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The positioning of physical education in the school curriculum continues to reflect external discourses circulating in political and social milieu. As increasing austerity measures influence and restrict educational priorities, we consider that there is an urgent need for physical educationalists to articulate a rationale for an educational contribution which is worthy of investment and which avoids the pitfalls of conceptual ambiguity and/or reliance on narrowly drawn health evidence. We, therefore, write as teacher educators, working within a critical framework, who are concerned by the disconnection between competing visions of physical education, when examined from contemporary sociological and philosophical perspectives. With reference to the policy opportunities available in Scotland, we identify how cultivating salutogenic approaches, where a broad, but nevertheless coherent perspective on health and well-being is advanced could offer enhanced prospects for the centrality of physical education in education and schooling. However, apart from the contribution of Quennerstedt, quite how such approaches can be modelled in curriculum has received little critical attention. We see the potential in applying Tiberius's philosophical and social psychological ideas on developing reflective wisdom and of nurturing in education productive experiences which can help pupils deepen their understanding of the health and well-being decisions they make and of the lives they choose to live. After reviewing the contextual influences on policy, we have begun to consider in embryonic terms the methodological possibilities for teachers as insightful and active curriculum decision makers in years to come. We conclude by summarising the benefits of re-conceptualising experiences in physical education in order to help pupils' make informed decisions which are based on enhanced self-awareness and a perspective on the world that views physical education as an essentially optimistic and good endeavour which is worthy of sustained commitment.  相似文献   

In recent years, physical literacy (PL) has been the subject of increased publication, promotion, and speculation in physical education (PE). This research sought to understand how PE teachers interpret PL. We investigated teacher’s conceptualisations, understandings, practices, and ideas of ‘what’ PL stands for through a #Chat conversation with physical educators on Twitter. This generated qualitative data that were interpretively analysed. An ‘everyday philosophy’ of PL emerged from the physical educators’ relationship with the PL concept, alongside the notion that some use social media as a PL advocacy tool. A lack of sophistication was evident in the PE teachers understanding and operationalization of PL. We conclude that perhaps too much time and effort has been spent ‘adapting’ PL to national contexts, personal, and institutional agendas, rather than investing in the pedagogical and content knowledge of PE teachers to deliver on the concept of PL. We suggest that it is empirical research rather than academic opinionating that is needed to establish the validity of PL for PE.  相似文献   

The force enhancement of muscle twitch contraction after a maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) has been defined as post-activation potentiation. However, the effects of post-activation potentiation on ballistic movements have not been studied extensively, or the underlying neurophysiologycal mechanism. In the current study, we examined post-activation potentiation and spinal H-reflex excitability in the soleus muscle. Mechanical power during explosive ballistic plantar flexions was measured in 14 males before and after 5 s, 4 min, and 10 min of isometric conditioning (EPFpre, EPF5s, EPF4min, EPF10min, respectively). Four sessions corresponding to four different protocols of isometric conditioning were conducted. The protocols were different in the intensity (10% vs. 100% of MVC) and duration (7 vs. 10 s) of the isometric conditioning. The results showed a significant enhancement in mechanical power in EPF4min compared with EPFpre, only when the isometric conditioning was performed at 100% of MVC for 10 s. No significant changes were observed in the H-related parameters (e.g amplitude, threshold, H/M ratio) after the isometric conditioning. Our results show that to obtain a post-activation potentiation during explosive ballistic movements, the intensity and duration of the isometric conditioning must be controlled. Moreover, the improvement in mechanical power is not related to spinal H-reflex excitability.  相似文献   

The quiet eye (QE) is a gaze phenomenon that has been studied over more than two decades. However, the underlying mechanisms of the well-known expertise effect, namely, longer QE durations in experts when compared to less-skilled athletes remain unclear. Therefore, from a functional perspective, an inhibition hypothesis was proposed that explains long QE durations in experts with increased inhibition requirements over movement parametrisation. This hypothesis was tested by making use of the especial-skill effect in basketball free throw which refers to the observation of higher actual performance than would be predicted on the basis of performance at the nearby locations. In line with the expectations, from the distance of the free-throw line, higher actual than predicted shooting accuracy and longer actual than predicted QE duration were revealed. This suggests that when performing free throws prolonged QE durations are required to shield the optimal against alternative task solutions within the very dense sub-space of this especial skill. These findings suggest an inhibition function of long QE durations in expert athletes.  相似文献   
生态体育是摩梭民族文化的重要遗产,它的母系元素、宗教色彩、乡土气息、浪漫主义等是对摩梭民族文化的最真实、最生动的描绘和记录。运用文献资料、实地调查等方法研究揭示摩梭民族生态体育的嬗变过程,探讨与母系文化、宗教信仰、游牧农耕生活以及“阿夏”婚俗的渊源关系,进而深入挖掘摩梭民族生态体育的文化内涵特征和体育价值,为弘扬与继承中华少数民族传统体育文化提供借鉴。  相似文献   
太极拳是中华民族的宝贵遗产,众多人群通过习练太极拳达到"延年益寿不老春"的目的。如今全世界习练太极拳的人数已经超过一亿人数,在这庞大数字的背后,我们不由得发问:人人都练习太极拳,他们对太极拳了解多少?很显然,太极拳作为一个拳种流派,有着自身深厚的理论根基,今习练太极拳者多为年老者或一些青少年,其习练的出发点为强身健体,大多数习练者都只是停留在架势上,有的青少年盲目追求动作的高、难、美、新,对太极拳的习练要领及其内涵从无追究,这就导致了许多拳友练习的非常空洞,同时也影响了学拳的兴趣。古有拳谚:"拳无理不明,理无拳不精",这足以说明习练拳者不仅仅是要会练,而且需要练习者明明白白的练。正如太极拳泰斗吴图南说的"要科学的练太极"。  相似文献   
学校体育的发展现状一直以来饱受社会各界诟病。我们在分析现阶段学校体育面临的窘境的基础上,提出必须纠正学校体育的价值取向,立足“终身体育”、坚持“健康第一”、贯彻“以生为本”才是指导学校体育走出窘境的价值选择。  相似文献   
高铁对混凝土配方中液体外加剂的用量有时较少,精度要求还很高,要求控制在±1%,且要求每一盘的精度均需达标。本文设计了一套精确的外加剂计量系统,该系统包括粗计量管路和精计量管路,在两套管路上增加电动阀门,通过单片机控制阀门的开关,并在精计量管路上增加球阀,可手动调节精计量的落差值,使外加剂的计量精度达到设定要求。  相似文献   
社会主义核心价值体系建设是构建和谐社会的客观必然,构建社会主义和谐社会必须准确把握社会主义核心价值体系建设的新特点和新规律,在多元价值形态中坚持社会主义核心价值体系的主导地位,努力创新适应和谐社会的社会主义核心价值体系运行机制,建造适应和谐社会要求的思想政治和文化工作新的方法体系。  相似文献   
图式理论是认知心理学研究的一个重要方面。不同时期的心理学家从不同角度和侧面对图式理论进行了深入探索,本文剖析了现代图式理论的基本内容以及图式理论在大学综合英语课听力、词汇、阅读和写作教学中的具体运用。  相似文献   
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