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济南市举办第十一届全运会经济及社会效应研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在分析第十一届全运会对济南社会经济发展影响作用的基础上,着重对全运会经济及社会效应进行了理论探讨,认为全运会效应具有很强的正负影响效果。全运会正效应具体表现为经济效应、社会效应、环境效应;负效应表现为虹吸效应、低谷效应和风险效应。应充分利用全运会的正效应,规避负效应。进而提出:为实现全运会经济社会效应最大化,应调整政府在全运会承办中的职能,推行全运会市场化运作;并给出实施第十一届全运会市场化运作的具体建议措施。  相似文献   
采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、数理统计法,对第18届世界杯足球赛决赛阶段比赛中裁判员、助理裁判员、第4官员的执法状况进行研究。结果发现,与第17届世界杯赛相比,第18届世界杯赛裁判员在奔跑能力、判罚距离、掌握有利、估计损失时间、处理伤员注重“人性化”等方面均有一定进步,但是判罚犯规和越位的准确性有所下降;判罚球点球的准确率仍维持在54%水平上,但漏判增多;使用红黄牌准确性大体相仿,但出现了使用不当和低级错误的个案。其原因与第18届世界杯赛裁判员选派办法不当、赛前片面注重体能准备、仓促使用耳麦、赛中取消裁判员集体总结有关。  相似文献   
We apply social network analysis methods to describe the evolution of the innovator network of Jena, Germany in the period from 1995 to 2001. We find this evolution to be directed towards an increasing focus on core competencies of the network. Further we analyse the network resulting from R&D cooperations and explain - by means of network regression techniques - that the job mobility of scientists and the technological overlap between the actors, rather than past cooperations, can best predict the resulting structure.  相似文献   
第17届世界杯足球赛决赛阶段定位球进球分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
对第17届世界杯足球赛决赛阶段64场比赛的定位球进球进行观察与统计,指出定位球战术在比赛中仍占据重要地位,开场和邻近结束的时间是定位球进球的黄金时段,任意球是定位球进球的主要手段,头顶球在定位球进攻中起重要作用。  相似文献   
摘要:主要介绍了国际足球管理机构——国际足联的管理体系,并重点介绍了足球纠纷处理体系。足球纠纷处理体系包括两个层面:一个是在足球协会内部的纠纷解决体系包括国际足联的纠纷解决委员会(DRC)和国家纠纷解决委员会(NDRC),另一个是处理上诉纠纷的外部仲裁包括国际体育仲裁庭(CAS)和国家层面独立于协会的仲裁庭。并结合足球协会适用该系统后的优点和不足,针对存在的问题需求、解决问题的方法提出自己见解。  相似文献   

There has been limited research on brand legacies of the 2010 FIFA World CupTM; hence, this research examined brand image legacies of this tournament in the long run in South Africa in relation to determining the changes in international football tourists’ perceptions of South Africa as result of hosting this event. A quantitative methodology was employed to survey 391 international football tourists at fan parks and stadium precincts in five metropolitan cities in France during the 2016 UEFA European Championship, using a spatially based systematic sampling technique. The findings reveal statistically significant differences in most aspects between football tourists’ perceptions prior to, and six years after, the tournament. International football tourists’ perceptions changed positively six years after the event, including those features that were highlighted as major concerns prior to the tournament. The key findings of this study have a wider applicability to sport mega-events legacy research and body of knowledge.  相似文献   
《讲话》高度概括了鸡西大学“十五”规划期的成功经验;只有始终以邓小平理论为指导,笃信发展是硬道理。创抓大机遇,我们的事业就会大发展;只有始终以科学发展观为统领,笃信以人为本,我们的事业才能可持续发展;只有始终以民主集中制为旗帜,笃信民主,全心全意依靠教职工,我们的事业才能有不竭的动力源泉;只有始终以解放思想为先导,笃信与时俱进,不惟上、不帷书、不囿于旧框框,我们的事业才能跟上时代前进的步伐。《讲话》着重阐释了枝系两级班子建设方案,并就“十一五”计划期内学校发展总的指导思想、战略目标、实施方略作了缜密论述。  相似文献   
中国共产党十一届三中全会,是我党历史上一次极其重要的具有里程碑性质的会议,它从拔乱反正到改革开放。从具体实践上的纠偏到逐步形成新的邓小平理论,实现了马克思主义在中国的第二次飞跃。  相似文献   

The present study aims to investigate the ability of a new framework enabling to derive more detailed model-based predictions from ranking systems. These were compared to predictions from the bet market including data from the World Cups 2006, 2010, and 2014. The results revealed that the FIFA World Ranking has essentially improved its predictive qualities compared to the bet market since the mode of calculation was changed in 2006. While both predictors were useful to obtain accurate predictions in general, the world ranking was able to outperform the bet market significantly for the World Cup 2014 and when the data from the World Cups 2010 and 2014 were pooled. Our new framework can be extended in future research to more detailed prediction tasks (i.e., predicting the final scores of a match or the tournament progress of a team).  相似文献   
通过录像方法对福建普通高校公体与体专优秀110m栏运动员的技术动作进行研究。经过分析得出以下结论:体专运动员技术较为合理;公体运动员在技术上的差距表现为起跨腿向前提拉晚,造成膝盖碰撞或刮倒栏架,过栏时间较长,过栏时腾空过高造成“跳栏”,栏间跑节奏不稳,未能三步跑完全程。建议:改善起跨腿技术、解决起跨距离、掌握好栏间跑节奏,提高教学水平和比赛成绩。  相似文献   
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