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在文献参考的基础上,首先简要回顾了旅游人类学理论,然后介绍了东巴文化的概念与内容,进而从文化涵化、舞台真实性、历史文化再建构与族群认同三个旅游人类学的视角探讨了旅游对东巴文化的影响。面对旅游业发展中的各种影响,旅游目的地社会如何保持自身文化的独特性,最大限度地保存和发扬民族文化,关键是提升少数民族内部的文化自觉和增强文化自信。在推进社会主义文化强国建设的新政策下,纳西族作为中华民族大家庭中的一员,应该保留发挥东巴文化的特质,吸纳外来文化,与旅游发展机制进行有效对接,促进纳西文化传承与旅游发展的双赢。  相似文献   
Basque origin undergraduates in four universities of the Basque Autonomous Community (BAC) completed the Host Community Acculturation Scale (HCAS) in three life domains: marriage, culture, and work. Undergraduates with a strong Basque identity (N = 308) and those with a strong dual Basque-Spanish identity (N = 219) completed the HCAS towards the co-national Spanish minority and “devalued” Moroccan immigrants residing in the BAC. Results indicate that (1) undergraduates have a preference for individualism and integrationism towards Spanish co-nationals and Moroccans; (2) Strong Dual identifiers endorse individualism and integrationism more than Strong Basque identifiers towards Spanish co-nationals; (3) Strong Dual identifiers favored Spanish co-nationals over Moroccan immigrants in their acculturation orientations, whereas Strong Basque identifiers endorsed more welcoming acculturation orientations towards Moroccans than towards Spanish co-nationals; and (4) undergraduates endorsed more individualism, integrationism, and assimilationism in the work domain, while they endorsed more segregationism and exclusionism in the culture domain. Results are discussed using the Interactive Acculturation Model.  相似文献   
Acculturation, assessed in several ways, predicted smoking attitudes among 364 male and female Chinese and Russian immigrants to the US. Four aspects of smoking attitudes, using the Smoking Attitude Scale, as well as smoking prevalence were measured. Acculturation level and gender were predictors of attitudes toward smoking. In general, the more years living in the US and the greater the use of English, the more negative the attitudinal dimension, in particular the interpersonal relations subscale. Acculturated immigrants were less likely to want to befriend, date or marry smokers. However, acculturated Chinese and Russian females held a more positive smoking attitude and were more likely to smoke, similar to native-born American females. Implications for smoking cessation campaigns suggest that ethnicity, acculturation level and gender factors should inform the design and placement of such programs.  相似文献   
内地新疆班与内地西藏班(校)作为新时代的边疆少数民族内地办学项目丰富了内地学校场景中的文化多样性,为多民族师生的文化互动搭建了平台。借鉴人类学田野民族志的方法,笔者以英语实习教师的身份进入田野,进行了一年的参与式田野调查,通过一个个案折射内地新疆班维汉文化互动的全貌。维汉之间的文化差异是客观存在的,生活差异、语言差异、学业差异等被维汉师生认为在文化互动的初期带来挑战。个案学校“以宽代严”、“眼高手低”、“共享校园”、“弹性编班”等管理制度和理念对促进维汉师生的文化互动取得了成效。这些经验体现出一个总的理念,即在尊重差异的基础上强调文化深层次的普世性,体现了“尊重差异,包容多样”的和谐社会基本理念。在个案情境下,维吾尔族学生和当地师生互动的过程成为了超越文化差异的过程,双方建立了“背着馕去做客”的跨文化友谊,这种文化互动还进一步延伸到了学校所在的小镇和学生的家庭中。这一个案的启示在于,文化差异对参与互动的双方都会形成挑战,但在积极的文化环境中,不同文化群体间的接触越多,他们彼此的尊重和态度就会越积极。边疆少数民族内地办学增加了不同民族师生的接触与交往,为增进了解、超越差异提供了潜在的机会。  相似文献   
Acculturation is commonly conceptualized as a two-way process in which all groups involved in intercultural contact change. Yet, very little is known about the acculturation orientations of majority-group members and the factors that differentiate those who adopt aspects of minority groups’ culture from those who reject them. In the present research, we for the first time aimed to answer this question from a personality perspective. A total of 301 White majority-group members living in the U.S. first completed a personality assessment and then indicated the extent to which they maintained their own culture and adopted the culture of ethnic minority groups. Our analytic approach combined top-down variable-centered and bottom-up person-centered analyses. In terms of variable-centered analyses, participants who adopted the culture of minority groups scored lower on conscientiousness and higher on openness. Moreover, adoption of minority-group cultures was positively associated with the personality facets sociability and inquisitiveness, and negatively with modesty and prudence. In terms of person-centered analyses, four acculturation clusters emerged, resembling strategies commonly observed among minority groups: marginalization, separation, integration and a diffuse strategy in which participants scored around the midpoint on own culture maintenance as well as minority culture adoption. Interestingly, especially this diffuse cluster differed from the other clusters on personality traits and facets, with participants tending to be more open than integrated and separated individuals, and less conscientious than separated individuals. The present report suggests that personality traits may help explain how majority-group members acculturate and highlights avenues for future research.  相似文献   
The present study examined the consensual stereotype of an extraordinarily heterogeneous social group, international students who are sojourning in the United States, among American host nationals. The content and valence of the cultural stereotype was assessed using a multicomponent, free-response methodology with N=100 American college students. On the whole, consensual and individual stereotypic representations of international students were somewhat favorable, although a number of negative attributes were consistently ascribed to the group. The percentages of agreement among participants concerning the attributes of foreign students were substantial, indicating that international students are regarded as a fairly homogenous outgroup by domestic students, notwithstanding the extreme heterogeneity of the foreign student population. Individual stereotypic beliefs about international students were significantly correlated with overall attitudes and behaviors (social contact) toward the group. The negative evaluative content of participants’ individual stereotypic beliefs was strongly related to prejudicial attitudes and social avoidance of the group.  相似文献   
Conceptualizations of the immigrant adaptation process are diverse and often incongruous. There is also a lack of agreement in the interpretation and measurement of constructs underlying the notion of changing ethnicity. In an effort to resolve these differences, this study initially presents a conceptual framework for changing ethnicity by delineating and then integrating its key underlying aspects. This is followed by the development and validation of a multidimensional measure of acculturation for Italian Canadians—one aspect of their ethnic change. Construct validation is based on confirmatory factor analyses of the multitrait-multimethod (MTMM) data. Once validated, the measure is used for an investigation of the relationships between acculturation and some aspects of gender-role perceptions of Italian-Canadian spouses. The paper is concluded with a brief discussion on the possibility of extending the application of our measure to other ethnic groups in North America.  相似文献   
The purpose of this investigation was to develop a multidimensional, culture-specific acculturation measure, the Khmer acculturation scale (KAS), for use with Cambodians living in the United States. The KAS development was guided by Berry's [W. H. Holtzman, T. Z. Bornemann (Eds.), (1990) Mental health of immigrants and refugees, Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, Austin, TX, pp. 90–102] framework and involved two studies. The first study involved the derivation of 130 questionnaire items and demonstration of content validity using 22 expert informants and judges, relevant literature on Cambodian and American cultures, and existing acculturation scales that had been developed for other ethnic groups. Items were created for two KAS subscales written in both English and Khmer, the Khmer orientation scale (KOS) and Anglo-American orientation scale (AOS). The second study inspected reliability and validity of KAS scores obtained from 410 Cambodian participants living in nine states. The two subscales were reduced in length via factor analyses and were found to have high internal consistency and stability reliability. Criterion validity was supported by a modest significant correlation between the KAS and scores on the Suinn–Lew Asian self-identity acculturation scale [Suinn, Rikard-Figueroa, Lew, & Vigil, Educ. Psychol. Meas. 47 (1987) 401]. Construct validity evidence for the KAS was indicated by its factor structure and support for the following predictions derived from Berry's acculturation framework: (1) Those who were in the higher SES and educational levels, of a younger generation, and employed were more acculturated compared to their counterparts; (2) Lower psychological distress as measured by the Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 [Mollica, Wyshak, de Marneffe, Khuon, & Lavelle, Am. J. Psych. 144(4) (1987b) 497] was associated with greater acculturation; (3) Those who acculturate in the integration mode, on average, scored in the normal range on the HSCL-25, while those in the separation mode scored, on average, in the clinical range.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to examine the role of Social Axioms in the endorsement of acculturation orientations held by members of the receiving society toward immigrants. Acculturation orientations of English Canadian undergraduates toward immigrants from Britain and immigrants of Arab Muslim background were measured. Respondents also completed the Social Axioms Survey (SAS) measuring five basic dimensions of social beliefs. A total of 349 undergraduate students (278 female, 71 male) attending a Southern Ontario University in Canada participated in the study. Results showed that participants endorsed the welcoming acculturation orientations, Individualism, Integrationism, and Intergrationism-transformation, more toward culturally close (British) than culturally distant (Arab Muslim) immigrants. Participants also endorsed the unwelcoming acculturation orientations, Assimilationism, Segregationism, and Exclusionism, more toward Arab Muslim than British immigrants. Additionally, social beliefs were related to the acculturation orientations held by English Canadian undergraduates toward immigrants of both British and Arab Muslim origin. More specifically, Religiosity beliefs were associated with the endorsement of Assimilationist, Segregationist and Exclusionist acculturation orientations toward culturally distant and not toward culturally close immigrants.  相似文献   
为了探讨英汉思维差异对二语写作中语篇构建的影响,对非英语专业大学生的139篇英语作文样本的语篇特征进行了分析。其结果表明:汉语的螺旋型思维、感悟型思维和一分为二型思维对二语写作的语篇构建产生了干扰作用,表现为:篇首不切题,段落内容与主题不一致,句与句之间缺乏连贯性,观点不明确等。  相似文献   
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