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湘江经济带的空间结构现状及调整研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
湘江经济带是湖南省经济发展条件最好、经济发展水平最高、生产力要素最密集的区域,是连接珠江在角洲开放区和长江沿岩开放带的走廊和纽带。本区域的经济空间结构不仅直接影响湖南省的产业空间布局,而且对整个南中国地区的区域经济空间格局的形成和演化有着重要影响。湘江经济带产业化空间结构的调整应从三个层面进行:(1)在地域分工理论指导下,选择合理的区域开发空间模式;(2)重点优化轴带内的“发展极”--即各级各类中心城市;(3)加强区域内外空间联系,既充分接受珠江三角洲的辐射带动,又积极参与长江沿岸经济带的开放、开发,强化“大武汉经济圈”的意识。  相似文献   
经济型酒店是近年来旅游界研究的热点课题。本文结合广西发展经济型酒店的自身优劣势、存在的机遇和面临的挑战进行了SWOT分析,在此基础上,对广西发展经济型酒店的策略进行了探讨。  相似文献   
特殊学生寄宿,是他们适应社会生活的第一步,也是培养特殊学生社会生活适应能力的重要途径。本文以特殊学生为对象,阐述了智障生、肢残生、自闭生等在学校寄宿生活中的思想特点,并围绕学生寄宿生活,对他们的思想教育对策进行了简单的分析。  相似文献   
泛北部湾经济区与泛珠三角经济区互促发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泛北部湾区域经济合作以其事关中国—东盟合作的大局,事关中国的未来发展,使得广西即将由泛珠经济区普通成员一跃成为泛北部湾经济区的中心成员,成为泛珠经济区重要成员。通过分析泛北部湾经济区提出的背景和特征,泛珠经济区的实力以及两个经济区的互促关系,提出了互促发展的看法和建议。  相似文献   
中国农业经济增长的制度分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本运用新制度经济学的分析方法,提出了中国农业经济增长的一个理论模型,指出农地制度安排是影响农业经济增长的重要因素。在此基础上,分析了家庭联产承包经营责任制对农业经济增长的重大贡献,同时指出,作为一项制度创新,实现集体经济和规模经营是中国农地产权制度改革的趋势和方向,并对中国农业经济增长具有重大意义。  相似文献   
魏晋南朝时期,妇女在家庭中的经济地位有着不同以往的特色和表现:贵族妇女依靠家庭以外的经济来源,在家庭中有较独立的经济地位;世家大族家庭中的妇女没有独立的经济来源,但对家庭经济有一定的管理和支配权;广大劳动妇女是维系其家庭生活的主要力量之一,在家庭经济中有重要地位。在财产所有权和继承权方面,魏晋南朝妇女所受限制较少,自由度较高。  相似文献   
This paper uses the Economic Market mechanisms and the 4P Marketing Mix as lenses to review the context of UK higher education (HE) and to explore the relationship between the market and marketing disciplines and practice. Four Economic Market mechanisms – autonomy, competition, price and information – are contrasted with the four Ps of marketing: product, price, place and promotion. This paper demonstrates how market forces influence HE institutions and, in contrast, how HE institutions shape the environment via marketing practice. Knowing how one discipline relates to another is crucial for those who strive to understand the context of HE.  相似文献   
A key role in the development of inclusive practices in schools and classrooms is that of the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO), a role that has changed most radically since the introduction of the Code of Practice in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Through interviews with SENCOs in primary and post‐primary schools in Northern Ireland, the present study sought to examine the extent to which they created inclusive environments. Specifically, it investigated the scope and main challenges of their work, the support received and how far initial teacher education and in‐service training underpin inclusion and, thereby, the SENCO’s role. The findings showed that the responsibilities, skills and attributes expected of the SENCO were numerous and that it was a core position, yet carried a substantial teaching load, that the role was strongly managerial and that there was fragmented support in practical terms. Despite expectations that the SENCO would initiate and implement improved inclusive strategies, many significant obstacles persisted and progress could be slow considering, for example, teacher knowledge of, and attitudes towards, special needs. A much sharper focus is needed on all phases of the teacher education continuum as they impact on inclusive cultures at whole‐school and classroom level. The SENCOs identified their own perceptions of key factors to make inclusion work.  相似文献   
2013年温州工业经济将呈现温和复苏态势。短周期内库存回补和产能恢复推动工业经济增速因见底回稳,工业生产将开始长周期放缓。制约工业经济增速的主要因素是自主增长动能疲软。工业企业净利润增速将在低位徘徊。工业投资增长平稳,但加速增长概率不大。中长期工业利润增长将更多依赖结构调整与创新驱动能力的培育。  相似文献   
通过分析广西北部湾经济区2000-2012年的统计数据,采用IS-LM模型对北部湾经济区的财税政策效应进行实证分析,发现存在财税政策较为固定单一等问题,应继续加强经济区政府部门体制改革及创新;继续加大对北部湾经济区的转移支付力度;积极推动适当调整税收制度的相关工作。  相似文献   
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