教育服务的质量,最终实现全民教育的目标.  相似文献   
李磊  尚玉钒  席酉民 《科研管理》2012,33(1):127-137
尝试把调节焦点理论引入领导对下属创造力影响的研究领域,构建并验证了基于该理论的领导语言框架对下属创造力的影响机理模型。以143名学生为样本,采用实验研究方法,对领导语言框架影响下属创造力的作用机制进行了深入考察,实验结果表明,下属情境调节焦点部分中介了领导语言框架与下属创造力间的关系,下属特质调节焦点则调节了情境调节焦点与下属创造力间的关系。最后,就论文的主要研究结论、主要贡献及不足之处进行了总结。  相似文献   
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