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BackgroundEarly adversity and negative experiences in the adoptive family can put adopted children at risk for emotional and behavior problems.ObjectiveThis study analyzes the influence of children’s preadoptive history and adoptive parents’ characteristics on the psychosocial adjustment of nationally and internationally adopted children in Germany.Participants and settingThe survey included 172 adopted children aged between 24 and 145 months and their adoptive parents.MethodsParents provided information about preadoptive history. Information about emotional and behavior problems was obtained from the parental version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Parental well-being was obtained through a composite score of three standardized measures (self-efficacy questionnaire, Perceived Stress Scale PSS-4, Brief Symptom Inventory BSI); parenting behavior was assessed with the Alabama Parenting Questionnaire (DEAPQ).Results12.5% of the adopted children scored in the clinical range of the SDQ. In a multiple regression analysis, the experience of maltreatment and neglect was the most important predictor of emotional and behavior problems at time of assessment, followed by pre- and perinatal risk and parental stress regulation difficulties, = .423, F(4, 128) = 28.539. Increases in the number of risk factors present were associated with a greater odd of children scoring in the clinical range of the SDQ.ConclusionsMost of the nationally and internationally adopted children in this sample were well-adjusted. Prenatal and preadoptive risk as well as stress regulation capacities of the main caregiver contributed to the child’s development. An accumulation of risks increased the likelihood of adjustment problems in adopted children.  相似文献   
团体心理辅导在专业调剂生学习动机干预中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨团体心理辅导对专业调剂生学习动机的干预效果。方法设置实验组、对照组大一专业调剂生各25名,对实验组进行8次为期8周的团体心理辅导,干预前后分别评估各组专业调剂生学习动机的2个维度。结果接受团体辅导后,实验组在后测中学习动机两个维度的分数显著高于前测,对照组在学习动机前后测的分数上没有显著差异。实验组、对照组后测分数上存在显著差异。结论团体心理辅导能有效提高专业调剂生的学习动机。  相似文献   
农村中小学义务教育均衡发展是一个十分重要的课题.近几年,我国农村中小学布局调整在取得一定成效的同时也引发了诸多问题,如:部分地区就学距离明显增加、寄宿制学校条件落后、农村家庭教育支出负担加重以及由于地方生源向县镇学校集中而出现新的教育资源紧张等.本文基于义务教育均衡发展的视角,从宏观、中观、微观三个层面,对“我国农村中小学布局调整政策”执行情况进行评估,明确目前取得的成效与不足,并根据此政策引发的问题提出合理建议.  相似文献   
20世纪60年代到70年代的越南战争期阃,中美苏三国的关系随着国际形势和国际利益的变化而不断变化。中国抗美援越是继抗美援朝后的又一次与美国进行非直接的军事较量.但在这场战争中.中国站在国家利益的高度。以更加务实的态度处理外交事务.维护国家安全利益.本文拟以越战为背景来审视中国外交走向。  相似文献   
摘要:目的:北京携手张家口申办2022年冬奥会成功,冰雪运动热潮正在掀起。但冰雪项目总体发展受到地域性限制。为了实现“北冰南展西扩”的战略目标,加强速滑项目人才的梯队建设,国家体育总局冬季运动管理中心速滑部借鉴国外优秀运动员的训练和比赛经验,提出了“轮转冰”项目。本文结合理论依据与实践成绩探讨“轮转冰”项目的可行性。方法:通过文献检索CNKI、pubmed等数据库,登录国际滑联官方网站以及国内速滑官方网站,收集整理在册速滑运动员过往经历和成绩。并通过专家访谈收集国内外知名的速滑教练及运动员的经验与建议。结果:1)研究速度轮滑与速度滑冰项目共性的文献一共7篇。速度轮滑与速度滑冰在起跑姿势、滑跑姿势、直道滑跑技术和弯道滑跑技术以及能量代谢方面都具有相通之处;2)既往国际上“冰陆双栖”的运动员,男子运动员有21名,其中有16名获得过世锦赛或奥运会奖牌;女子运动员有14名,其中有10名获得过世锦赛或奥运会奖牌;3)国内“轮转冰”运动员以郭丹为带头人物,她是目前中国仅有的1名轮滑世界冠军,2015年4月正式转项速度滑冰。在2016年1月的全国第13届冬运会速滑赛场上位列女子5000米比赛前8名,因此获得入选速度滑冰国家队的资格。结论:1)速度轮滑和速度滑冰项目具有极大的共性,轮滑运动员身体素质和技战术的储备具有转项速滑的能力,保证了该项目的可行性;2)国际上轮滑冰运动员的训练经历和出成绩的时间规律,为中国“轮转冰”项目的实施提供了借鉴依据。  相似文献   
目前在文献中有很多关于多响应比较的研究方法,但是对带协变量调整的非参数检验的研究较少。一种直观的想法是将数据先投影到协变量的正交空间中,然后再利用秩和检验、调整的秩和检验或最大值检验方法。但是,功效普遍不高。在调整的秩和检验和伪F检验两种方法基础上,构建MIN2检验。大量模拟和实际数据表明,MIN2检验的效果优于现有的非参数检验方法。  相似文献   
情绪是心理因素中最重要的一项非智力因素,它和智力因素一样在运动学习中起着重要的作用。文章运用文献资料研究方法,对武术学习中学生的情绪变化及调节进行了分析研究,以提高武术教学质量,增强武术学习效果。  相似文献   
在轮滑教学中,双人辅助练习的方法能够有效地提高学生腿部力量,增强支撑能力,建立正确的动力定型,并且对增进同学之间的交流与合作有着积极促进的作用。论述了双人辅助练习方法的作用与原则,并对此方法在教学中的实际运用进行了有益的探讨。  相似文献   
For the last 15 years a statistical analysis of distances skied and of alpine skiing accidents has been performed in the Davos‐Klosters skiing area, a ‘closed’ skiing area, where every skier has to return from the top to the bottom station. Distance skied is measured by vertical drop in 106 km determined by calculations from frequency surveys by lift‐operators. About 2.5 million km per season have been skied during the past years, a number remaining constant for the last 15 years. In the same time the requirement for rescue‐transports in this area has shown a decline of 46% to 288 transports per season due to a decrease of the number of injuries with initial immobilization. Therefore the so‐called transport‐quotient (one rescue‐transport per 104 km of vertical drop skied) has decreased from its initial value of 4 to 1 per 104 km. During the same time all winter sport injuries were analysed at the hospital of Davos. About 90% are injuries caused by alpine skiing resulting in a total of 17 246 alpine skiing injuries for the last 15 years. There is a great decline in the incidence of lower leg fractures with a contrary development of knee injuries. Today half of the lower leg injuries are knee injuries (280 knee injuries out of a total of 1250 alpine skiing accidents per season). There is a gradual increase of upper extremity injuries from 17% of all skiing injuries in 1972 to 35% in 1976. A Swiss multicentre study on skiing safety shows comparable injury patterns in other skiing areas. The average injury‐severity measured by several parameters is declining.

In a technical investigation of skiing equipment of 1072 persons who sustained an accident, only 32% had ski bindings with tolerable frontal release and 17% with tolerable torsional release. Parallel measurements of bindings of 600 non‐injured skiers gave the same alarming results. More research on the correlation between binding adjustment and knee injuries is needed.  相似文献   
作为社会的子系统之一,教育的发展不可避免地受到社会政治、经济、文化等因素的影响,教育行政部门的相关法律、政策更是在教育发展中发挥着举足轻重的作用。20世纪50年代院系调整是我国建国初期高等教育领域的一项战略调整。福建省经过院系调整,高校数量从9所减到4所,厦门大学被人为肢解,教会大学和私立大学被撤销,工科全部被划往省外,这一切对福建省高等教育的发展产生了重大影响。  相似文献   
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