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The idea that pornography promotes sexism is a commonly purported one. This study employed an online sample of heterosexual men (N = 323) to investigate the relationship between pornography use (in terms of both overall level of pornography use and use of violent and/or humiliating pornography) and old-fashioned and modern sexism. The moderating effects of agreeableness and perceived realism of pornography were also assessed. Level of general pornography use and use of violent and/or humiliating pornography was not predictive of either sexism measure. Agreeableness was negatively predictive of both sexism measures, whereas perceived realism was positively predictive of sexism. Agreeableness and perceived realism did not moderate the relationship between level of pornography use and any of the outcome measures.  相似文献   
改革职业教育运行机制促进农村剩余劳动力转移   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析我国城市化进程中转移农民的受教育水平和就业现状的基础上,从职业教育如何促进农民转移的角度探讨了职业教育在满足转移农民的教育需求上的不足,并针对这些不足提出了职业教育如何在运行机制上进行改革,以通过提高农村剩余劳动力的文化水平和就业技能而促进他们有序、高质量地向城市转移并实现再社会化的转变过程.  相似文献   
在华盛顿会议上,英国在不妨碍其根本利益的条件下,支持中国收回部分权利,如促使中日解决山东问题,在租借地等问题上的让步,表明英国对华政策的新变化,即通过《四国条约》替代英日同盟,利用美国制衡日本,来维护自己在华的利益。  相似文献   
Co-teaching is considered a means for improving the inclusion of students with disabilities in mainstream classrooms. This research employs a mixed methods research approach to investigate teachers’ attitudes towards co-teaching practices for students with disabilities in Greek schools. In total, 400 co-teachers completed a survey questionnaire and 10 of them participated in semi-structured interviews, in which they reported co-teaching practices with regard to planning and evaluation activities, co-teaching models, content of teaching and instructional grouping arrangements. The participants stated that the time they spend to plan and evaluate together is insufficient and that they need more time to perform these activities. In addition, co-teachers were found to use their limited time to separate rather than to co-plan or evaluate co-teaching activities. They reported inconsistencies in the rating of co-teaching activities during planning and evaluation. Even though co-teachers approved a specific stance towards all models of co-teaching, they mainly noted that they implemented supportive co-teaching. Also, they stated that they modify the content of teaching for their students with disabilities, but they limit this practice to individual teaching in order to assist these students to overcome specific difficulties. Finally, co-teachers indicated that they prefer to teach the students with disabilities in mixed ability groups rather than to teach them individually out of the class. The results of this research support those of previous studies with regard to the planning needs of co-teachers and the prevalence of the supportive co-teaching model. In addition, our results inform the field about diverse approaches and inconsistencies in delivering the curriculum and the grouping arrangements for students with disabilities. We argue that professional development on the practical implementation of co-teaching and administrative support are necessary to enhance co-teachers’ activities towards the development of an inclusive culture.  相似文献   
新时期大学生的消费日益多样化、超前化、现代化,尽管书籍仍是他们主要的消费对象,但已不是首选的,更不是惟一的消费项目.本文就如何正确引导大学生消费进行了阐述。  相似文献   
湘南方言的形成   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
湘南方言的形成至少经历了三次大的变化。在战国中前期主要通行瑶、壮等少数民族语言;唐宋以前形成了以古湘语为主的汉语方言;唐宋以后受以客赣方言为主的江西移民方言的影响,湘南方言产生了重大的变化,形成了各具特色的湘南土话;明代以后,官话以读书音的方式迅速传播开来,成为湘南地区的强势方言。  相似文献   
宋金鼎革之际 ,战祸连绵 ,中原板荡 ,宋高宗甫即位便仓皇南逃 ,中原士民随驾南迁者甚多。不少人辗转流徙 ,迁至浙江、江西、广东等地 ,后来便定居在那里。大批中原士民南迁 ,将中原地区的文化传播到了江南。杭州作为南宋的都城 ,南迁的中原士民卜居于此者最多。在饮食、民俗、说唱艺术等方面受汴京的影响更大。  相似文献   
李大钊早期对日外交思想,主要是抨击日本的侵华政策,揭露其实质;提出抗日主张,号召政府与国民协力抗敌。从1919年开始,李大钊一方面继续揭露日本侵华政策的本质和罪恶,另一方面,在反侵略策略上,不再把希望寄托在政府身上,而是强调人民的力量;同时提出把日本政府和日本人民分开看待,提倡中日民间友好。李大钊的对日外交思想具有鲜明的特点:从国际局势的角度考察中日关系;从中国政治局势变化考虑对日外交关系;体现了一个政治家的远见卓识。  相似文献   
本文首先界定高考移民热的含义,在此基础上从社会、文化、政策以及学校层面上探析高考移民热的成因。  相似文献   
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