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随着城市化进程的发展,雨水利用的地位正在不断提高。水资源的矛盾、污染的产生、雨洪问题的突出,人们不得不重新思考雨水利用的问题。国外雨水利用技术已经有很大的进展,尤其是在一些缺水的国家。国内在雨水利用方面还处在初级阶段,很多问题亟待解决。从目前的调查看,雨水利用在台州尚少见。根据从国内外雨水利用的经验,结合台州市的实际情况,对台州雨水利用的必要性和可行性进行研究。  相似文献   
刘乐怡 《辅导员》2013,(14):123-123
<正>当东方旭日升起洒下第一缕阳光,当夕阳西下留下最后一抹光辉,在花开花落、草长莺飞之际,在潮起潮落、落英缤纷之时,你可否留意过,在你的身边,有一份爱如涓涓细流般流淌。夏季天气变幻莫测,明明是晴空万里,转眼间乌云密布,雨淅淅沥沥地落了下来,妈妈慌忙从包里扯出一把雨伞,罩在自己和  相似文献   
Australia is one of the world leaders in water management. The country meets the challenge of water shortage with established integrated water management in which rainwater is taken as a too precious resource to be just drained off. In Australia, rainwater is extensively harvested and polished to provide cheaper supply for potable and non-potable domestic uses, irrigation, landscaping, refilling aquifers and other uses. Implementing dual management over the quantity and quality of storm water and practicing water sensitive urban design (WSUD) in urban areas effectively control non-point-source pollution of waterways by pollutants carried with runoffs, reduce the discharge of rainwater and thus protect properties and lives from damage by floods. These achievements are attributed to constant reinforcement by govenments from federal to local levels in policy, financial, legal and educational aspects, and also to the lasting efforts of professional communities and water industry in developing requisite techniques, demonstrating the benefits and fostering public credence of rainwater reuse. The successful rainwater management practices in Australia suggest rainwater harvesting can be a complimentary means for the South-to-North Water Transfer Scheme to solve the water shortage in China's northern regions, and thus release to a degree the pressure on the Yangtze water resources. Best management practices of rainwater can be an effective controlling strategy for flooding and non-point-source water pollution of waterways. Such in-site source control initiatives have particular significance to protecting slow waterways of weak selfpurification ability, like the Three Gorges Reservior.  相似文献   
赵家炜 《师道》2013,(9):29-31
没有在深夜里痛哭过的人,没有资格谈高三。——题记高考刚刚结束就去了趟黄山。为了磨砺自己,果断放弃索道,选择徒步攀援。孰料刚到半山腰,暴雨骤然而至。向上,石阶漫漫;返程,懦夫之举;停驻,无避雨之所;等待,不知何时雨霁……只有攀登!气喘吁吁到达终点,但见云消雾散,白云碧天。抹一把额头的汗水和雨水,畅享这登顶的快慰……如果当时我再稍稍犹豫一  相似文献   
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