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Coherence plays a very important role in linear systems analysis, since, in addition to quantify the similarity between signals, it is related to other quantities of interest, such as the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The sampling distribution of coherence estimates between Gaussian signals is well established, and hence, in this particular case, the statistics of SNR can be readily found if it is calculated from coherence estimates. However, in some applications, one of the signals is periodic, leading to a different coherence sampling distribution, which has been recently investigated. This work aims at developing analytical expressions for bias, variance and the probability density function of coherence-based SNR estimates under this particular assumption. Routines for obtaining this latter as well as critical values of the estimates are also provided.  相似文献   
作为翻译的直接对象,语篇是比字、词、句更大的语言概念,它传递一个完整的信息。以语篇为对象的语篇分析不局限于研究语言本身,而是扩大到语境以及语言的交际功能上来。正因为语篇分析的特点,它与翻译才能够相互促进,使翻译实现语言层面、言内因素以及言外因素的传递。本文阐述了语篇分析翻译的特点,并且结合实例进行分析。  相似文献   
连贯(coherence)是语篇的基本特征,在语篇理解中起重要作用。推理是语篇理解者构建语篇连贯的重要手段之一,因而也是构成语篇理解的基础。推理不仅仅涉及语篇信息的长时表征,也包括与连贯有关的信息短时激活,在语篇理解和信息加工系统中有其特定的制约和激发机制,语篇连贯离不开推理。文章探讨了推理(inference)和连贯的关系及其在语篇理解中的作用。  相似文献   
:在英语写作中 ,过渡常用的方法有八种 :使用代词、重复或呼应某一关键词、重复或对称某一语法结构、使用同义词、使用反义词、使用平行结构、使用搭配、使用过渡词语  相似文献   
本文提出以系统功能语法为依据,运用主位推进、衔接连贯和语境理论等语篇分析方法改进阅读课,从而使其不再是词、句、语法结构分析和翻译,而是提高学生的理解能力和阅读速度。  相似文献   
主位推进模式大体上共有四种类型:主位同一型、述位同一型、延续型和交叉型。主位推进与语篇连贯有着密切的联系,正确的主位推进模式有助于构建连贯的语篇。主位推进还广泛应用于外语教学中,如阅读、写作和翻译教学,但是在听力和口语中的应用还较少涉及。  相似文献   
本文以韩礼德(M.A.K.Ha11iday)和哈桑(Hasan)提出的衔接理论为依据,从衔接与连贯的角度分析和比较了《背影》(节选)及其两个英译文本,探讨了汉英两种语言中衔接与连贯的差异,旨在进一步提高汉荚翻译的质量.  相似文献   
语篇连贯一直是语篇分析的重要环节。Lakoff&Johnson的概念隐喻理论从认知语言学的角度拓展了语篇连贯的研究。文章以Lakoff&Johnson的概念隐喻理论作为理论框架,以奥巴马总统2010年国情咨文作为研究语料,试从由单个概念隐喻构成的连贯系统和由多个概念隐喻构成的连贯系统两个层面探究概念隐喻如何起到语篇连贯的作用。  相似文献   
Lately, scholars have argued that there is a consensus on a number of critical features of effective teacher professional development (PD). This study presents the results of a systematic review of one of these features: coherence. The analysis and synthesis of 95 papers show that coherence in PD is conceptualized in various ways, and thus that the aforementioned consensus can be questioned. For example, should PD (1) be coherent with external factors, such as standards and assessments; (2) be internally coherent, for example that activities within PD programs should be aligned; or (3) create coherence between goals that are either predetermined or negotiated together with teachers? The different conceptualizations of coherence all implicate how teachers are positioned in relation to PD programs and, in the light of our results, we argue that teachers are primarily seen as implementers expected to align their instruction with external and predetermined goals and practices.  相似文献   
衔接与连贯是语篇研究中的两个重要概念。从1976年Halliday和Hasan发表一书Cohesion in English以来,衔接与连贯成为语篇研究中的一个热点,对此语言学家各持己见。文章指出衔接是作者留给读者的体现在文章中的阅读线索,文章是否连贯不在于文章中连接使出现的多少,关健在于读者本身。因此在写作中,使用多少衔接链要根据读者而定。  相似文献   
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