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“理论运动”是20世纪40年代末至70年代初美国教育管理研究领域中的重大事件。它以费格尔的逻辑经验主义哲学和西蒙的决策理论为理论基础,建立起实证主义的教育管理理论,大力推动了美国教育管理研究和学科的发展,对世界一些国家和地区的教育管理研究也产生了很大影响。  相似文献   
正确而全面地认识五四运动反帝反封建的"彻底性",对科学地评价五四运动的历史意义和继续五四运动未能完成的反封建的历史任务有着极为重要的作用.  相似文献   
陶行知与胡适的分歧贯穿了五四之后的近三十年中国现代思想史上的大事。二人之间的最初教育分歧不在教育观点本身,而是“教育界分歧”,始于1926年“庚款风波”;其次是30年代的政治9牾,基于两种基本爱国观的难于兼容,但非以政见分歧为主要内容;其三,双方主要的、根本的分歧是30年代形成的关于基本价值观——五四价值观的分歧。陶推崇一二九“大众”运动,反思并批判五四“小众”运动;由此出发,陶形成了自己的大众教育观,及总的大众价值体系,全面否定了新文化运动及胡在其中的历史地位。  相似文献   
朱恒 《培训与研究》2007,24(10):7-10
新诗在将近一百年的发展中,没有能取得古典诗歌那样的成就,原因固然是多方面的,但新文学运动初期轻慢诗性肯定是重要原因。轻慢诗体,将诗与文、诗与(白)话等同,新诗文体一直受到合法性质疑;轻慢诗语,单纯强调语言的工具性,忽视语言的诗性,将诗歌语言与日常语言及口语等同,抛弃语言传统,导致新诗语言浅白,与几千年的诗歌传统脱节;轻慢诗情,或以科学之真否定艺术之情,或缺少节制,走向滥情,致使诗歌矫饰空洞。  相似文献   
This study compared the whole-body movement coordination of pitching among 72 baseball players of various ages and velocity levels. Participants were classified as senior, junior, and little according to their age, with each group comprising 24 players. The velocity levels of the high-velocity (the top eight) and low-velocity (the lowest eight) groups were classified according to their pitching velocity. During pitching, the coordinates of 15 markers attached to the major joints of the whole-body movement system were collected for analysis. Sixteen kinematic parameters were calculated to compare the groups and velocity levels. Principal component analysis (PCA) was conducted to quantify the coordination pattern of pitching movement. The results were as follows: (1) five position and two velocity parameters significantly differed among the age groups, and two position and one velocity parameters significantly differed between the high- and low-velocity groups. (2) The coordination patterns of pitching movement could be described using three components, of which the eigenvalues and contents varied according to age and velocity level. In conclusion, the senior and junior players showed greater elbow angular velocity, whereas the little players exhibited a wider shoulder angle only at the beginning of pitching. The players with high velocity exhibited higher trunk and shoulder rotation velocity. The variations among groups found using PCA and kinematics parameter analyses were consistent.  相似文献   
《物理学》中的“第一推动者”是在自然哲学内作为实体的不动的推动者,而《形而上学》中的“第一推动者”是在“理性-神”作为实体意义上来表述的。亚氏通过对“第一推动者”的论述,完成了从自然哲学到形而上学的过渡。  相似文献   
This paper explores how a group of undergraduate Human Movement Studies (HMS) students learnt to know about the body during their four-year academic programme at an Australian university. When students begin an undergraduate programme in HMS they bring with them particular constructions, ideas and beliefs about their own bodies and about the body in general. Those ideas and beliefs are often challenged, disrupted or reinforced according to discourses and practices to which students are exposed and which they experience throughout their programme of study. The courses that these students take in their in HMS degree programme present to them different perspectives about health and the body. Some perspectives take the status of taken-for-granted truths and others are dismissed or ignored. Taking a Foucauldian perspective, this paper explores the dominant discourses and practices to which this group of students was exposed during their four years of academic formation, and the influences that this exposure might have upon their construction of the body and their formation as pre-service Health and Physical Education (HPE) teachers. The participants in this study were 14 students, 11 females and 3 males, aged between 18 and 26 at the time of the first interview. The data used for this paper were taken from a larger study and were analysed using a content analysis approach. Results suggest that some students may be heavily influenced by certain practices and discourses during their programme of studies, and that they embody dominant discourses of health. Furthermore, a possible change of thinking may occur across their academic programme, as a consequence of their engagement with a few alternative discourses presented during their academic programme, disrupting some of their previous beliefs and knowledge.  相似文献   
探讨了义和团运动对中国早期现代化进程所起的作用 ,义和团运动加速了中国资产阶级民主革命的迅速到来 ,客观上为民族资本主义工业发展创造了条件 ,并促使了中国社会意识形态的全面变革  相似文献   
吴宓家族与近世三原大儒刘古愚关系密切。在清华求学近6年,吴宓与汤用彤、吴芳吉成为志同道合的好友,而且饶麓樵、J.Pickett等老师对他的诗歌赏鉴观和文化价值观倾向都有一定影响。同时,对儒家原典的熟读精思和对卡莱尔、爱默生、华兹华斯等人著述的阅读,也为他文化保守主义价值观的形成埋下了伏笔。分析吴宓当时的言论可知,是赴关留学以前的本土微观文化环境和经历促使吴宓主动选择了拜白壁德为师,并进而成为著名的文化保守主义者。  相似文献   
日本发动全面侵华战争后,海外华侨为了抗日救国,在侨居地开展了大规模的不买不卖不用日货和不为日本人工作、阻止军用物资运日的抵制运动,在经济上有力打击了日本侵略者,削弱了日本军用物资的供应,配合了祖国抗战。海外华侨的抵制运动是中华民族抗击日本帝国主义侵略斗争的重要组成部分。  相似文献   
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