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由于化疗、放疗、免疫抑制剂治疗、介入治疗的广泛开展及抗生素的广泛应用,恶性肿瘤继发肺部真菌感染呈上升趋势。肺部真菌感染的确诊有赖于真菌的培养和分离,而常用的咳痰标本又极易受到污染,很难确定其病原性。我们经纤维支气管镜(纤支镜)防污染毛刷(protectedspecimenbrush,PSB)对135例可疑肺部真菌感染患者采样进行真菌培养和涂片检查,其中56例恶性肿瘤继发的肺部感染患者中26例诊断为肺部真菌感染。现报告如下。1,资料与方法1.1,临床资料56例均为我院住院和门诊可疑肿瘤继发的肺部真菌感染患者,男31例,女25例,年龄47 ̄68岁,平均年龄6…  相似文献   
目的:研究视交叉的解剖特点,进而为垂体肿瘤切除手术提供解剖学依据.方法:在20例成年男性头部标本上,对视交叉进行观察与测量.结果:视交叉前缘与鞍结节相距4.42±1.17mm,视交叉前缘与交叉前沟相距7.0±1.1mm,视交叉与镰状韧带颅前窝附着处后缘相距10.7±1.02mm,视交叉宽度为10.6±1.2mm,在出视神经管、入颅处,两侧视神经内缘相距14.8±1.9mm.结论:视交叉的解剖关系是垂体瘤手术成功与否的关键.  相似文献   
运用傅立叶方程建立了氟化体系稀土电解槽的温度场的有限元模型,采用VC6.0编程制作了相应的软件,并对导热系数、密度、比热等相关参数进行了运行计算研究.结果表明,建立的数学模型和编制的软件对稳态温度场的数学模拟计算结果与实际测试的结果基本吻合.可为新一代稀土电解槽体的开发设计提供参考.  相似文献   
综合了细胞芯片,细胞传感器和膜片钳这几种基于细胞特异感受的生物学技术原型及应用状况。  相似文献   
设G=(V,E)是一个图,G的Geometric—Arithmetic指数(简称GA指数)在某些化学物品的物理性质方面具有良好的预测作用.通过计算,给出了直链、锯齿链四角系统和转向细胞个数为1的链状四角系统的GA指数公式;证明了六角系统中完全冷凝苯类的GA指数是其转向六边形个数和分枝六边形个数的单调递增函数.  相似文献   
“花开红树乱莺啼.草上平湖白鹭飞。”试想.如果没有太阳,你会感知到花开鸟飞的美景吗?也不会有什么蓝天、白云、青山、绿水、红色的苹果、黄色的柑橘、金首饰、银餐具、宽阔的马路、高大的楼房、美丽的脸蛋、华丽的时装等等。如果是在一片漆黑的夜晚里,再好看的一切,也都会失去它的魅力。  相似文献   
Objective: To observe the effect of Yangxueqingnao particles on rat vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation induced by lysophosphatidic acid (LPA). Methods: The amount of3H-TdR (3H-thymidine) admixed in cultured rat VSMC was measured and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activity and lipid peroxidation end product malondialdehyde (MDA)content of the VSMC were assayed. Results: 1×10-9, 1×10-8, 1×10-7 mol/L LPA in a concentration dependent manner, induced the amount of 3H-TdR admixed, MAP kinase activity, and MDA content of the cultured rat VSMC to increase. However, 5%, 10%,and 15% Yangxueqingnao serum preincubation resulted in a decrease of 23.0%, 42.0%, and 52.0% (P<0.01) respectively in the amount of 3H-TdR admixed, a decline in VSMC MAP kinase activity of 13.9% (P<0.05), 29.6% (P<0.01), and 48.9% (P<0.01)respectively, and also, a decrease in MDA content of VSMC of 19.4%, 24.7%, and 43.2% (P<0.01) respectively, in the 1×10-7mol/L LPA-treated VSMC. Conclusions: LPA activates the proliferation and lipid peroxidation of VSMC in a concentration dependent manner. The LPA-induced VSMC proliferation is related to the activity of MAP kinases, enzymes involved in an intracellular signalling pathway. The results of the present study showed that Yangxueqingnao particles can effectively inhibit LPA-induced VSMC proliferation, MAP kinase activation, and reduce lipid peroxidative lesion.  相似文献   
Objective: To study the relationship between the size of pontocerebellar angle tumor and audiology. Methods: Retrospective analysis of accoustically evoked brainstem response (ABR) waveforms and pure tone threshold in 27 subjects with tumor of pontocerebellar angle. Results: ABR wave forms and pure tone threshold were significantly affected statistically by the size of tumors, especially those tumor larger than 3 cm in diameter. Conclusion: The primary symptom of the patient was unilateral hearing loss. Early discovery of the lesion is important and ABR is a sensitive tool for early diagnose of the tumor.  相似文献   
变电站的信息和数据共享及采用可靠、实用、高效的通信网络和协议,可以优化变电站自动化系统的功能,提高变电站系统的自动化水平;以CAN现场总线为基础,研究其在变电站综合自动化系统中的应用原理和实施方法,针对传统测控网络存在的缺陷,设计了一种由CAN总线组成的新型测控网络,采用双口RAM解决了CPU间数据的可靠传输问题,使得整个变电站系统内部设备之间实现可靠、快速的通信成为可能,从而为最终实现变电站无人值守提供了条件。  相似文献   
NomenclatureA-area ( m2)Dw-membrane water diffusivity ( m2/s)F-=96 487I-current (A)M-molecule mass (kg/mol)T-temperature (K)W-mass flowrate (kg/s)cw-water concentration in membrane ( mol/m3)m-mass (kg)n-cell numbernd-electro-osmotic drag coefficientp-pres…  相似文献   
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