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In the philosophy of sport, an opinion that chess (and other institutionalized mind games, the so-called mind sports) is in fact not sports because it lacks physical skills is a standard position. I call the argument that leads to this conclusion a mind sport syllogism. Its analysis enables me to explicate four possible positions concerning the sport-status of chess. Apart from the standard position, which excludes chess from the sport family, I also present analysis of other possible positions, which – for various reasons – do not deny that chess is a sport. A position that postulates including chess into the family of sport by broadening the definition of sport turns out to be particularly interesting from the philosophical viewpoint. Having confronted this position with the standard, i.e. ‘conservative’, position, I come to the conclusion that the conceptual revision consisting in the broadening of the concept of sport is a rational option and is a probable direction of the evolution of the concept of sport.  相似文献   
In this paper, I engage the debate on Suits’ theory of games by providing a Kantian view of Utopia. I argue that although the Kantian aspects of Suits’ approach are often overlooked in comparison to its Socratic-Platonic aspects, Kant’s ideas play a fundamental role in Suits’ proposal. In particular, Kant’s concept of ‘regulative idea’ is the basis of Suits’ Utopia. I regard Utopia as Suits’ regulative idea on game playing. In doing so, I take Utopia to play a double role in Suits’ theory of games. First, it highlights the primary condition of possibility of game-playing, namely, the lusory attitude. Second, it provides a normative criterion that serves as a critical principle to evaluate instances of game playing and as a counterfactual assumption that makes game playing possible. I provide further support for my Kantian interpretation of Suits’ Utopia by bringing to light the anthropological assumptions upon which Utopia is built. In doing so, I argue that both Suits’ theory of games, in general, and his Utopia, in particular, lay out the conditions of possibility of game playing, not an analysis on the life most worth living.  相似文献   
伯纳德·马拉默德通过他的作品形象地展示了其犹太道德观,是当代美国作家中"犹太性"最强的。在短篇小说《银冠》中,作者刻意营造一种神秘感,将制作银冠笼上一层神圣的光环,宣扬犹太教拯救世界的教义,弘扬犹太性,对非犹太信仰者、抨击犹太神秘主义者进行了无情的嘲讽。  相似文献   
指出莎士比亚戏剧作品历来备受推崇,而萧伯纳的莎评代表的是另一种声音。通过对萧伯纳的莎评作简要的梳理,以实例来说明萧伯纳对莎士比亚戏剧作品所持态度不同于多数莎评家。  相似文献   
探讨了利用微软Office套件在技术层面上来帮助指导教师跟踪、评价学生的毕业设计的一些做法。这些套件在毕业设计的各阶段能提供知识共享、远程协助、成果展示、项目管理等技术支持。  相似文献   
王雅娴 《海外英语》2011,(10):296-297
G. B. Shaw names his play Pygmalion by a protagonist in Metamorphoses Book Ten, so that he connects the enlivened ivory statue with the dramatically changed flower girl. Great culture significance was attached to this play. At the same time, the originality which is different from the original myth displays the author’s effort to explore female self- creation.  相似文献   

As a response to what I see as the challenge posed by constructivist and narrative pedagogies, this paper seeks to sympathetically reconstruct Bernard Williams’ Absolute Conception from the scattered texts in which he briefly sketched it While ultimately defending the Absolute Conception or something close enough to it, the paper criticizes and distances itself from some aspects of Williams’ version, notably his conception of philosophy as insurmountably perspectival. Williams’ understanding of perspectival knowledge as contrasted to absolute knowledge is illustrated with the concrete, if fictional case of the Dr Manhattan character from Zack Snyder’s Watchmen (2009). Adrian Moore’s reading, and Hilary Putnam’s criticisms of Williams’ Absolute Conception are amongst the positions engaged with.  相似文献   
胡慧 《科教文汇》2011,(23):62-63
本文主要对《卖花女》中的人物进行了全面的分析,通过人物的语言、行为及精神的描述,一个个栩栩如生的形象展现在我们的面前。文章的第一部分主要介绍背景知识,其中包括作者的生平、题目的由来以及作品的介绍;第二部分着重对人物的性格进行深刻的剖析。希金斯的形象在某种程度上依据的是真实生活的原形:他脾气急躁、举止古怪,但对工作全心全意,他最引人注目的特点是某种天真,这与他的职业技能和智力成熟形成对照。伊莉莎更在作品中创造了独立的人物性格:她从怨恨到独立,最终发展成为了一个自由的女性,伊莉莎最终明白了卖花女与公爵夫人的区别不在于她们的举止,而在于人们怎样对待她们。辟克林在里面扮演着一个与希金斯性格相反的人物,两个人主要在语言学上兴趣相投:辟克林彬彬有礼,而希金斯则仪态不佳;他有耐心而希金斯很轻率;他心平气和,希金斯则性情火爆,一点就着;辟克林冲动之时也待人和蔼,而希金斯则有时搞恶作剧,而且经常不为他人着想。对于萧的这部作品大家都有不同的评论,但大多数都同意它是一部结构良好、令人愉快有趣的戏剧。  相似文献   
鲍桑葵的"使情成体"说是在其"心物统一"的哲学基础上提出的一个重要的美学概念,他认为美就是使情感在有形的事物上得到体现,如果不能体现就不是审美对象。鲍桑葵的"使情成体说",是在用黑格尔的"理念论"为英国经验主义美学"美是情感的表现"提供一种合法性的论证,由此以审美心理过程为表述形态的"情感表现说"就获得"理性主义"中"美是理念的感性显现"之深刻含义。  相似文献   
On Judged Sports     
Whereas Bernard Suits argued that judged sports such as diving and figure skating are aesthetic performances rather than games, I argue that they’re simultaneously performances and games. Moreover, their two aspects are connected, since their prelusory goal is to dive or skate beautifully and the requirement to do somersaults or triple jumps makes achieving that goal more difficult. This analysis is similar to one given by Scott Kretchmar, but by locating these sports’ aesthetic side in their goals rather than in their rules, it better captures the importance of beauty in them.  相似文献   
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