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张芝鸣 《科教文汇》2020,(15):115-116
新时代大学生承担着民族复兴的重任,是促进当代社会稳步发展的主力军。当前,脱贫攻坚已进入冲刺期,高职院校作为培养现代化高素质、高技能、应用型技术人才的院校,应积极响应习近平总书记号召,在履行服务社会职能和提升教育扶贫的基础上,发挥其特有的服务形式,开拓创新精准扶贫模式,实现专业性扶贫的有效实践,在精准扶贫、乡村振兴社会背景下发挥自身优势。本文以湖南体育职业学院为例,通过走访调研、义务实践等形式,探索体育高职生参与体育扶贫活动的独特优势和有效路径。  相似文献   
The global rise of a neoliberal ‘new politics of parenting’ discursively constructs parents in poverty as the reason for, and remedy to, child poverty. This allows for Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) to become a key policy lever by using human technologies to intervene in and regulate the lives of parents and children in poverty. The article explores the uptake of this policy locally through interviews with 30 ECEC practitioners in three locations across England. The interviews suggested that the neoliberal discursive formation of child poverty as a problem of the poor themselves had symbolic power and was a view shared by most of the interviewees. This appeared to restrict their thinking and action, shaping a limited engagement with parents in poverty. Delivering curricular requirements was seen to further delimit practitioners’ practices with children in poverty by reducing their poverty sensitivity. Although this is a small study, its findings may be of value in questioning neoliberal logics, and their implications are considered critically.  相似文献   
在对西部375个国家扶贫工作重点县历年农民人均纯收入和经济发展数据分析的基础上,发现了西部贫困县经济发展和收入增长之间的一般规律.重点对内蒙古自治区内九个贫困县人均生产总值、农民人均纯收入远高出西部贫困县的现象进行了深入研究,研究表明,内蒙古自治区内的贫困县产业发展和农民收入的增加受益于区域间和产业间的相互作用.  相似文献   
我国相对贫困地区高质量发展内涵及综合施策路径   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
贫困是人类发展面临的重大挑战,特别是长期困扰中国在内的发展中国家的世界性难题。随着2020年实现农村绝对贫困人口脱贫和贫困县摘帽,新时代中国的反贫困重点也将发生根本性转变,即从解决绝对贫困地区的精准脱贫转变为综合施策推动相对贫困地区的高质量发展。文章从个人和区域尺度可持续性入手,初步构建了相对贫困地区高质量发展的概念模型,解析了2020年之后内部与外部约束条件,提出了确保脱贫不返贫且高质量发展的综合施策路径。提出建议:引导人口及发展要素合理流动,重塑城镇乡村互动与等值发展面貌,深入推动资源和生态优势价值化,聚焦青藏高原等深度贫困地区重点攻坚;将"十四五"作为应对相对贫困长期性的起步期,制定灵活精准的相对贫困人口和地区识别标准,注重各类反贫困政策工具与资源的整合,形成集中式、分布式、流动式相结合的高质量基础设施和公共服务保障体系。  相似文献   
可持续发展强调人口、资源、环境和社会经济发展的相互协调。人是实现可持续发展的条件,又是可持续发展的主体。当前我国广大的农村地区中大量的剩余劳动力、较低的人口素质以及众多的贫困人口的存在,成为实现农村可持续发展的巨大障碍。因此,要实现农村的可持续发展,从人口角度,必须对农村剩余劳动力问题进行有效的调控,提高人口素质,并采取措施消除农村贫困人口。  相似文献   
Researchers in the educational field have investigated how a caring adult can best provide mentoring support to youth placed at risk and what functions a mentoring program should serve to promote healthy mentoring relationships. However, the perspective of mentors rarely has been sought to elicit their evaluation of a mentoring program or recommendations for programmatic change. The purpose of this article was to investigate the views of university students serving as mentors in high‐need high schools or community centers. We asked 49 students, primarily undergraduates across a range of liberal arts disciplines, who were participating in a university‐based service‐learning mentoring program for youth attending high‐poverty high schools: (a) what activities they engaged in with mentees, (b) how they benefited from the mentoring program, and (c) how they perceived the program and what recommendations they had for change. Findings revealed specific suggestions that mentoring program coordinators can adopt to address mentors’ concerns and promote sustained, durable mentoring relationships for youth.  相似文献   
西藏农牧民贫困特征、类型、成因及精准扶贫对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
西藏贫困农牧民面临着收入增长慢、生存环境差、占有资源少、健康状况弱、劳动力素质低的困境。贫困人口类型复杂,包括生存环境脆弱型、生产资料贫乏型、经营意识薄弱型、人口压力过大型、人口健康缺陷型、多重因素复合型等。要紧紧把握"精准扶贫、精准脱贫"的总体思路,结合"两项制度衔接"政策,走出一条精准识别、精准扶持、精准管理、精准考核的精准脱贫路径。要不断探索和完善"整村推进"、"合作社+"、"龙头企业+"、"科研基地+"等扶贫开发模式,提高精准扶贫效果。重大扶贫措施是:推进民生大力改善,促进公共服务均等化;鼓励龙头企业创新发展,带动贫困农民就业增收;强化劳动力素质培养,增强农民就业能力;构建科技下乡服务体系,提高农牧民科学生产水平;稳妥实施移民搬迁工程;整合配置扶贫资源,提高扶贫开发综合效率。  相似文献   
社会排斥与农村体育贫困   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
农村体育是发展群众体育的重要组成部分,体育贫困问题是阻碍农村体育发展的瓶颈,而社会排斥是造成农村体育贫困的根源.通过对农村体育贫困现状的审视,基于社会排斥理论,从经济、制度、文化教育、组织等4个维度来探讨造成农村体育贫困的原因,并提出反对社会排斥与解决农村体育贫困的对策,以期丰富城乡体育统筹发展的理论研究,为体育体制改革提供参考.  相似文献   
The research set out in this paper attempts to identify whether one of three conventional IQ tests is more capable of identifying intellectual potential amongst poor children in Dar es Salaam. To this end 1857 children from 17 government schools in poor districts of Dar es Salaam were asked to complete a questionnaire and undertake a range of tests. The study included teacher, peer and self-nomination. It has been noted that static testing may not fully elicit the abilities of African children. It has been suggested that dynamic testing might provide a more fair and equitable means of assessment. Therefore 101 students took part in a control and intervention group in order to investigate. The findings show a significant correlation between IQ test scores and other test outcomes. Those with larger families and older children perform less well on IQ tests. Peer ability and self-confidence positively influence test scores.  相似文献   
社会资本与社区脱贫——对社会资本独立性功能的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社会资本是当代西方社会科学研究的一个重要概念和分析工具。在不同学者那里,社会资本的概念有着不同的界定。西方有关社会资本的主流理论认为,社会资本具有独立于其他资本的独立性功能,但是最近大量的实证研究发现,社会资本是否真正具有独立性功能在社区脱贫项目的实践中面临着许多现实的困难,主要的问题在于社会资本的积累,特别是对社区经济发展有重要影响的跨越型和垂直型社会资本在很大程度上都依赖于行动者所处的社会和经济阶层。由此可见,西方主流社会资本理论可能存在着一些内在的缺陷,而这些对我们进一步探讨社会资本理论在中国社区经济研究领域的价值具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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