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非财产性利益贿赂符合犯罪的本质特征,将其立法是大势所趋.刑事立法应细化贿赂犯罪的罪名,降低受贿罪之立案标准,建立多元量刑模式,并完善相关立法以打击因贿赂而诱发的其他犯罪.司法操作中非财产性利益贿赂的认定标准应综合考量,证据规则适用贿赂推定,量刑标准要重点考虑对公权力的侵害程度及社会后果,既得利益之处理适用罚金刑和资格刑.  相似文献   
萨德小说集《爱之罪》,讲述了美德者和恶德者的命运,或从“爱”与“罪”的角度来写美德的脆弱,不堪一击。最有操守、最可爱、最敏感的女人,却遭受不可思议的命运拨弄,成为造化所生的最可恶的魔鬼;做尽了有违风化的放荡之事的女人,却没有恶有恶报。他的小说比较充分和大胆地为文学开创了一个时代。萨德以恶德之得势来催促人们思考美德与厄运的关系,但他在充当美德的吹鼓手时,不论其真实用心如何,让人看到的却是他所扮出的暖昧的"鬼脸"。  相似文献   
自世界上第一台计算机诞生到今天互联网的日益普及,计算机的发展速度非常迅猛,从而也把人类文明带入数码时代。互联网的广泛应用丰富了人们的生活,成为可以创造财富的生产力。但在虚拟的网络世界中,犯罪分子也会借助高智能、无现场、低风险及难防控等特性,采取一切手段,实施各种网络犯罪。  相似文献   
This article compares the current states of science and practice regarding spatiotemporal (space + time) crime analysis within intermediate- to large-size law enforcement agencies in the Northeastern United States. The contributions of the presented research are two-fold. First, a comprehensive literature review was completed spanning the domains of Criminology/Crime Analysis and GIScience/Cartography to establish the current state of science on spatiotemporal crime analysis. This background review then was complemented with a set of interviews with personnel from seven intermediate- to large-size law enforcement agencies in the United States in order to establish the current state of practice of spatiotemporal crime analysis. The comparison of science and practice revealed a variety of insights into the current practice of spatiotemporal crime analysis as well as identified four broad, currently unmet needs: (1) improve access to externally maintained government datasets and allow for flexible and dynamic combination of these datasets; (2) place an emphasis on user interface design in order to improve the usability of crime mapping and analysis tools, (3) integrate geographic and temporal representations and analyses methods to better unlock insight into spatiotemporal criminal activity, and (4) improve support for strategic crime analysis and, ultimately, public safety policymaking and administration. The results of the interview study ultimately were used to inform the design and development of a spatiotemporal crime mapping application called GeoVISTA CrimeViz.  相似文献   
This paper assesses how many children and youth have had exposure to programs aimed at preventing various kinds of violence perpetration and victimization. Based on a national sample of children 5–17, 65% had ever been exposed to a violence prevention program, 55% in the past year. Most respondents (71%) rated the programs as very or somewhat helpful. Younger children (5–9) who had been exposed to higher quality prevention programs had lower levels of peer victimization and perpetration. But the association did not apply to older youth or youth exposed to lower quality programs. Disclosure to authorities was also more common for children with higher quality program exposure who had experienced peer victimizations or conventional crime victimizations. The findings are consistent with possible benefits from violence prevention education programs. However, they also suggest that too few programs currently include efficacious components.  相似文献   
在欧洲小说史上,《罪与罚》是一部俄罗斯式的新长篇小说,在内容上,它在西欧高扬个性基础上,反思了个性该如何发展的问题,把对社会现实问题的反映与对人的终极问题的思考有机地结合起来,使现实性、哲学性、宗教性融为一体;在艺术上,它是一部真正的心理小说,淡化了情节与人物描写,集中深入地展示人物心灵的善恶交战乃至潜意识深层,使小说戏剧化,运用了锁闭式结构和新的叙事手法。  相似文献   
刑法理论界对于非法制造、销售非法制造的注册商标标识罪的研究相对薄弱,笔者从五个方面入手来略抒浅见:从历史沿革角度研究本罪的罪名、罪状和法定刑的逐步完善;提出犯罪客体应属复杂客体,犯罪对象应包括注册服务商标标识;区分伪造与擅自制造应以是否具有印制商标标识经营权和是否受商标所有人委托为标准;“情节严重”应在完善现有立法和司法解释的基础上合理运用;本罪的主观罪过方面可以是间接故意。  相似文献   
数字化环境下,网络侵权行为的隐蔽性大,网络侵权犯罪问题日益复杂和尖锐,著作权刑法保护的难度加大。而我国有关侵犯著作权罪之规定却存在着过于概括,与TRIPS协议等国际准则不协调等不足,给司法适用造成困难。我们应当以TRIPS协议为参照系,扩大作品的范围,准确界定侵犯著作权罪的行为方式,取消“以营利为目的”的要求,完善对著作权的刑法保护。  相似文献   
环境犯罪有不同于传统犯罪的特殊性,刑罚影响具有利害相兼的双重性。这两方面的特性决定了环境犯罪坚持“轻轻重重”的刑事对策的必要性。由此,我国环境犯罪“轻轻重重”刑事对策值得进一步探讨。  相似文献   
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