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为探寻兵团特殊行政体制和运行机制下兵团竞技体育后备人才培养状况,运用文献资料法和逻辑分析方法,梳理了兵团竞技体育后备人才培养管理机构和实施机构的历史演变,总结成绩和经验,分析存在的问题,提出相应对策。研究认为:体制是机构和规范的结合体,机构是体制的载体,规范是体制的核心,机构包括管理机构和实施机构。兵团竞技体育后备人才的培养体制,在管理机构上是体育局与教育局合属办公,在实施机构上主要依附普通中小学业余体育训练。这种体制的优点是职能有机统一、精简效能。缺点是职能不清晰或不完整导致的行政不统一,缺乏相关规划和规范。提出巩固和完善兵团竞技体育后备人才培养体制及规范;稳步推进“师市合一”师级层面的运行机制;加强基层管理队伍和教练员队伍的专业化培养;打破兵团与地方制度性分割,理顺与地方体育管理部门的业务关系等建议。  相似文献   
运动员竞技空间结构理论研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以空间学理论为研究主线,尝试对现代运动训练中关于竞技能力、竞技表现等热点问题进行新的定位与分析,引入“竞技行为”空间理念,通过假设,结合模型的方法,探讨三者有机构成关系,确立了竞技空间结构3G(globe)实体理论,与热衷于该领域的广大研究者商榷和探讨。  相似文献   
精武体育会的创立及其"入世进取"的角色定位与近代民族主义目标相契合,是精武体育会立会、发展的时代与群众基础。在紧扣时代脉搏的基础上,精武体育会通过依附和吸纳包括军、政、商等社会名流,延聘各地域武术名家,并通过广向各分会、学校及社团派遣武术师资等形式构筑了武术传播的人际网络。广设分会是精武体育会武术传播的一大特征,由沿海而南洋的拓展路线,使精武会成为以武术为代表的东方体育文化海外传播的领航者。精武会注重搭借各种媒介宣扬自我及个性化社团符号的打造,使其渐成为受众的一种普遍认同。精武会遵循和谐的传播与发展理念,从而使武术得以在延展后更大的多维空间中传播。  相似文献   
随机分层整群抽样了广东省9所高校102个班级,以各班中足球人口为研究对象,对其足球运动损伤发生场合、部位及影响因素进行了调查与分析。结果显示:从损伤发生场合来看,课外锻炼损伤发生比例最高,达到72.2%;比赛与体育课则分别为31.2%与26.6%。从损伤部位来看,膝、踝、足、小腿、大腿、躯干、手臂与头颈的损伤比例分别为29.2%、26.8%、21.0%、18.7%、16.3%、9.3%、7.0%与5.7%;除手臂外,其它7部位损伤比例男女生之间存在显著性差异。经多因素Logistic回归分析得出,大学生足球运动损伤的诱发因素为有病痛(或旧伤)、动作粗野、疲劳时继续运动、动作违反人体结构功能、不注重使用护具、准备活动≤10min、场地状况差、睡眠休息差、课堂少获预防损伤知识与技能、求胜动机强与身体素质不适宜足球运动11个。  相似文献   
竞技体育人才培养依托于教育体系是世界体育教育发展的主流趋势。我国高校与此相关的尝试尚处在起步阶段。本文通过对中国与发达国家竞技体育人才培养模式的分析、比较,有针对性的借鉴和学习发达国家的成功经验,力图为我国高校“体教结合”提供更多选择。  相似文献   

The Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) is unusual in the world of contemporary sport. While at the organizational level it is wholly corporate and follows standard global models of maximizing revenue from media deals and sponsorship, the players remain entirely amateur. As a result, rather than profits being removed from the organization in terms of dividends, the income is recycled through the grassroots of the organization so that local communities benefit. This is at odds with the two other major sports in Ireland, soccer and rugby, which both spend a large percentage of their revenue on player contracts and therefore only recycle comparatively small amounts of money to their grass roots. Historically, the GAA did not embrace entrepreneurship due to the nature of the general national economy, a lack of modernization and the drain of emigration from the island. It was only until the economic boom of the 1990s that the GAA began to innovate entrepreneurially, and the success of this strategy is evidenced by a healthy profit that is underpinned by a commitment to amateurism.  相似文献   
栽秧鼓舞是以牛皮鼓为主要伴奏乐器且专由女子表演的彝族民间传统舞蹈,具有多种多样、纵横交织、多元素的起源传说,展示了彝族历代先民农耕稻作生产生活文化的遗韵,蕴藏着深厚和深邃的文化内涵,具有原始村社祭祀和期佑谷物丰稔意识,反映了彝族母系氏族社会向父系氏族社会过渡时期激烈斗争的历史更迭的缩影。  相似文献   
《Sport Management Review》2015,18(3):464-480
This case study presents a common challenge among many sport organisations facing the decision to maintain, increase, or decrease commitment to failing projects or courses of action. Using escalation of commitment theory as a framework, this case highlights the organisational processes for reversing former commitment decisions, underscoring seldom pursued de-escalation behaviour. This case uses fictional East University to illustrate the circumstances confronting most National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I athletic departments in the United States. Amidst inadequate revenue to cover increasing expenses, university decision makers are often responsible for determining the most suitable commitment to intercollegiate athletics, with a specific focus on costly football programs. Given extensive stakeholder involvement and pressure, commitment decisions are further complicated by the complex economic, social, and political challenges of balancing often competing groups and their interests. In response to a university-wide initiative emphasising successful programs and critically scrutinising underperforming programs, East's athletic director Steve Barnes is charged with determining the most appropriate course of action in de-escalating athletics (notably football) commitment. Consequently, the situation presented provides students with an opportunity to critically evaluate the multifaceted nature of de-escalating commitment to an existing course of action. This case is useful for both undergraduate and graduate courses in strategic management, organisational behaviour, athletic administration, and policy and governance.  相似文献   
试析彝族原始宗教舞蹈   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
彝族是一个能歌善舞的民族,原始宗教舞蹈艺术和其他文化艺术一样有着悠久的历史,原始舞蹈源于远古生产劳动、宗教祭典和其他社会生活的彝族舞蹈。从其所表现和反映的形式和内容考察看:彝族原始宗教舞蹈,起初最明显的是为了娱神、祈年或祛鬼,或期盼五谷丰收,祝愿灵魂安宁或人畜康泰,因之向神灵祈求。彝族先民原始宗教舞蹈已经不局限于自娱性,而是发展到具有一定技巧的可供观赏的表演性艺术。  相似文献   
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