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大数法则表征群体内大多数成员共有的行为,也是支配群体行为与维持群体稳定性的规范。很多习惯法的形成源于大数法则,它们对群体行为的调整也要借助大数法则的特性。由于大数法则与人权紧密联系,是国家法制定的重要基础,并且它有助于法官在个案中作出理性裁决,因此,从大数法则的视野出发,习惯法应得到相应地尊崇。但同时,大数法则的内容并不必然与人权完全契合,法官在个案中也未必能确证习惯法的大数法则基础,依托于不同大数法则的习惯法之间会发生抵触,这导致大数法则视野下的习惯法存在适用界限。  相似文献   
高等职业教育是发展区域经济的重要因素,而高职师资队伍建设是提高教学质量的关键环节,也是推动高职教育未来发展的基础力量。高职院校的培养目标和教学特点,使得其要求专业教师在师德、知识水平和专业技能等方面都具有较高素质,但是目前高职师资团队发展明显滞后,正在成为制约高职教育发展的因素之一。因此,高职师资建设应当围绕高职教师必备素质,立足现有环境条件,放眼长远发展,有计划有层次地逐步推进。  相似文献   
新时期作为高校的计算机实验室,面临着许多新问题,笔者从团结、敬业、求实、创新四个方面,对当好计算机实验室主任作了一些探析。  相似文献   
论教育中应如何贯彻"以人为本"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“以人为本”的思想是21世纪的主题,这是一个“人”的时代。而教育中的“以人为本”体现在:深刻地认识人;充分地理解人;真挚地尊重人;全面地爱护人。  相似文献   
国家发展依靠教育,尊师重教关系到国家的未来。只有切实提高教师的社会政治、经济地位,让教师安心教育,保持为人师表的那份尊严,才能谈得上教育的尊严与国家的进步。本文中,笔者就大力提倡师道尊严的必要性、我国学校教育存在的问题及提倡师道尊严的途径三个方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   
Silence infuses all aspects of our daily communications: what we say and what remains unspoken; those to whom we speak, and those we ignore; those we trust and respect, and those we do not. In the school environment, interactions between students and teachers lie at the heart of pedagogy. This relationship is also marked by its silences, and the concept of ‘student voice’ arose out of these silences on matters that affect students. However, the role of silence in such interactions has yet to receive comprehensive attention. This article presents the findings of a study on the uses and experiences of silence in the classroom with secondary school students aged 14–15 years and their teachers. Drawing on nine group discussions and 33 interviews with 20 teachers and 35 students, respectively, I argue that an oversight of silence in the student voice discipline has obscured the power dimensions of student voice, and the injustices that become visible when different forms of silence are illuminated. I argue that there are two core ideas which emerge from the findings: firstly, that silent practices manifest in two distinct paradigms of productivity and listening which function as expectations of teaching and learning; secondly, that the conflation of the listening paradigm with respect demonstrates the capacity of silent practices to reinforce the division between teaching and learning to become mediums of injustice. I conclude that this dichotomous relationship between pedagogy and student voice requires a pedagogy based on a critical examination of respect.  相似文献   
老子设置的最高境界,是“婴儿境界”,所谓婴儿境界,指的是没被人类“文化”污染的自然淳朴而生命力最为强劲的境界,这种淳朴自然的婴儿境界,是与老子的圣人“无为”人格体现的最高精神及行为准内在关联的,达到这种人生境界,有一个逐步展开的人生修养过程,即在生活实践中自觉地克服(一层一层深入地克损)自己的情欲,最终达到无私无欲(无为)的素(淳)朴境界。这个过程可以归结为知止、崇俭、弃智、去欲这样几个环节。  相似文献   
计算机犯罪侵犯的客体具有多样性。在客观上表现为违反有关法律法规,侵入国家事务、国防建设、尖端科学技术领域的计算机系统;进行删除和修改,或破坏计算机信息系统的软件和硬件设备;利用计算机特性实施非法获得财物,窃取国家秘密和其他犯罪行为。遏制计算机犯罪的关键在于防范。只有从技术、管理、法律三个方面"综合治理",才能达到有效防范目的。  相似文献   
教育要为学生营造一个独立思考、大胆质疑、驰骋想象、宽松的成长环境,培养勇于创新、勇于批判、勇于创新的一代新人。  相似文献   
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