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中国的重点大学拥有国家的主流文化意识和政治价值走向,且具有一流的学术水平和强大的师资队伍。因此,重点大学高考招生向边疆民族地区倾斜,对边疆民族地区的社会稳定和发展具有深远的政治战略意义,应引起我国教育部门的高度关注与重视。  相似文献   
To enhance the academic achievements of Yi ethnic minority youths in rural school settings, the authors examined the effect of classmate support and the meditating role of ethnic identity in promoting their academic motivation. Cross-sectional survey data were collected from Yi youths sponsored by a philanthropic organization to attend local schools in Liangshan, rural China (n?=?657; 7–12 years old; 52% boys). Results of structural equation modelling showed that classmate support positively affected ethnic identity-commitment and ethnic identity-exploration, which then had positive impacts on three academic motivation outcomes: intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation-external and identified regulation, and extrinsic motivation-introjected regulation. The mediating effects of ethnic identity-exploration and ethnic identity-commitment were statistically significant, except for the pathway from classmate support to extrinsic motivation-introjected regulation via ethnic identity-commitment. The authors found that ethnic identity can be facilitated through building supportive classroom environment for positive academic motivations in Yi youths. Cross-cultural significance of this study is also discussed.  相似文献   
关于民族高校"弱势群体"的几点思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
韦焕贤 《高教论坛》2002,(6):5-7,11
就民族高校而言,多数学生来自尚欠发达的民族地区,普遍存在着经济比较困难,基础比较薄弱,心理适应较差等现象。随着改革的深化,这一现象更为突出,因而,从民族高校学生中的“弱势群体”入手,进一步探索民族高等教育的发展很有必要。  相似文献   
儿童的语言教育既要遵循儿童发展的规律,又要符合语言教育规律,还要考虑少数民族儿童语言学习的特点。在学前教育阶段加强国家通用语教育的策略包括:加强党的民族政策的学习,把握双语教育的正确方向;优先支持民族地区幼儿园建设,普及民族地区学前教育,在幼儿阶段强化国家通用语教育;在活动中提高儿童的国家通用语水平;注重信息技术的运用;加强学前师资队伍建设;营造良好的国家通用语学习环境。加强少数民族地区幼儿园建设,普及民族地区学前教育,抓住儿童语言发展的关键期开展国家通用语教育,使少数民族儿童较好掌握国家通用语,为少数民族儿童的终身发展奠定坚实的基础,对促进少数民族儿童的国家认同、加强民族团结,意义重大,影响深远。  相似文献   
针对民族地区财政收入低、经济发展中环境破坏严重等问题,结合对转移支付及民族地区财政转移支付制度现状的研究,提出实行完善规范的转移支付制度是创建民族地区和谐社会的关键。  相似文献   
狩猎经济本来是适应森林生态系统的复合经济,从与森林生态系统相契合的角度看,其他经济类型并不比狩猎经济先进;狩猎经济也是综合经济而非单一经济;狩猎经济也能发展为现代经济,但发展为现代经济的同时,也意味着它超越森林生态法则的限制而衰落。  相似文献   
针对民族高校化学化工学科在办学中存在的不足,论述了在高等教育面临着严峻的挑战,而我们又面临诸多不利因素情况下,怎样实现民族高校化学化工学科可持续发展.文中提出办学特色是民族高校化学化工学科可持续发展的重要基础,提高教学质量是民族高校化学化工学科可持续发展的重要保证,绿色化学新知识、新技术是民族高校化学化工学科可持续发展的重要内容,学科交叉融合是民族高校化学化工学科可持续发展的重要途径.  相似文献   
改革开放20多年来,云南边疆“直过区”,佤族、布朗族、德昂族、拉祜族等少数民族社会经济文化有了很大的发展,但由于历史与自然等原因,“直过区”和边地少数民族发展经济的基础十分薄弱,贫困落后问题还很突出。要与发达地区同步奔小康谈何容易。但回顾上世纪50年代上述少数民族地区成功实现“直过”腾飞的经验来分析,国家继续实行特殊的民族优惠政策,可以再创第二次“跨越式”辉煌而缩小差距实现同步奔小康的。  相似文献   
Research on diversity-related burnout has led to a variety of mixed findings. Several factors have been investigated that may come into play in this relationship (e.g., ethnic school composition). In this study, the hypothesis is that the experience of burnout may result from teachers’ own implicit attitudes and expectations towards ethnic minority students, which are usually negative, rather than explicit prejudices, which are found to be positive Two different implicit measures (Implicit Association Test and Relational Responding Task) and a scale to assess ethnic prejudices have been used. Implicit attitudes toward ethnic minority students and implicit expectations of students’ performance were both negative, but only implicit attitudes predicted teachers’ burnout. Explicit prejudice was low and did not predict burnout. These results highlight the role of teachers’ ethnic implicit attitudes towards ethnic minority students in their own well-being. Future research should further investigate this relationship to get a better understanding of how implicit aspects are involved in the development of burnout.  相似文献   
Do minority-group members welcome or reject that majority-group members adopt other cultures? Acculturation is commonly defined as a process of mutual accommodation. Yet, the acculturation of majority-group members has only recently received research attention. To date, we do not know the extent to which minority-group members expect majority-group members to adopt the culture of minority groups and/or to maintain their mainstream culture. Knowledge is also lacking about how these expectations relate to minority-group members’ own acculturation orientations and symbolic and realistic threat perceptions. We further do not know whether such associations are similar among minority- and majority-group members. To address these gaps, we surveyed 246 Muslim minority-group members and 247 White Christian majority-group members in the United Kingdom. Muslim minority-group members’ acculturation expectations towards majority-group members were normally distributed around the midpoint of the scale, suggesting that they did not reject majority-group acculturation on average. Acculturation expectations were correlated with symbolic and realistic threat perceptions among majority-group members but not among minority-group members. Cluster analyses showed that integrated Muslim minority-group members found it relatively important for majority-group members to adopt minority-group culture and to maintain their own culture. In sum, the results support the idea that minority-group members, at least in some contexts and settings, view acculturation as a mutual cultural change rather than as cultural appropriation.  相似文献   
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