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Traditional approaches to computer ethics regard computers as tools, andfocus, therefore, on the ethics of their use. Alternatively, computer ethicsmight instead be understood as a study of the ethics of computationalagents, exploring, for example, the different characteristics and behaviorsthat might benefit such an agent in accomplishing its goals. In this paper,I identify a list of characteristics of computational agents that facilitatetheir pursuit of their end, and claim that these characteristics can beunderstood as virtues within a framework of virtue ethics. This frameworkincludes four broad categories – agentive, social, environmental, and moral– each of which can be understood as a spectrum of virtues rangingbetween two extreme subcategories. Although the use of a virtue frameworkis metaphorical rather than literal, I argue that by providing a frameworkfor identifying and critiquing assumptions about what a `good' computer is,a study of android arete provides focus and direction to the developmentof future computational agents.  相似文献   
约纳斯认为,传统伦理学在本质上是人类中心论的,这种伦理学对技术时代的文明产生了负面影响.他基于对科学技术的哲学批判和伦理评估,尝试建立一种新型的伦理学,即责任伦理.他从责任的起源、实现及其基础等方面对责任伦理进行了理论探讨,不仅试图回答技术时代的责任伦理何以可能的问题,而且力图将责任原理[命令]运用到技术、医学与伦理学领域,表明这种责任伦理之于技术时代的重要性及其现实效应.约纳斯对责任原理的论证诉诸道德直觉和神学奠基,在责任的实现途径上他既诉诸于集体权力又强调个体责任;而这种不同于以往伦理学的理论尝试根植于他对人类中心论的深刻反思以及对自然和价值别具匠心的理解.  相似文献   
This article offers a discussion of the connection between technology and values and, specifically, I take a closer look at ethically sound design. In order to bring the discussion into a concrete context, the theory of Value Sensitive Design (VSD) will be the focus point. To illustrate my argument concerning design ethics, the discussion involves a case study of an augmented window, designed by the VSD Research Lab, which has turned out to be a potentially surveillance-enabling technology. I call attention to a “positivist problem” that has to do with the connection between the design context and the use context, which VSD seems to presuppose, and I argue that it is necessary to clearly distinguish between the two, since the designers’ intentions do not always correspond with the users’ practice; in fact, the relation between design and use is very complex and principally unpredictable. Thus, a design theory must accept that foresight is limited to anticipation rather than prediction. To overcome the positivist problem, I suggest a phenomenological approach to technology inspired by Don Ihde’s concept of multistability. This argument, which is general in nature and thus applies to any theory of design ethics, is intended as a constructive criticism, which can hopefully contribute to the further development of design ethics.  相似文献   
可持续发展的环境伦理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
可持续发展的理论与实践要求促进了环境伦理学的发展。环境伦理也从人类中心主义的环境伦理与非人类中心主义的环境伦理的分野走向人类中心主义的环境伦理、非人类中心主义环境伦理和可持续发展的环境伦理的鼎足局面。可持续发展的环境伦理是合理人类中心主义环境伦理和非人类中心环境伦理并着眼于可持续发展的环境伦理,它要求人们在对待环境的行为中必须遵循善待自然、关注未来和规范行为的原则。  相似文献   
职业道德教育是高职院校人才培养应有之义,其教育状况直接决定人才培养质量。大量调查数据表明,高职院校大学生职业道德教育状况基本与区域经济发展和学校整体办学水平没有直接因果关系,与学校本身对此项工作重视程度直接相关。学校应高度重视大学生职业道德教育工作,建立高效运行机制,加强课程建设和考核,加大教师队伍建设,坚持“两原则、八结合”,重点抓好九个关键环节,多举措统筹推进职业道德教育,这样才能为社会培养更优秀的高素质复合型高技能人才。  相似文献   
人工智能技术的不断革新引发了人们生产生活、学习和工作方式的变革,并对人类发展产生了重要影响。为让人们深刻认识到人工智能所引发的问题,密切关注其发展,更好地管控风险,让人工智能技术更加安全高效地为人类服务,在分析人工智能涵义与本质的基础上,利用文献分析法总结了人工智能“热”的主要表现,并对其进行理论和实践上的归因分析,强调了人工智能存在的问题及局限,针对性地提出了充分发挥人类创造主动性、建立伦理道德规范、保护人们隐私安全以及让人工智能为产业赋能的解决路径。  相似文献   
池莉站在市民的立场,贴近社会生活,从爱情与婚姻的社会伦理学角度,描绘了改革开放近20年来人们生活、心态的发展变化,表现了市民化顽强的生命力和勃勃生机,直面并抗争着精英化的挑战。  相似文献   
师德治理是教师队伍建设的关键。自改革开放以来,虽然高等教育得到了快速发展,但是,一些高校对师德治理重视不够,师德治理跟不上形势发展的需要;一些教师敬业精神欠缺,功利思想严重,育人意识淡化,导致高校教师师德失范现象比较严重。本文认为,高校师德失范需要在社会控制理论指导下,通过强化高校的师德治理,建立师德治理的长效机制和系统化解决方案,才能从根本上解决问题。  相似文献   
从当前高校师德“滑坡”的现实出发,分析了高校师德缺失的原因,提出通过制度规范、制约、监督、激励和保障等措施,加强和改进高校师德建设。  相似文献   
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