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本文从奥运会起源及发展进程阐述了它对历史的启迪作用,从理论上确认奥林匹克运动的和平意识以及体育运动为和平创造着机会,战争与体育“结构态”的动能比较,从而确立了奥林匹克运动的和平价值。文章为奥林匹克运动对人类的积极贡献作了较确切的评价。  相似文献   
本课程依托中国航海博物馆“世界航海五百年”特展,重点诠释高中历史课程中“全球航路的开辟”这一课的相关内容。在教学理念与方法上,本课程将团体心理游戏和情境教学法相结合,通过博物馆展品这类独特的实物史料,带领学生主动探索和发现知识,培养高中学生的历史学科核心素养,使学生了解新航路开辟所引发的全球性流动,并学会使用联系的观点看待新航路开辟对中国的影响。  相似文献   
我国《奥林匹克标志保护条例》只明确规定了未经许可不得为商业目的使用奥标的内容,却未规定非奥标权利人出于非商业目的合理使用奥标的标准,这势必会造成奥标保护和非奥标权利人需求之间的矛盾。而随着数字时代的到来,与既往相比奥标的推广力度变得更大,途径也更加多元,因此明确非奥标权利人能够在多大范围内不受限制地自由使用奥标变得十分重要。通过考察美国、澳大利亚、英国等历届奥运主办国关于奥标保护的相关立法可以发现,这些国家在对奥标严格保护的同时也允许非奥标权利人在合理范围自由使用奥标并且为之设定了具体标准。借鉴域外立法的成功经验,我国应将《奥林匹克宪章》最新规定转化为国内法,灵活运用《奥林匹克标志保护条例》规定,明确划定奥标合理使用的类型和标准。  相似文献   
运用文献研究法和案例分析法梳理和概括了中国新闻媒体在2010年温哥华冬奥会、2014年索契冬奥会、2018年平昌冬奥会宣传报道中的常见问题,并基于此提出北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会(以下简称"北京冬奥会")宣传报道策略:1)北京冬奥组委要统筹协调面向新闻媒体记者的服务工作;制定应对突发负面新闻舆情事件的宣传工作预案;讲好中国故事,展现大国形象。2)宣传报道北京冬奥会的记者要掌握一定的冰雪运动技能知识,扎实做好采访前的准备工作,灵活运用采访技巧,全面了解北京冬奥会设置的冰雪运动项目,采写的新闻作品要及时甚至即时发布;电视台记者在现场与新闻直播间连线对话时要增强镜头意识,要善于研究和改进摄录设备。3)北京冬奥会赛事解说员要全面而准确地掌握北京冬奥会赛事的相关信息;要对冬奥会项目比赛规则与裁判常用判罚术语的英文字母代码及其含义了如指掌;解说与评论宜客观与公正;不要使用带有攻击性的词汇和敏感性词汇。4)中国新闻媒体宣传报道北京冬奥会的内容中不宜对比赛结果作经验性判断,要传播人文关怀;中国新闻媒体既要平衡国内运动员和国外运动员的新闻报道量,又要平衡赛场内新闻和赛场外新闻的宣传报道量。  相似文献   
在东京奥运会,中国跳水队取得了奥运会参赛以来的最佳成绩。当前,正值2024年巴黎奥运会备战周期,为巩固中国跳水队的竞技实力,同时为备战巴黎奥运会提出竞训建议。运用录像观察法,依据"2019年国际泳联世界跳水系列赛""2019年世界游泳锦标赛""2021年国际泳联跳水世界杯"确定了中国跳水队在东京奥运会的夺冠竞争对手;以科技为支撑,通过提高科学化训练水平增强了中国跳水队在东京奥运会的备战实效。通过分析东京奥运会跳水项目奖牌榜排名前八的国家体育代表队夺冠选手、中国跳水运动员在东京奥运会的比赛表现、中国跳水队在东京奥运会的夺冠竞争对手的比赛表现,提出中国跳水队备战2024年巴黎奥运会的对策:完善夺冠竞争对手信息情报服务机制,加强对夺冠竞争对手的分析;发挥跳水项目科学训练保障团队优势,细化巴黎奥运会周期备战计划;加强中国跳水队思想教育工作,正确认识巴黎奥运会夺冠的参赛形势;进一步提高训练科学化水平,确保中国跳水项目奥运选手的最佳竞技状态。  相似文献   
Nullis in verba was chosen as the motto of the Royal Society, as it embodied the culture of transparency and collaboration that were the hallmarks of the Royal Society and of the scientific method it promoted. Communication, using the tools of the day, was essential to this community of scientists as they created and shared new knowledge. Almost three hundred years later, libraries continue to advance principles relating to the importance of collaboration and transparency. This two-part article series, published jointly in International Information and Library Review and Technical Services Quarterly explores notions of transparency and collaboration in research and how these ideas are impacting the world of librarianship – from information creation, organization and access perspectives.  相似文献   
Serious games are becoming increasingly popular due to their association with increased learning outcomes when compared to traditional self-regulated learning activities. However, the majority of research examining the outcomes of serious games has focused almost exclusively on learning outcomes. This has resulted in a lack of research examining why these types of games result in increased positive outcomes, such as engagement or performance. This study seeks to address this gap in existing research by examining the relationship between game difficulty and participants’ engagement, performance and self-efficacy in a Pacman style maze navigation game. This required the use of hidden difficulty variations which participants were randomly assigned. Participants engaged with the game over a 5-days practice period. Results from this study suggest that difficulty plays a considerable role in influencing participants’ self-efficacy for the task. Self-efficacy has been consistently linked to positive outcomes such as increased engagement and performance. This highlights the importance of difficulty as a game design factor as well as providing an insight into the manner in which serious games could be further refined in order to increase user’s self-efficacy and associated positive outcomes. Implications for future serious games and self-efficacy research are discussed.  相似文献   
The objective of the present study was to determine whether it is possible to design a video game that could help students improve their executive function skill of shifting between competing tasks and the conditions under which playing the game would lead to improvements on cognitive tests of shifting. College students played a custom video game, Alien Game, which required the executive function skill of shifting between competing tasks. When students played for 2 h over 4 sessions they developed significantly better performance on cognitive shifting tests compared to a control group that played a different game (d = 0.62), but not when they played for 1 h over 2 sessions. Students who played Alien Game at a high level of challenge (i.e., reaching a high level in the game) developed significantly better performance on cognitive shifting tests compared to controls when they played for 2 h (Experiment 1, d = 1.44), but not when they played for 1 h (Experiment 2). Experiment 3 replicated the results of Experiment 1 using an inactive control group, showing that playing Alien Game for 2 h resulted in significant improvements in shifting skills (d = 0.78). Results show the effectiveness of playing a custom-made game that focuses on a specific executive function skill for sufficient time at an appropriate level of challenge. Results support the specific transfer of general skills theory, in which practice of a cognitive skill in a game context transferred to performance on the same skill in a non-game context.  相似文献   
This article takes as its focus Lefebvre's trialectic of conceived, perceived and lived spaces as a lens through which to scrutinise the 2013 English Literature Curriculum, and to explore the extent to which creative spaces might exist within that curriculum. The article analyses how the curriculum is envisaged by policymakers and how it might be expected to be translated into practice, utilising the wording of the policy document to facilitate an exploration of what its underlying intentions might be. The author's experience of teaching a poem from the new curriculum is used in order to provide illustrative examples of the ways in which teachers’ and learners’ experiences of the curriculum might, in practice, diverge from the direction envisaged by policymakers as teachers negotiate creative spaces within their classrooms.  相似文献   
2008年北京奥运会对当代中国青年有着极其重要的影响,主要表现为:能极大地提高当代中国青年的民族爱国、复兴热情;促进两岸青年的互相交往,有利于和平统一大业;使中国青年的精神文明建设和综合素质提升到一个新的高度;增进中国青年与世界青年的相互了解和友谊;为中国青年成功和实际利益的满足,提供机遇和舞台;强化中国青年的环保意识;使中国青年的健身意识普遍提高。  相似文献   
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