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Rates of substantiated child abuse and neglect vary significantly across counties. Despite strong cross-sectional support for links between social-contextual characteristics and abuse and neglect, few longitudinal studies have tested relations between these risk factors and substantiated rates of abuse/neglect. The goal of this study was to identify county-level socioeconomic and crime factors associated with substantiated abuse/neglect rates over 13 years (2004–2016). Annual county-level data for Tennessee, obtained from the KIDS COUNT Data Center, included rates of substantiated child abuse and neglect, children’s race and ethnicity, births to unmarried women, teen birth rate, children in families receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, and children in families receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. Annual county-level crime report data, obtained from the Tennessee Incident Based Reporting System, included sexual offenses, non-sexual assaults, stalking incidents, thefts, property damage, and drug-related offenses. Bayesian spatio-temporal models indicated that substantiated child abuse and neglect rates were independently and positively associated with teen birth rates, percentages of births to unmarried mothers, drug-related offenses, and percentages of children receiving SNAP benefits. In contrast, substantiated child abuse and neglect rates were negatively associated with percentages of African-American youth. The findings highlighted distinct demographic, socioeconomic, and crime factors associated with substantiated child abuse and neglect rates and have the potential to enhance identification of high-risk counties that could benefit from targeted abuse and neglect prevention efforts.  相似文献   
金融业网络犯罪日益猖獗,阻止并打击网络金融犯罪实为一项艰难的工作。网络金融犯罪快速发展的根源,除网络金融犯罪自身的特点以外,科技滞后,特别是司法人员的网络、金融知识技能的缺失是很重要的原因。对金融业网络安全防范进行了论述。  相似文献   
为遏制破坏环境资源保护罪的多发态势,按照类罪归属原则,将《刑法》分则第六章第六节“破坏环境资源保护罪”节罪名所涉及的具体罪名移到第三章,作为“破坏社会主义市场经济秩序罪”节罪名之一。增设故意排放有毒有害物质罪,非法勘探罪,买卖、运输、储藏非法采矿所得矿物罪和违法发放采矿许可证罪。完善“破坏环境资源保护罪”节罪名下若干具体罪名的构成要件并对其设置多样化刑罚、加大处刑幅度。  相似文献   
论侵占罪与盗窃罪的界限   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侵占罪是一种将自己合法持有的他人财物非法占为己有的犯罪行为,它与盗窃罪很容易混淆。区分一种行为构成侵占罪还是盗窃罪,关键是要判断行为人在非法占有财物时,该财物究竟受谁的控制。如果行为人将财物非法占为己有时,已经对财物具有法律上或事实上的代为保管关系,就构成侵占罪;如果行为人非法占有已置于他人管理范围内的财物,则构成盗窃罪。  相似文献   
我国刑法界定的职务犯罪是指国家机关、企业事业单位、国有公司、人民团体工作人员利用已有职权,徇私舞弊、贪污、贿赂、滥用职权、玩忽职守,侵犯公民人身权利、民主权利,破坏国家对公务活动的规章规范,依照刑法应当处以刑罚处罚的犯罪.此类犯罪具有严重的社会危害性,一是危害人民民主专政的政权和社会主义制度的政治基础;二是危害国家财产所有权和劳动群众集体所有的财产,危害社会主义的经济基础;三是破坏正常的社会秩序和经济秩序.文章对乐山市十年来职务犯罪中侵犯财产型案件的相关情况进行了调查分析,对此类犯罪的规律、特点和原因进行了归纳总结,并以此为基础提出预防职务犯罪的相应对策.  相似文献   
Drawing on communication accommodation theory in a law enforcement context, young adults rated one of four written vignettes wherein an accommodating or nonaccommodating police officer issued a ticket for a minor or major traffic violation. The officer was rated less favorably along both cognitive and affective dimensions when he nonaccommodated rather than accommodated the offender. The effect of officer accommodation on evaluations of officer competence and social attractiveness were both mediated by intergroup sensitivity. These effects, which supported the theory, emerged irrespective of the severity of the violation. The findings add to the literature regarding the effects of intergroup sensitivity and open up new affective parameters for communication accommodation.  相似文献   
贿赂犯罪一直是我国刑法打击的重点,已有的统计数据表明,较多的贿赂犯罪发生在建设项目招投标领域,传统刑法方法的被动性导致其在打击此类犯罪时的效果不甚理想,值得反思。寻找有效预防和遏制建设项目招投标领域贿赂犯罪的方法,变被动打击为主动防御,无疑有着重要的理论和现实意义。引入情境预防理论或许是一条有益的路径。情境预防理论是一套系统的犯罪预防策略体系,其立足于犯罪学的立场,跳出传统的刑罚遏制范式,强调事前预防以及与刑事处罚的结合运用,以此对建设项目招投标领域的贿赂犯罪起到较好的预防和遏制作用。  相似文献   


To examine whether Chinese studies of child sexual abuse (CSA) in the general population show lower prevalence rates than other international studies, and whether certain features of these studies may help to account for variation in estimates.


A meta-analysis and meta-regression were conducted on 27 studies found in the English and Chinese language peer reviewed journals that involved general populations of students or residents, estimated CSA prior to age 18, and specified rates for males or females individually.


Estimates for Chinese females were lower than the international composites. For total CSA for females, the Chinese pooled estimate was 15.3% (95% CI = 12.6–18.0) based on the meta-analysis of 24 studies, lower than the international estimate (Stoltenborgh, van IJzendoorn, Euser, & Bakermans-Kranenburg, 2011) but not significantly. For contact CSA for females, the pooled estimate was 9.5% (95% CI = 7.5–11.5), based on 16 studies, significantly lower than the international prevalence. For penetrative CSA for females, the pooled estimate was 1% (95% CI = 0.7–1.3), based on 15 studies, significantly lower than the international estimate of 15.1%. Chinese men reported significantly less penetrative CSA but significantly more total CSA than international estimates; while contact CSA reported by Chinese and international males appeared to be roughly equivalent. Chinese CSA prevalence estimates were lower in studies from urban areas and non-mainland areas (Hong Kong and Taiwan), and in surveys with larger and probability samples, multiple sites, face-to-face interview method and when using less widely used instruments.


The findings to date justify further research into possible cultural and sociological reasons for lower risk of contact and penetrative sexual abuse of girls and less penetrative abuse of boys in China. Future research should examine sociological explanations, including patterns of supervision, sexual socialization and attitudes related to male sexual prowess.

Practice implications

The findings suggest that future general population studies in China should use well validated instruments, avoid face-to-face interview formats and be careful to maintain methodological standards when sampling large populations over multiple sites.  相似文献   
This study examines the influence of child custody loss on drug use and crime among a sample of African American mothers. Two types of custody loss are examined: informal custody loss (child living apart from mother but courts not involved), and official loss (child removed from mother’s care by authorities).MethodsUsing data from 339 African American women, longitudinal random coefficient models analyzed the effects of each type of custody loss on subsequent drug use and crime.Resultsindicated that both informal and official custody loss predicted increased drug use, and informal loss predicted increased criminal involvement. Findings demonstrate that child custody loss has negative health implications for African American mothers, potentially reducing their likelihood of regaining or retaining custody of their children.ConclusionsThis study highlights the need to integrate drug treatment and other types of assistance into family case plans to improve reunification rates and outcomes among mothers, children, and families. Additionally, the finding that informal loss predicts increased drug use suggests that community-based efforts within the mother’s social network could be implemented to intervene before child welfare system involvement becomes necessary.  相似文献   
法治之法应当是具有普遍性和优良性的法,包含了形式与实质的内涵。罪刑法定原则作为法治社会的一大重要原则,也应当在形式侧面和实质侧面上做到有机统一,从而才能实现优势互补和弊害互克,并有效保证正义的实现。  相似文献   
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