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电力设备在线测温装置能实时监测设备工作温度,准确反映设备运行状况,及时发现缺陷隐患,从而有效避免事故或故障的发生。以某厂在线测温装置网络集中监控管理系统的设计为实例,介绍系统的技术实现方式、基本功能和实施效果。  相似文献   
行政许可法在行政立法领域的又一重大突破,是我国行政法制建设的一个重要里程碑。它的实施对我国建设有限政府、廉洁政府、诚信政府、服务政府、责任政府,从而建立法治政府有着重大的影响和意义。但是由于法律规范不与社会相同步、既得利益集团的抵触及法律自身的欠缺,使行政许可法的贯彻、落实与实施将面临着挑战。阐述了行政许可法对法治政府建设重大作用,并指出了实施该法将面临的困难与挑战。  相似文献   
In the last few decades, in the wake of three major crises in political faith and the overall instability that followed the end of the Cultural Revolution, the post-Mao Chinese government has sought to improve the lives of its citizens and to restore political legitimacy through rapid economic growth that has focused almost exclusively on GDP. This strong focus has brought about rapid, widespread economic growth to China, and has, by classical market standards, been a success. At the same time, issues of social development and human well-being have received less attention. Before the Hu-Wen leadership's formal accession to power, the Jiang-Zhu administration sought to adopt neo-liberal ideas and practices to reform the delivery of social services and the implementation and funding of social policy. In this context, major fields of social policy such as health, education, and housing have been going through the processes of marketisation and privatisation, which have placed much of the financial burden of meeting these social welfare needs on China's citizens. After several decades of privatisation and marketisation in the educational system, the Chinese government has been the subject of repeated criticism for failing to tackle what is popularly known as the ‘new three mountains phenomenon’, namely, the rising cost of health, education, and housing in recent years. Against the wider policy context described above, this article examines the social and political consequences of the privatisation and marketisation of education. It also discusses the major policies and strategies recently adopted by the Chinese government to restore the role of the State in the education system in order to address the negative consequences of the privatisation of education. Finally, it critically examines the main implications of major reforms undertaken in higher education in Mainland China.  相似文献   
This article discusses recent policy developments in Europe regarding Roma and Traveller integration and Early Childhood Provision. After a long history of oppression, Roma issues have recently become prominent on the EU policy agenda. The article discusses how these relate to developments in other areas of policy: the European children's rights agenda and the recognition that early childhood education and care is a key policy tool to combat social exclusion. It gives background information on Roma and Travellers in Europe and discusses the consequences of subsuming the various communities under one umbrella term: Roma. The EU Commission is concerned with responses from Member States to the European Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies. The article argues that in order to address Roma children's experience from a holistic perspective, social justice and equality need to be key elements of early childhood education and care provision and training. The European policy developments that frame the article are examined from a local vantage point: the experiences of Traveller and Roma children in Ireland and the Irish Preschool Education Initiative for Children from Minority Communities.  相似文献   
“数据挖掘”课程是大数据相关专业的重要专业课程,通过数据挖掘可以发现数据中隐藏的价值。该课程采取理论与实践相结合的教学模式,在理论教学方面主要讲解数据挖掘的经典算法;在实践教学方面使用Python编程实现理论部分的经典算法,让学生通过算法的编程进一步掌握算法。按照课程思政改革的要求,在课程设计中设置一些以社会实际问题为主题的案例,在提高学生学习兴趣的同时引导学生树立正确的价值观。对于复杂的、抽象的数据挖掘理论算法开设线上课程,有利于学生回顾重要的、难理解的知识点,帮助学生掌握理论知识。  相似文献   
教师的非语言符号传播   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非语言符号是人类传播活动的重要工具,了解教师的非语言符号在传播过程中的特点及其作用,旨在提高教育、教学质量。  相似文献   
高校素质教育应贯彻"以德治国"的战略思想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校素质教育要认真贯彻"以德治国"的战略思想,要以思想道德的教育作为整体素质教育的统帅和灵魂,把提升道德素质作为素质教育的首要任务,把培养具有社会主义思想道德的现代化建设人才作为高等院校贯彻和落实"以德治国"战略思想的根本点.要清醒的认识到:能否贯彻"以德治国"的战略思想,关系到党和国家的生死存亡,关系到社会主义事业的兴衰成败.在素质教育中,既要把道德素质教育放在首位,但又不能偏废其他素质的教育.要以德治校,以德育人,把德治落在实处,抓出实效.以德治校,首先学校的领导层要成为道德的表率.而要达到"以德育人"的目的,除了要加强学生的思想道德教育,制定相应的道德行为规范制度以外,要抓住教师这一关键.同时,加强校园文化建设和思想道德环境建设也是高等院校贯彻"德治"思想的重要一环.  相似文献   
高校纪委应组织、协调校内党政管理部门,建立完善思想教育、制度规范、监督制约、廉政责任、查案惩处等机制,形成教育导廉、管理护廉、纪检促廉、班子带廉、执法固廉的综合治理新格局,坚持标本兼治,从源头上预防和解决腐败问题,全面推进高校党风廉政建设。  相似文献   
在以弘扬贤达孝义、劝贤劝孝为主要内容的家庭贤孝剧中,元剧作家对“孝”、~睇”这两种传统伦理美德和伦理规范作了新的阐述,指出“孝”、“悌”强调的不仅是下辈对上辈的恭敬和义务,同时还包含下辈对上辈的恭敬和义务的履行与否,这与上辈对下辈的态度、行为、品德有着不可割裂的关系,并强调了“孝”、“悌”在传统男权社会中对于家庭的稳定乃至一国稳定都具有极强的现实意义。  相似文献   
在CNKI期刊文献数据的基础上,对创新创业教育研究文献的发文年代、学科、关键词和研究类型等进行定量描述,对创新创业教育的本质内涵、发展背景、演进阶段、面临问题及推进策略等内容予以分析,发现有关创新创业教育研究的数量逐年递增,良好的研究格局正日渐形成。今后的研究需要进一步拓宽视角,打通各级各类各学科,从多角度开展;深化研究内容,兼顾系统建构与具体实践,立足当前,放眼长远;创新研究方法,重视一手资料获取,加强国外经验引介。  相似文献   
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