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本试验通过对陕西省男子轻量级一线赛艇运动员在甘肃刘家峡1850m水上高原训练的研究,观察高原训练提高运动成绩的同时,观察平原--高原--平原这种交叉训练对机体血液流变的影响,为高原训练能否提高运动成绩提供可能的机制之一,同时为高原训练能否提高运动能力是否与血液流变有关提供可能的理论依据,为科学地进行高原训练提供理论依据.研究显示:高原训练提高了运动员的实际耐力水平,达到了本次高原训练的目的.高原训练可使机体血液流变学指标发生改变,高原训练回平原后,流变学各指标发生良好的改善,从而提高机体利用氧,运输氧的能力,延缓疲劳的发生,从而提高运动能力.本研究提示,高原训练回平原后运动员运动能力的提高有赖于血液流变学各指标的改善.  相似文献   
文章通过指出《运动解剖学》(人民体育出版社出版,2000年6月第二版)一书中出现的错误厦存在的问题,提出相应的修改措施和改进建议。  相似文献   
重大体育赛事危机管理探悉   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于重大体育赛事中诸多危机事件的历史事实,从危机管理的角度出发,对重大体育赛事中出现的危机事件进行分析,探讨了应对危机事件的管理措施。这些措施包括健全危机管理体系、建立危机预警系统、及时的危机应对、积极的危机恢复。  相似文献   
摘 要:采用文献资料法、观察法与逻辑分析法研究美国大学优秀篮球教练员训练理念,试图达到培养教练智慧、发现运动规律、印证思想价值的目的。结果表明,美国大学篮球教练员的训练理念由广博专深的专项知识结合多年执教经验体悟、提炼而成。在教育过程中立足学生运动员的长远发展;在管理过程中注重以共同目标集聚团队意识,崇尚合作与调控;体能训练强调以核心内容进行大强度训练,以期实现形态重组和机能提升;技术训练致力于关键技术的训练及动作细节的完善,追求技术运用的实践感悟;战术训练强调预设实战场景训练战术细节,追求战术执行能力的培养和运用的实际效果。美国大学篮球教练员训练理念具有尊重运动规律、凝炼自身风格、揭示训练本质、把握运作环节等特点。  相似文献   
Research on the occupational socialization of teachers and coaches has largely centered on physical education teachers and rarely on teachers from core content areas (i.e. English, foreign language, mathematics, science and social studies) who also coach athletics. The primary purpose of this single-case study was to explore the socialization of a first-year, core content area teacher/athletic coach at a small high school in the rural southeastern United States. Various qualitative techniques were utilized during data collection, while data analysis consisted of a system of open, axial and selective coding. Four themes emerged and were viewed through the lens of teacher identity. Themes include gender and opportunity; interactions within the school culture; teaching and coaching expectations; and interrole conflict and complementarity. Findings from this study hope to shed light on the need for further research on core content area teacher-coaches, while adding to the existing literature on females in the coaching profession and the roles of academics and athletics in rural areas.  相似文献   
Purpose: The purposes of this study were to: (a) analyze the insights and experiences of the 1st African American student-athlete (in basketball) at a prominent predominantly White institution in the Deep South as well as the later insights and experiences of his sons at the same university; and (b) to present a counterstory to the dominant historical rendering of the Civil Rights Movement, the integration of athletics, and the experiences and outcomes of contemporary African American athletes. Method: Using qualitative critical race methodology, investigators conducted and analyzed interviews with the 1st African American to play basketball at a prominent university located in the Deep South and his 2 sons who attended the same university a generation later. Results: Using the lens of critical race theory, the themes conceived from the analysis were the counterstory of agency, counterstorytelling stereotypes, and the salience of everyday racism. Conclusion: Racism is still existent within society, even within college athletics. The holistic success of African American athletes in college is dependent upon their ability to navigate overt and covert racial climates.  相似文献   
In 1913, some interested Frenchmen, aided by a Belgian launched the International Boxing Union (IBU), the only body whose primary purpose was to govern the sport at a world level. In the immediate post-war years, this initiative, continuously driven by Frantz Reichel and Paul Rousseau, foundered despite the brief participation of the English, through the British Boxing Board of Control (BBBC), and of some Americans. But the IBU could never establish a monopoly over the diverse international community involved in professional boxing. The USA, in particular, was itself unable to regulate the sport at a national level and this helped confine the IBU to having a purely European role. The involvement of the fascist powers of Italy and Germany and the improvement in relations between the BBBC and the IBU reinforced this continental perspective as did the failure of the World pugilistic congress at Rome in 1938 to establish an unified international organization. The Second World War witnessed the final transformation of the IBU into a European organization under Italian control. In reality, though, the change of name in 1946 to the European Boxing Union was merely the final confirmation of a transformation that had occurred many years before.  相似文献   
本文通过文献资料调研、网络信息搜索以及多年的训练实践总结比较,拟探索出切合当前高校大学生运动员短跑训练的实际方法,为提高我国目前各高校高水平田径运动成绩提供理论帮助。  相似文献   
笔者通过试验调查法、专家访谈法、文献资料法、数据统计法对参加世界健美操锦标赛的13名国家队员及广州体育学院健美操队10名高水平运动员的膳食情况进行了调查,目的在于了解运动员的膳食结构,分析其影响因素,并提供合理的膳食指导与改进的建议。结果表明:竞技健美操队队员的膳食主要存在4个方面的问题,三餐热能分配不合理;水果蔬菜类、水产类等摄入不足;脂肪、蛋白质撮入过多以及运动中脱水、补液不科学。  相似文献   
竞技运动中的兴奋剂问题,是体育异化的产物,一直是困扰体坛的棘手问题。从心理角度探析竞技运动中使用兴奋剂原因,可归结为三个层面:1)社会环境原因,从宏观来说,运动兴奋剂的迅速发展与当代社会政治、经济、文化、科技的大背景有密切联系;从微观来说榜样的作用及社会压力也起着推波助澜的作用。2)身体方面的需要,如使用兴奋剂有减轻疼痛、加速损伤和疲劳恢复、调节能量与激活水平、控制体重等功效,鼓励了运动员使用兴奋剂。3)个体心理因素,如惧怕失败、缺乏自信、超人情结、追求完美、对兴奋剂的心理依赖及成功所带来的名利双收刺激下追求成就的强烈欲望,这些都是驱使运动员使用兴奋剂的诱因。鉴于上述原因,为捍卫奥林匹克运动的纯洁性,呼吁各级政府在完备法律、加大惩戒力度的同时,还要加强宣传教育,使人们认识到服用兴奋剂的严重危害,呼吁运动员要切实关心自身健康,消除功利思想,全社会动员起来,共同抑制这一“毒瘤”蔓延。  相似文献   
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