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关于引导新疆地区伊斯兰教与社会和谐的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
引导新疆地区伊斯兰教与社会和谐必须抓好以下五个方面的工作:一是依法协调好宗教内部及其与社会各方面的关系;二是帮助伊斯兰教界划清与伊斯兰宗教极端主义的界限;三是抓好爱国教职队伍的建设; 四是抓好解经环节,建立自传教理体系;五是通过法制途径,依法管理宗教事务。  相似文献   

The Muslim community in Sri Lanka has a pre-Islamic origin. Ethnically they are a mixed group, but changing political fortunes throughout the course of Sri Lankan history have made them realize that their identity lies in holding fast to the religion of Islam and not to any ethnic category. The current Sinhala-Tamil ethnic war has once again reinforced the need to hold on to the religious identity even more tightly. However, recent economic and political changes in the country and changes taking place in the Muslim world have injected new concerns for the community to worry about. The community is well and truly trapped in a political quagmire. This article highlights some aspects of this predicament.  相似文献   
宗教民族主义是基于宗教认同基础上的民族主义。宗教的文化性,文化的宗教性,宗教的民族性,民族的宗教性以及经济发展的滞后性是其产生的根源。这种思潮在世界范围内都有影响。由于宗教民族主义作用的两重性,我们要对其作辩证的看待。  相似文献   
论述了伊朗发展战略诞生的背景、发展战略的演变、内容、特征及实施结果,指出伊朗发展战略具有第三世界发展中国家的一般特征,即属于进口替代型战略,也论证了伊朗发展战略与君主制、伊斯兰教和石油收入的关系,1979年以前的发展战略具有开放性,1979年以后的发展战略具有封闭性,但前者受制于君主独裁,后者受制于伊斯兰教规,二者都依赖石油收入.  相似文献   
Islamic fundamentalism is an extreme perception of Islam that views ‘the “Other” as the enemy demonized’ against the ‘West’, which also views the Muslim ‘enemy within’. In contrast, pluralism perceives ‘others’ as different people, with different values from us. While the fundamentalist seeks to engage in war with the enemy/other, pluralism tolerates difference/conflict with others in peace and in the spirit of mutual acceptance. This article spells out the potential contributions to research regarding fundamentalism stemming from different approaches in Iran. Drawing on data collected from 31 individual in-depth interviews with Tehranian high school students and 206 questionnaires that were filled in by students who were randomly selected from 4 of 19 zones of Education in Tehran, their perceptions about pluralism and fundamentalism will be presented. The aim is to help move debate about fundamentalism beyond the pejorative labelling and to explore the concept of fundamentalism and pluralism in an Iranian context. As a case study, Tehranian pre-university students’ point of view about fundamentalism and pluralism will be discussed, in order to comprehend attitudes to fundamentalism and pluralism on the part of Iranian young people.  相似文献   
论吐鲁番地区佛教的衰亡和伊斯兰教的兴起   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伊斯兰教在吐鲁番地区逐渐取代佛教地位经过了一个长期的演变过程。造成佛教在这一地区衰亡和伊斯兰教兴起的原因是多方面的。既有当时新疆地区封建统治强制推行的原因,也有当时深刻的社会政治经济原因,还有佛教自身的内部原因,必须以历史唯物主义的态度,对这一过程做科学全面地说明。  相似文献   
安阳地处中原,文化先进,从东汉起,佛教已经传入,道教也已产生.南北朝时期,佛寺僧众已有习武之风.从隋唐到五代,安阳佛教兴盛起来,道教也有很大发展,灵泉寺成为"河朔第一古刹".宋金元时期安阳佛教和道教进一步得到发展.明清时期,除佛道两教得到继续发展外,天主教和伊斯兰教也传到了安阳.  相似文献   
宋时西北大部为党项人建立的西夏王朝所控.其境内的"丝绸之路"是伊斯兰教得以传入中国的重要路径.西夏王朝的建立对伊斯兰教在西北的传播及发展产生了重要的影响.然而,西夏对伊斯兰教在中国的发展是起到了促进作用还是阻碍作用?对此学者们提出了两种截然不同的观点.随着近年西夏文物的不断出土及公布,为我们提供了西夏时期伊斯兰教在西北传播的新的实物和资料.  相似文献   
Anders Breidlid 《Compare》2005,35(3):247-263
This article examines the educational discourse in the part of the Sudan administered by the Government of the Sudan. It first analyses the value system upon which the Sudanese education is based by focusing on the nature of Islamism. Such a discussion is necessary because the dominant discourse is a discourse where power and Islamic theocracy legitimise each other and spill over into the educational discourse. Given the ethnic and religious complexity in the Sudan the imposition of a fundamentalist Islamic discourse is fiercely contested. The second part of the article, therefore, discusses the educational discourse of the government and relates it to the oppositional discourses in the country. It pays particular attention to the homogenising efforts of the dominant discourse to eradicate difference as a constituting factor in the Sudanese education system. The attempts to recognise difference have not led to a fundamental negotiation of the consequences of Islamism in the official school system.  相似文献   
张承志是一个有着特殊教徒身份和强烈族属意识的作家,回族伊斯兰教文化背景为理解他激烈超越的神性人格提供了某种深层的文化内部的阐释.以“清洁”为要义的回族信仰本位型文化和讲求世俗功用的汉儒文明之间先天的异质在很大程度上促成了作家被理解的隔膜,因此张承志最本质的精神模式实则是孤独的,而且这种孤独有一种宿命的悲剧色彩.  相似文献   
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