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战后初期,世界上唯一拥有原子弹的美国,对苏联核武器的研制做出了错误判断,过分相信美国可以长期垄断原子能秘密,而1949年苏联原子弹的成功试验打破了美国决策者的幻想,杜鲁门政府开始调整其核政策,做出了研制比原子弹威力更大的氢弹的决定,从而促使美苏核军备竞赛进一步加剧。而国家安全委员会第68号文件的出台,则为美国大规模扩充军备奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   
竞技健美操表现力探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
笔者就如何提高经济健美操的表现力进行了初步的探讨,指出表现力是通过动作表现力反映的;音乐感悟力和 审美情趣是表现力的灵魂;表现意识及心理素质制约表现力,成套动作的创编及综合素质影响表现力的发挥。  相似文献   
Élodie Grossi 《Endeavour》2021,45(1-2):100766
To the keen observer of American political and medical history, a disturbing set of debates surrounded the sanity of free Black residents of the United States of America after the publication of the controversial 1840 census returns on race and insanity. This article analyzes how the census became a battlefield where physicians and other commentators fought over—and thus shaped—various political meanings of Black insanity before and after the American Civil War, up until the 1890s, as the South underwent a massive political and social transformation, from slavery to emancipation. It also highlights the arguments raised by authors such as James McCune Smith and Ramón de la Sagra who attempted to disprove the returns shortly after their publication, and whose arguments contributed to efforts to combat scientific racism.  相似文献   
华夏龙舟竞渡文化的现代阐释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龙舟竞渡缘起于作为精神信仰的龙文化与作为工具手段的舟楫技艺.从魏晋南北朝开始,龙舟竞渡开始被赋予了纪念屈原的意义.屈原的爱国精神与高洁品质构成龙舟竞渡更深的思想底蕴,通过龙舟竞渡对屈原卓然不群的精神进行讴歌,对矫正现代社会中出现的人心浮躁、道德下滑显得尤为重要.龙舟竞渡也体现华夏民族团结奋进、勇于超越自我的精神,这与现代奥林匹克思想相一致,是华夏民族体育走向世界的希望.  相似文献   
以2015年北京田径世锦赛女子20km竞走项目冠军刘虹的年度备战训练负荷为研究对象,采用文献资料法、数理统计法及跟踪观察法,对刘虹备战2015年北京田径世锦赛年度训练负荷结构特点进行分析。研究发现,达米拉诺教练以“M”型训练理念作为其备战世界大赛的中心指导思想,将世锦赛选拔赛以及世锦赛作为2015年的重点比赛并开展备战工作。其中基础准备阶段重点课的安排呈现以长距离有氧训练课为主,无氧阈训练课为辅的特点;专项准备阶段重点课的安排呈现以长距离有氧训练课为主,最大摄氧量训练课、无氧阈训练课与乳酸能训练课为辅的特点;赛前准备阶段重点课的安排呈现以无氧阈训练课为主,最大摄氧量训练课与乳酸能训练课为辅的特点。刘虹在备战世锦赛期间共安排两次高原训练:2014年11月高原训练是为了加强有氧代谢能力;2015年7月赛前高原强化训练是为了刺激机体产生更大的抗缺氧反应,为形成赛前最佳竞技状态做准备。刘虹通过备战期间的两场非重点比赛达到“以赛代练”、提高无氧代谢水平的目的。刘虹在2016年里约奥运会上获得20km 竞走金牌正验证了其后期备战奥运也符合本研究所提出的年度负荷结构特点。  相似文献   
This study uses data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study [Reichman, N., Teitler, J., Garfinkel, I., & McLanahan, S. (2001). The fragile families and child wellbeing study: Sample and design. Children and Youth Services Review, 23, 303–326] to describe primary child care arrangements of employed, predominantly low-income mothers of 1-year olds, and to quantify their child care calculus in the post-welfare reform era. The sorting of children across arrangement types differs by mother's race/ethnicity: Hispanic children are most likely to be cared for maternal kin, Black children in organized centers, and White children by their fathers. Multinomial regression reveals that the association between race/ethnicity and arrangement type is largely – but not entirely – accounted for by mothers’ socioeconomic, household, job, and cultural characteristics; interaction tests show that the associations between arrangement type and both poverty status and marital status are contingent on race/ethnicity. These findings indicate that disadvantage does not translate into child care arrangements similarly across racial/ethnic groups and child care policy must take into account structural and cultural differences associated with parents’ race/ethnicity.  相似文献   
En este artículo los autores recurren a voces de personajes chicanos para analizar y discutir la opresión lingüística del méxico americano durante las décadas de 1920 a 1960. Utilizando la teoría racial crítica y la teoría latina del racismo (CRT y LatCrit por sus siglas en inglés) los autores hacen referencia específica a pasajes, documentos históricos y piezas de la literatura para argumentar que cuestiones de poder y racismo han impactado la restricción en el uso del idioma español en los Estados Unidos. De manera específica, se hace referencia a los castigos sufrido por varias generaciones de hispanoparlantes.

In this article, the authors analyze and discuss the linguistic oppression faced by Mexican-Americans from the 1920s to the 1960s as narrated by Chicano voices. Critical Race Theory and Latino/a Critical Race Theory permeate the argument that issues of power and racism have impacted the use of Spanish in the United States. This oppression is reflected in historical documents, passages, and segments of Chicano literature. Specifically, the article describes instances of punishment suffered by several generations of Spanish speakers.  相似文献   

The relationship between childhood adversity and adult depression is well-established but less is known about the association between childhood adversity and adult depression among the incarcerated. In this paper, we examine differential exposure and vulnerability to childhood adversity by race/ethnicity and gender on adult depression among the incarcerated in the United States. We address three research questions: does exposure to childhood adverse experiences vary by race/ethnicity and gender? Is there an association between these childhood adverse events and depression and does the strength of the association vary by the specific adverse experiences? And does vulnerability to childhood adversity vary by gender and race/ethnicity? Using the 2004 Survey of Inmates in State and Federal Correctional Facilities (SI-SFCF), we measure four key childhood adverse events – parental/caretaker substance abuse, physical assault, having been placed in foster care, and sexual assault. We use ordinary least squares regression and a series of interaction effect analyses to examine differential exposure and vulnerability to the four childhood adverse experiences by race/ethnicity and gender. Incarcerated women are more likely to report parental substance abuse, but all inmates/prisoners are similarly vulnerable to this experience. For the other three adverse experiences measured, we find that there are important racial/ethnic and gender differences in both exposure and vulnerability. African American men and women are more vulnerable to the effects of physical and sexual victimization than White and Hispanic men and women. Women are much more likely to be exposed to sexual victimization, but men who report this experience are significantly more depressed. Hispanic women and White men and women are more likely to report foster care, but all inmates/prisoners who report foster care experiences are significantly more depressed than other inmates/prisoners, with the exception of white men. The findings indicate that there are significant differences in exposure and vulnerability to childhood adversity by race/ethnicity and gender. We conclude that in order to effectively design and implement programs to decrease the probability that childhood adversity is a risk factor for adult depression interventions must be targeted toward specific, vulnerable groups according to race/ethnicity and gender.  相似文献   
These reflections on critical communication and cultural studies of race draw on Bruno Latour's idea of ‘matters of concern’ to propose that scholars expand the focus of inquiry from empirical questions of veracity and accuracy in representations of race to concerns with how (and where) media gather and mobilize sentiments and affective investments that increasingly underwrite quotidian practices of racial inequality and racism in the post racial period.  相似文献   
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