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高考政策属于国家的公共政策。作为高校招生考试,高考应该坚持高等教育领域的国家利益优先性,但因为高考政策同时涉及为高校输送新生的基础教育领域的国家利益,而且基础教育领域的国家利益比高等教育领域的国家利益影响更为广泛、更为久远,所以高考政策应在为高校选拔新生的同时,坚持基础教育领域的国家利益优先。但现实却是,有些高考政策使基础教育领域的国家利益优先性体现不充分。这就要求高考政策进行必要的、及时的改革。  相似文献   
自1995年金泳三政府提出国立大学特殊法人化建议以来,韩国历届政府都致力于国立大学法人化改革。国立大学对加强国家竞争力的意义重大,因此在新自由主义以及韩国高等教育面临新问题的合力推动下,国立大学法人化改革受到政府各部门的一致认可并制定了相关的一系列政策。但是国立大学法人化改革也受到了来自社会各种利益群体的压力,很多大学教授公开反对法人化政策。对韩国政府而言,要想继续推行国立大学法人化政策必须协调好各种利益关系。  相似文献   
赵秉忠的殿试对策真迹是中国科举史上现存惟一的一份状元卷,为国家一级文物。赵氏以惊人的才华答写了这份举世闻名的状元卷。他以犀利的文笔、简洁的语言和独到的见解论述了他的治国思想:盖以实心行实政,因以实政致弘勋。把实心与实政结合起来,也就是把治国理论与经国措施结合起来。并且提出了谁先谁后的问题。文章着重探讨了状元卷中思想背景、治国理论的特点、现代启示。  相似文献   

The method of normalisation combined with peer ratings is utilised to provide the solution to the biased rating problem of mapping group work marks to individual marks. We critically evaluate the method of normalisation following the findings of an article which argued against the use of self and/or peer rating mechanism. We demonstrate that the findings of that article also hold for the method of normalisation as the influence of human behavioural factors are not accommodated in the designs. Additionally, we argue that the method (and its variants) is rather complicated, where all possible contingencies are not pre-specified. It makes the arrangement between tutors and students in conducting peer assessments incomplete and unverifiable by a third party.  相似文献   
2018年4月由教育部颁布的《高等学校外国语言文学类本科教学质量国家标准》标志着我国高等外语教学进入一个新时代.新《国标》的制定顺应地球村和全球化的发展趋势,将培养外语专业学生的跨文化能力提到了前所未有的高度.日语专业跨文化交际课程的授课内容应该多元化与全面化,近年来兴起的雨课堂线上线下混合式授课方式则真正实现了以"教...  相似文献   
上海时期我党的中央出版组织机构尚不健全,在中共一大至二大时期,中共中央的出版领导机构职权直接由中央执行委员会或中央局代为行使,其具体事务性工作由分管宣传工作的业务机构负责处理。中共三大以后成立的中央教育宣传委员会是我党历史上最早的中央出版组织机构。中央机关报编辑委员会是中央设立的第一个党报领导机构。中共中央出版部是我党历史上出版组织机构职能与设置最为健全的机构,也是一个真正完整意义的中央出版组织机构。  相似文献   
随着刑事诉讼法学的研究进一步发展,被害人的诉讼地位与权利日益受到法律的重视。笔者试从被害人诉讼权利的概念及形式、我国刑事诉讼中被害人诉讼权利方面存在的问题以及我国刑事诉讼被害人诉讼权利制度的完善这三方面对形式诉讼中被害人的诉讼权利问题进行粗浅的探讨。  相似文献   
酒神精神对20世纪中国文学颇有影响,尤其与革命文学叙事纠缠甚深。在革命叙事中,酒神式强力意志与生命的酒神状态均得到表现。由于革命意识形态与酒神精神的价值诉求不同,革命叙事充分改造了酒神精神。但革命意识形态推向极端时,酒神精神将从其非理性一面喷薄而出。  相似文献   
锡克族是一个典型的宗教民族,在1857年民族大起义中,锡克族站到英国殖民者一边参与镇压起义,被殖民者所利用,成了殖民政治的行动工具;但从印度历史的转型和锡克族的历史特性来看,锡克族成了宗教民族主义报复者,客观上还充当了印度历史旧秩序——莫卧儿王朝宗教压迫的报应执行者,这是其宗教民族主义在印度历史发展不平衡规律下的使然。  相似文献   
The purpose of the project reported in this article was to evaluate how assessing teachers’ mathematical knowledge within a professional development course impacted from the teachers’ perspective their learning and their experience with the course. The professional development course consisted of a 2-week summer institute and the content focus was geometry. We had decided to assess the mathematical learning of the teachers during this professional development course for various accountability reasons, but were concerned about possible negative by-products of this decision on the teachers and their participation. Thus, we worked to design assessment in ways that we hoped would minimize negative impacts and maintain a supportive learning environment. In addition, we undertook this evaluation to examine the impacts of the assessment, which included homework, quizzes, various projects, and an examination for program evaluation. Seventeen grade 5–9 teachers enrolled in the course participated in the study by completing written reflections and by describing their experiences in interviews. We learned that while our original intent was “to do no harm,” the teachers reported that their learning was enhanced by the assessment. The article concludes by describing the various properties of the assessments that the teachers identified as contributing to their learning of the geometry content, many of which align with current recommendations for assessing and evaluating grade K-16 mathematics students.
Michelle T. ChamberlinEmail:
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