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根据21世纪我国环境保护的要求,分析并指出我国主要污染治理产品及设备的现状.技术水平.存在的问题及发展趋势。  相似文献   
模块组合式脱硫除尘吸收实验装置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
这是踊套具有创新性的模块组合式湿法脱硫除尘装置,使用者根据教学和科研的需要,可任意拆卸组合。其创新点是在塔的下部嵌入了一个环栅喷射鼓泡式进气装置,其新颖之处体现于:烟气稳流减压,冷却除尘,高效吸收,气力搅拌等功能可在环栅通道内一气呵成。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION Chlorophenols (CPs) are chemicals widely used in industry to manufacture insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, biocides, and dye, are also found in the effluent of the pulp and paper mill industry, and are mainly man-made compounds, and have been recog-nized as organic pollutants of air, groundwater, soil and sediments. They are carcinogenic and stable in water. Most chlorophenols are listed as priority pol-lutants by the US Environmental Protection Agency (1988) due to th…  相似文献   
红柳河特大桥48m简支箱梁预应力质量控制的关键是节段箱梁预制过程中的预应力孔道位置控制和节段拼装过程中的湿接缝预应力孔道位置控制。由于48m箱梁节段拼装预应力筋过长、弯曲较多都会加大预应力筋的孔道摩阻损失,因此,后张法在张拉前测试预应力孔道的摩阻力是确保施工质量的有效措施。预应力孔道的摩阻测试有效验证了孔道位置施工质量,给预应力张拉提供准确的施工参数,确保预应力张拉施工质量。  相似文献   
本实验采集了北京市石景山区2006.5~2007.10的雨水样品,采用气相色谱(GC—ECD)检测雨水中84种多氯联苯(PCBs)。日的是为了计算雨水样品中PCBs的浓度和估计北京PCBs的湿沉降通量。雨水中∑PCBs的算术平均浓度为683±755ng/L,总质量/总体积得到的平均浓度为260ng/L。∑PCBs浓度有很大波动但是没有季节性的变化,总体呈减小趋势。对PCB异构体分析发现雨水中PCBs以2~6氯的低氯取代物为主。由2006年和2007年降雨量分别为172mm,348mm得到年湿沉降通量分别为78.01×103ng·m-2·yr-1,25.12×103ng·m-2·yr-1。  相似文献   
Based on the COHERENS model (a coupled hydrodynamic ecological model for regional and shelf seas), a numerical hydrodynamic model of the Hangzhou Bay, influenced by tide, regional winds and freshwater from the Yangtze River and the Qiantangjiang River was established. The Lagrangian particle tracking was simulated to provide tracer trajectories. For convenience, the modeling area was divided into 8 subdomains and the modeling focused on March (dry season) and July (wet season). Numerical simulation and analysis indicate that the tracer trajectories originated in different subdomains are quite different. Most particles released in the mouth of the bay move outside the bay quickly and reach the farthest place at 122.5°E; while particles released in the inner part of the bay mostly remain in the same subdomain, with only minor migrations in two opposite directions along the shore. The tracer experiments also indicate that the northwest region of the bay is an area where pollutant can easily accumulate in both wet and dry seasons, and that the southeast region of the bay is another area for pollutant to accumulate in dry season because it is the main path for the contaminant.  相似文献   
互联网的飞速发展拓宽了公民政治参与的渠道,网络政治参与正在成为公民参与政治生活的不可或缺的重要内容.近年来,大学生网络政治参与取得了一定进展,但也存在着薄弱环节,影响并制约着大学生网络政治参与的实际效果.笔者从分析大学生网络政治参与的现状入手,深刻剖析存在的问题,有针对性地提出完善大学生网络政治参与的对策.  相似文献   
直流绝缘子串电位分布影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对于直流绝缘子表面电位分布的解释,传统的解释为由于盐密的影响和电导的作用。通过大量的实验总结,认为起主要作用的是水的极化作用,其中不只是盐密电导的作用。从而提出关于湿闪问题新观点。比较好的解释了潮湿天气及盐密较低情况时直流绝缘子串在额定电压下就发生闪络的特殊现象。  相似文献   
湿地生态系统具有非常重要的生态、经济和社会价值,仅从生态保护角度出发而忽略旅游功能的湿地公园规划无法达成湿地保护的目的。生态旅游的基本理念应贯穿于湖滨湿地公园的规划过程中,从实证研究中探索湖滨湿地公园的基本规划方法。具体说来,湖滨湿地公园规划要对环境保护、旅游开发的关系予以重视,全面考虑点、线、面的关系。  相似文献   
用激光粒度测量法对3种煤粉(其中包括烟煤、无烟煤、贫煤)在多种分散条件下进行了粒度测试,发现分散条件的改变对实验结果影响较大,阐明了分散条件的选择对煤粉激光粒度测量的重要性。  相似文献   
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