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Drawing from data gathered in South Western Madagascar in 2011, the work explores the combination of poverty and traditional gender roles as a critical factor in determining unequal school access among young people from semi-nomadic fishing communities. It demonstrates that from the age of early puberty, most boys go fishing with their fathers and brothers whilst most girls from the same families work at home. In contrast to the school systems observed in many developing society contexts, which demonstrate female marginalisation, in South Western Madagascar both boys and girls are marginalised. Instruments of global policy designs, such as positive discrimination for girls, seem ill-suited to resolve the problem. Instead, the authors call for a more tailored and context-specific approach to address the particular challenges amongst semi-nomadic fishing communities in Madagascar.  相似文献   
This study explores the long-term impact on participation in the Linda Ray Intervention Program (LRIP) for children (n = 54) who were developmentally delayed and prenatally exposed to cocaine. By identifying a group of programme graduates from a high crime/high poverty neighbourhood in Miami-Dade County using ArcGIS 10.2 software, a quasi-experimental design was used to compare children living in this area who participated in the centre-based modality (5 h a day; 5 days a week) to children living in this area who participated in the home-based modality (3 h per week) on their Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) reading and math scale scores in public school. The children who participated in the centre-based modality reported stronger outcomes in both math and reading FCAT scale scores at the p < .05 level and also out-performed their school-age peers on both math and reading FCAT scores at the p < .05 level.  相似文献   
黑龙江国有林区贫困的现状、原因及其对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据经济管理体制、思想观念、天保工程实施的影响等方面的原因,深入分析黑龙江国有林区贫困的现状及其具体表现,结合黑龙江国有林区的实际情况和黑龙江省的相关政策,提出帮助黑龙江国有林区走出贫困的建议。  相似文献   
张青林 《科教文汇》2011,(24):181-182
做好高校学生的贫困补助工作十分重要,它体现了国家对经济困难家庭的关爱,体现一种社会公平。但是高校学生的贫困认定是一项十分模糊的工作,有许多令人困惑的东西。文章从大学生贫困认定的标准、贫困认定中的隐私保护、贫困认定中的诚信问题三个方面进行探讨,希望能为大学生贫困认定工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   
高校贫困生社会网络资本由两部分构成:一是以家庭为中心的社会网络资本;二是以贫困生本人为中心的社会网络资本。教育是高校贫困生提升其社会网络资本的重要方式之一。在接受教育的过程中,高校贫困生不断对自己的社会网络资本进行拓展与重构:一是扩大原有的社会网络;二是建立新的社会网络。新的社会网络资本的建立对高校贫困生职业地位获得具有显著作用。  相似文献   
"教育致贫"是目前中国民族地区脆弱性贫困的突出问题。文章以民族地区"教育致贫"现象为主题,以贵州黔南布依族自治州贵定县、湖北恩施土家族自治州建始县为调查对象进行入户访谈,结合从吉林延边朝鲜族自治州回收的相关数据作对比分析,探讨中国少数民族地区"教育致贫"现象产生的直接原因和间接原因;并针对问题成因,就中国民族地区教育问题的相关政策提出建议:加强地区经济建设,增加居民收入;实施民族地区教育结构优化,提高教育质量;扩大教育资助帮扶范围,加大高中阶段教育帮扶力度;加大教育帮扶政策和理财意识的宣传力度;出台民族地区大学生回乡服务抵偿国家助学贷款的相应政策;端正对待教育的态度,提高家庭教育决策的科学性。通过一系列政策的引导,促使"教育致富",使民族地区教育事业平稳发展。  相似文献   
Reflections about the use of critically reflexive praxis by academic/practitioners are offered based on a case study of a formative evaluation of Circles® USA, a nonprofit organization coordinating initiatives across the U.S. working to move families out of poverty. Critically reflexive praxis is theorized as featuring several themes including acknowledging different levels of context, critical dialogue with collaborators, engaging cultural difference and intersectionalities, problematizing power relations and relationships among researchers and collaborators, and occurring throughout the research project. Examples of critical dialogic reflexivity and navigating common tensions that emerge throughout such community engagement projects are detailed during three phases: planning and design; fieldwork and interviews; and outcomes, applications, and implications.  相似文献   
以希克斯分析法对森林碳汇生态补偿进行理论分析,利用四川省诺华川西南林业碳汇、社区和生物多样性造林项目区参与农户的调查数据,以“放牧地-碳汇林地”土地用途转变造成的机会成本损失为基础,结合农户受偿意愿,运用机会成本法和意愿调查法测算森林碳汇生态补偿额度范围,运用Tobit模型分析农户森林碳汇生态补偿受偿额度的影响因素。研究表明,被调查农户均具有森林碳汇生态补偿受偿意愿,受偿额度在1758元/(亩?年)到2025元/(亩?年)之间。受教育年限、家庭收入主要来源、参与碳汇造林地面积、牲畜减少量、家庭距最近集市距离、村集体经济状况等对农户受偿额度影响显著。研究对政府制定森林碳汇生态补偿政策、实施生态扶贫等具有一定借鉴。  相似文献   
高校实施农村扶贫工作探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校实施农村扶贫工作是党中央、国务院的政策要求,也是高校一种特殊的教育实践活动。高校目前的扶贫工作存在一些误区,高校实施农村扶贫工作应把重点放在科技文化、思想精神等各方面。  相似文献   
黎明傈僳族乡位于云南省丽江市玉龙县西北部,是傈僳、纳西、彝、白、普米等少数民族的交汇地带,该区旅游资源丰富,价值高,具有发展旅游的基本条件,由于该区旅游接待设施不足、旅游产品单一、社区居民收益低等原因,致使黎明旅游发展进入尴尬境地,为了保证旅游扶贫落到实处,在保护生态环境前提下,调整旅游发展策略。  相似文献   
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