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传统教师发展是以认识论为取向的。这种取向,主要以客观能力为目标、工具理性为内容、外部培训为路径,容易忽视教师作为独立、完整、丰富的主体生命存在的事实与意义。生存论取向,则与之不同,它真正将教师看作一个独立而真实的生命个体,将发展当作教师生命存在与人生过程,关注教师真实的生存状态与境况,置发展于生存智慧、人文关怀、自我更新之中。从认识论到生存论,教师发展的目标、内容、路径(包括场域),都将发生根本性的变革。  相似文献   
This essay attempts to map out the global networking of counter‐feit production and consumption by considering the historical and economic complications of fake superlogograms in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mainland China as a point of departure. It traces not only the ‘capital logic’ of the counter‐feiting industry, which duplicates the international division of labour, but also its ‘cultural logic’, which creates the Euro‐American superlogograms under the spell of Western imperialist ideology. The essay is divided into three main parts to foreground the ‘glocal’ circulation of fake superlogos. The first part considers the famous French Louis Vuitton as a case study to explore the economic, historic and cultural formation of the logomania in East Asia piloted by Japan in the 1980s. The second part discusses the double cultural reproduction of fake logos in Taiwan as both an imitation of Japan and an imitation of Japanese imitation of Europe. The third part seeks to theorize the fake under the context of Asian consumption of the superlogo and to foreground further the historical change of how the ‘fake’ becomes ubiquitous, how the ‘fake’ could be produced out of no originals, and how the ‘fake’ turns out to be perfectly indistinguishable and doubly authentic, which could rewrite the whole theory of mimesis. A new theorization of ‘fake dissemination’ is attempted in this essay to map out the co‐dependent ongoing (de)construction between ‘fake globalization’ and ‘globalization.’ What we mean by ‘fake’ here is no longer the mere difference between real/fake; the ‘fake’ in ‘fake globalization’ means ‘counter‐feiting’ as well as ‘appropriating’. (In Chinese, ‘Jia’ means both ‘fake’ and ‘by a particular means’.) That is, counter‐feit products appropriate the power of globalization to disseminate themselves. ‘Fake globalization’ is the ‘dark flow’ within globalization; it counter‐feits and appropriates globalization, repetitively reduplicating and deconstructing it. ‘Fake globalization’ and ‘globalization’ are not a pair in binary opposition. ‘Fake globalization’ is the ‘subversion’ of global capitalism; it is subject to global superlogo fashion consciousness and simultaneously resistant to the manipulation of ‘glogocentrism’. This subversive fake globalization is different from the traditional anti‐globalization movement, which tends to highlight the protection of international worker's rights, anti‐monopoly and anti‐sweatshops, for the latter focuses chiefly on the ‘oppositional’ stance while the former stresses more the ‘reverse’ side of it. Fake globalization helps to turn globalization itself inside out and outside in. Fake globalization is not an external attack on globalization from without, but an internal exposure of how the historical and psychic formulations of the logics of global capitalism are subject to the cultural imagination under (western) imperialist ideology, and how they are influenced by the political‐economic deployment of international divisions of labour. What fake dissemination does is to expose from within the possibility and impossibility of ‘glogocentrism.’  相似文献   
文章主要介绍什么是网页布局,以及如何布局网页上的元素,使得用户设计出来的网页既美观又实用。  相似文献   
体育赛事品牌作为一种综合性的无形资产,是体育赛事自身文化、精神内涵与品牌符号或其他标识的结合。从组织、标识、产品服务以及人格等多维度视角对体育赛事品牌进行再解读,可以看出它包含了组织视角下的区隔标志或符号、赞助商视角下营销利益、消费者视角下的认知与形象以及体育赛事参与者视角下的人格形象等内容。基于体育赛事的载体性,体育赛事品牌应定性为特殊标志,同时构建以特殊保护的立法保护为主,商标权、商品化权的司法保护为辅的知识产权保护体系,方可为其提供全方位的保障。  相似文献   

El autor hace una revisión de las principales ideas desarrolladas en la obra de Vygotski y destaca la profunda interrelación que para él existía entre la génesis de la acción humana y la génesis del lenguaje y el pensamiento. Estas y otras ideas llevan a Bruner a la conclusión de la existencia de un Sistema de Soporte de la Adquisición del Lenguaje que es, al menos en parte, innato, como una contrapartida de algún tipo de Mecanismo de Adquisición del Lenguage. Existe un claro paralelismo entre la adquisición de lenguaje y la adquisición de otras formas de conocimiento. Retomando la idea vygotskiana de Zona de Desarrollo Próximo, será la labor del adulto conseguir que el niño se aventure en ella a través de la segmentación y ritualización de la tarea. En este proceso es de gran importancia la interacción y el diálogo con el adulto. El autor expone su hipótesis sobre la internalización de este diálogo y su importancia en la génesis del conocimiento.  相似文献   
关于毛泽东思想形成标志的问题,学术界历来有不同的看法,一直以来是一个争论的热点问题。毛泽东作为党的首代领导集体的代表,在具体探究其革命生涯和理论贡献的前提下,我们不单单要看《星星之火,可以燎原》解决了中国革命路经的要旨问题,还要看《反对本本主义》中阐述的毛泽东思想活的灵魂所包括的三个基本方面,更要看《关心群众生活,注意工作方法》一文中对人民主体思想较为完整和集中的阐述。唯有这样,才能全面把握毛泽东思想形成标志的命题。  相似文献   
靳埭强先生为靳与刘形象设计顾问公司设计的公司标志采用传统吉祥图案"方胜"和"盘长"为原形,完美诠释了传统美学观点中"形"与"神"的观点,创作出具有传统文化特色的标志设计作品。传统美学观点中"形"与"神"的观点所表达是一种外在与内涵的关系,对现代标志设计有着相当大的指导作用,这不仅仅是一种设计上的需要,更是一种对民族文化的传承。  相似文献   
中国的汉字延续了几千年,历经许多阶段,具有独特的视觉魅力。汉字作为造型元素运用在标志设计中,可以利用图形的意向性来传达丰富的信息,突显感人的艺术魅力。随着时代的发展,汉字必将以其独特的魅力,在标志设计中充当重要角色。  相似文献   
文字符号是用来存储信息和传递信息的,不同的文字符号其信息的表意和解读方式也不相同。文字图形化就是将文字符号传递的”意”和”形”转换成新的图形语言形式传递给受众。文字图形化设计可以跨越地域、种族、语言、文化等差异传达信息与情感。本文从创造性思维角度出发,对标志设计中文字图形化的表现性、典型性、准确性进行了探讨。  相似文献   
近年来培训机构发展迅速,品牌出现严重同质化,企业只有根据自身行业特点对标志进行设计,塑造与之相符的培训机构形象,才能吸引并激发大众的情感,引起大众对培训机构的关注。而随着社会进步、大众需求的不断变化,个性化、人性化、民族化恰恰是培训机构与标志的共同发展结合点。在设计培训机构标志过程中,将两者自然而然地结合在一起,从而设计出与企业自身特点相符的标志。  相似文献   
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