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美国现代戏剧<榆树下的欲望>,<热铁皮屋顶上的猫>和<动物园的故事>是三部表现小人物的生活悲剧,其悲剧性有独特的表现方式.这三部剧作分别围绕悲剧人物展开了悲剧与命运,悲剧与面具以及悲剧与抗争的三重关系.悲剧人物无法摆脱孤独的宿命,是自我的不可抗拒和战胜,更是社会力量对人性的扭曲和倾轧.  相似文献   
加西亚.马尔克斯不仅用长篇小说《百年孤独》叩开了诺贝尔文学奖的大门,其短篇小说创作也是异彩纷呈。文章从整体上理出一条贯穿加西亚.马尔克斯中短篇小说创作的主线,并大体上概括出涵盖其大部分作品的特点。  相似文献   
韦应物是中唐时期的一个重要作家,他的诗歌向来以冲淡平和著称,当时在诗坛上有“韦柳”之称。本文结合他的生平事迹重点分析他性格方面的独特性,由于诗人独特的生活经历再加上中唐特殊的社会背景,这一切铸就了诗人独特的性格特征。在他的性格中有仕与不仕的矛盾冲突,但在两者的冲突中诗人终于找到融合点———心理达到平衡。韦应物诗歌给人以冲淡的感觉,其实在这种冲淡的风格下隐含着诗人性格的孤独因素。  相似文献   
从对陶渊明的创作心理、生存心理、社会心理的分析和研究入手 ,探讨陶渊明隐居生活的动因和价值 ,试析陶渊明的孤独而且超脱的隐居生活对他创作的巨大影响 ,说明了在今天这样一个社会背景下重新认识陶渊明的必要性。  相似文献   
龙永干  罗冬 《天中学刊》2006,21(3):107-112
鲁迅对复仇的提倡旨在解构封建道德中奴隶式的“怨恨”,进行国民性改造。《孤独者》中魏连殳向民众报复的悲剧,唤起的是启蒙者对孤独的澄明与担负。《铸剑》中黑色人的复仇则是创作主体以艺术的方式解读历史时,在感性与理性、艺术表现与现实实存、情感逻辑与价值判断所形成的悖论中进行的“绝望的抗战”。  相似文献   
浮世绘是日本江户时代(1603—1867)流行的风俗画,作为最具代表性的日本美术样式,其独特的风格、特征,充分体现了日本的民族个性和所蕴涵的日本式审美思维。其中,浮世绘风景画大师歌川广重的作品如《东海道五十三次》系列、《木曾海道六十九次》、《名所江户百景》系列等,不仅体现出西方绘画的影响,更是在日本传统美术样式与风格的继承中形成了独具一格、颇为哀婉的情怀,透出一份闲寂与乡愁的预感。  相似文献   
In current-day criticisms of consumer culture as well as of the performativity culture of the work place, the originally religious concept of the vice of acedia or sloth is reinterpreted as a virtue. Art, especially poetry, is put to the fore in that connection. The image of the reader is addressed when the question of the relationship between poetics and religion is under discussion. The observation of the decline of reading has often been part of forms of cultural criticism and pessimism. Empirical research from the Netherlands over a few decades as to the free time spent in reading as compared to other leisure activities, is reviewed. The pattern emerges that not reading as such, but reading books is losing ground. The “Cultural Citizen” of present, as characterized by the Dutch Culture Council in 2007, is involved in so many diverging leisure activities, that the time and quiet needed for the time-honoured pastime of reading is lacking. The article then discusses the question whether there is a relationship between poetics and religion as to their imminent concentration and contemplation. An intrinsic relation between poetry and reading on the one hand and religion and transcendence on the other, is advocated by the famous British literary theorist George Steiner and by the Dutch essayist Jan Oegema. Steiner distinguishes five categories of solitude in his Grammars of Creation (2001). These categories are explored in order to test the validity of the idea that the seeking of solitude and concentration necessary for reading, eventually leads to spiritual and religious experience. This idea is rejected. In conclusion, reading is, after the fashion of the novelist Milan Kundera, tied to the experience, not of a transcendent unity, but rather of a polyphony of human voices.  相似文献   
张爱玲的散文独具魅力,被誉为“流言体”.在20世纪40年代低气压时期的上海,张爱玲的散文以其耽溺于个人情感的展现和世俗小市民的纵情描绘,不追逐时代共振声音的洪流,而成为一种异质话语.她对世俗生活的审视有着孤独者的姿态,世俗的声音是这孤独姿态的面具,蕴含着家国情结和曲高和寡的苍凉.她散文的艺术魅力影响后世,两岸三地均有传人.  相似文献   
苏氏“寂感”说分为体用、动静、性情三个层面,强调主体修为由思而至于无思、“入神”以致用;物我交相感应以至于“忘”;性发为情而最终复于性。苏氏“寂感”说是苏轼等人文学思想的哲学基础,一方面影响其文艺思维方式,体现为对创作主体自身修养的重视,要求尽物之妙、随物赋形,达到“入神”境界;一方面影响其艺术风格,追求由绚烂之极回归平淡。  相似文献   
因公然挑战和抨击夫权制度而遭禁止出版的《觉醒》,在其作者凯特·肖邦辞世半个世纪之后,被重新发掘并成为女性主义文学的经典。这部作品的荒谬命运揭示了从存在主义视角对其进行阐释的预知性和可能性。主人公爱德娜在追求自我意识实现的历程中,体验了人生的寂寞与无奈,经历了地狱般的人际关系,认识了世界的荒谬与虚无。爱德娜的困境既具有倡导性别平等的女性主义内涵,更具有揭示现代人困境的普遍象征意义。  相似文献   
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