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As is now widely established, sexuality is a historically and culturally specific social construction. In Mexico, such construction has been dominated by different institutions and discourses at different times. From pre-Hispanic times to today, this article traces the ideas that main institutions, like the Catholic Church, have ingrained in Mexican sexual culture and shows how they have changed over time. At present, sexuality has become a contested arena?like never before?in which very diverse discourses contend for hegemony. Formal sex education has not been alien to this debate, in which religion, medicine, gender equity discourses and ethics seem to have a differential input in curricula and textbooks. This article discusses the expression of this tension in formal sex education in Mexico.  相似文献   
Sex education, especially in the southeastern USA, remains steeped in an Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage (AOUM) approach, which sets up barriers to the education of sexually active students. Research confirms that science education has the potential to facilitate discussion of controversial topics, including sex education. Science teachers in the USA, however, may face legislative challenges influenced by the local political and social climate. This study aims to understand how science teachers address and construct curriculum related to sex education topics in AOUM environments. A Foucauldian lens is used to examine how teachers’ discourses influence decision-making concerning sex education. Findings from the study suggest that the AOUM curriculum influences the ways in which science teachers make decisions about the curriculum and taboo subjects such as homosexuality and abortion. The study also suggests that students learn about sex and sexuality in ways directly related to their personal experiences. Finally, study findings suggest that personal controversies, such as those relating to sexual health, can be integrated into science education through forms of teacher education and professional development attuned to the different ways that AOUM policies affect science teaching practices.  相似文献   
This paper uses a case study approach to examine how the heteronormative nature of one middle school setting and classroom environment shapes the climate of safety, support and learning for LGBTQ students when they are engaged in studying a novel with a gay character. Heteronormative environments inform and shape positioning of and by students and teacher, impacting how knowledge is created, processed and applied. LGBTQ literature integrated into the classroom curriculum invites opportunities for possibilities through windows and mirrors for exploration of the world and self. Heteronormativity, positioning and LGBTQ literature thereby become interactive catalysts that create and foreclose possibilities and impossibilities for student learning. Three themes emerged from the study that reveal positioning and possibilities when studying a text with a gay character: (1) the school environment and classroom context positioned students as heterosexual; (2) students and teacher positioned gender performance and sexual identity as other; and (3) while the text acted as both a window and a mirror, the teacher and students consistently framed different, and sometimes contradictory, views for each other. Together, these themes reflect a nested understanding of gender performance and sexual identity that subscribed to heterosexual norms and limited possibilities for LGBTQ students.  相似文献   
People of Latin American descent make up the largest and fastest-growing minority group in the USA. Rates of pregnancy, childbirth, and sexually transmitted infections among people of Latin American descent are higher than among other ethnic groups. This paper builds on research that suggests that among families of Latin American descent, mothers have a particularly strong influence on the sexual attitudes and behaviours of their children, yet that parents of Latin American descent communicate less with their children about sex than parents of other ethnic groups. It examines the messages about sex women received as children in their countries of origin, and how these messages and their views of the USA influence the sexual education women provide for their children. On the basis of data from focus groups, we suggest that, in spite of the persistence of sexual silence, some women's self-reflective analyses of their own sexual education as well as their views of the USA as a sexually more open society contribute to their views of silence as dangerous and trigger more open communication with sons and daughters. Mothers hope to break the cycle of unwanted pregnancy by speaking with daughters about the consequences of menstruation and with sons about contraception.  相似文献   
As discourse in sexual education classes across the USA in 1996 began to change, media outlets became important sources of education for teenage girls. Unaffected directly by government policy, one of the most popular teenage girls' magazines, Seventeen, provided a plethora of information on sex. Several scholars have examined teenage magazines' sexual discourse, yet few have assessed the accuracy of sexual health information during a time period when the US Federal Government instituted an abstinence-only curriculum policy for public schools. In addition, there is a gap in the literature regarding magazines' attitudes about teenage abstinence, or lack thereof, especially in a time when politics had taken a very conservative stance on the issue. This paper examines Seventeen magazine between 1996 and 1998 to explore the magazine's attitude towards teen sex and abstinence and to analyse the accuracy of sexual health messages surrounding topics such as abortion, contraception and STDs.  相似文献   
恰逢《我有一个梦想》发表50周年,半个世纪历程能否让梦想照进现实,后种族歧视时代是否即将开启,亟待美国首位非裔总统奥巴马连任之后解答。2013年6月24日,美国联邦最高法院对高校招生的种族倾斜即约翰逊总统1965年颁布的平权政策作出判决。以平权政策的司法之战与学理之辩以及对亚裔造成的误伤为主线,本文试图以教育视角审视金馈赠全人类的这份遗产。作者认为,面对三重两难困境---即种族歧视还是阶层差异、社会公平还是历史赎罪、种族多元还是文化多元,平权政策自我修正的一条有效路径是:逐渐淡化种族保护,全力强化种族融合以臻文化多元。而教育堪为利器。历史性为“黑”“白”对峙所困的美国务必推进一场“为教育而进军未来”运动,以多元并存共铸美国梦。  相似文献   
美国公民教育中心编写的公民教材每学段分为四册,分别以美国政府宪政模式中的四种基本观念——“权威”、“隐私”、“责任”和“正义”为主题,深入阐述了美国联邦宪法的精神,其教学目标是向学生传授维护美国民主政治所必备的知识、技能和价值观.美国宪法教育的成功经验,对进一步加强我国中小学的宪法教育,培养社会主义核心价值观,具有思想和方法上的双重借鉴作用.  相似文献   
对美国图书馆与资讯学(LIS)教育计划类型进行调研,以列表的形式列出提供LIS硕士学位、LIS哲学博士学位、LIS学士学位、其他硕士学位等11种教育计划类型的大学,并进行分析;对LIS院系的地区分布(包括东北部、东南部、中西部、西部4个地区)进行统计和分析;分析各LIS院系的综合和专业排名情况;最后在上述调研和分析的基础上,提出4点意见。  相似文献   
本文对《美国高等教育经典著作百种》的选编特点、主要类别与部分著作及其作者作了简明扼要的说明。  相似文献   
生活在美国的华人华侨已逾130万,很多华人父母不愿看到在它文化环境中成长的子女丧失自己的民族语言和文化传统,于是自发举办中文学校.本文介绍了美国中文学校的产生、发展和现状,较为详细地论述了美国中文学校的运行状况.  相似文献   
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