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Student credit card debt is a growing problem. This study explores the effectiveness of the inoculation strategy to foster resistance to credit card marketing targeting college students. In order to explore further the medical analogy on which the inoculation strategy is based, this study was the first systematically to alter the argument strength of both the counterarguments and refutations in the inoculation pretreatment message to determine whether argument strengths impact effectiveness of inoculation treatments. In addition, this investigation explored whether inoculation spreads from person to person via social channels, similar to the marketing concept of viral marketing. Results indicated that conventional inoculation treatment messages successfully inoculated college students against credit card advertisements, manifested in attitude valence and behavioral intentions, and that matching argument strength is the most effective inoculation strategy.  相似文献   
This article examines how routine and ostensibly rational administrative and medical procedures required of asthmatic Medicaid patients to gain treatment under a managed care health delivery system, in fact, further disenfranchise them.  相似文献   
Student plagiarism continues to threaten academic integrity. This investigation assessed whether an inoculation message strategy could combat university plagiarism by protecting student attitudes against pro-plagiarism justification arguments. Additionally, we sought theoretical confirmation of previous findings on involvement and accessibility in inoculation, examined the effects on vested interest, and evaluated matching and mismatching strategies in terms of affect- and rationality-based inoculation treatment messages and subsequent attack messages. A total of 225 students participated in three sessions spanning six weeks. Results indicated that none of the inoculation treatments conferred resistance as measured in attitude toward plagiarism, but all treatments enhanced involvement and attitude accessibility, and the fear- and rationality-based treatments enhanced vested interest. Additionally, fear-based treatments derogated the source of the message. Results also suggest that a matching strategy is superior with both affect- and rationality-based attack messages, such that inoculation treatments are most effective when using the same argument bases (e.g., affective or rational) as the attack message. These results offer guidance for crafting communication campaign strategies to reduce the occurrence of student plagiarism offenses.  相似文献   
由于离心泵的性能是在实验室通过实验测定和计算出来的,与使用现场的性能有较大差异。因此提出通过阻力计算,确定离心泵在使用现场的实际性能,以此作为离心泵选用的依据,提高离心泵选用的准确性,使离心泵的性能更符合生产和生活的需要,同时又节能降耗。  相似文献   
全面抗战爆发,冯先生随着清华大学流亡到昆明西南联合大学。民族兴亡"启示和激发"了冯先生的爱国情愫。为了复兴中华,他奋笔创造哲学体系,同时还直接投入联大的爱国活动。他出任校歌校训编制委员会主席,与同仁们殚精竭虑地一起进行创作,其中著名的校歌、进行曲的歌词以及纪念碑的碑文,均出自冯先生之手。冯先生的美文极大地张扬和鼓舞了联大师生的爱国主义精神和对抗战胜利的信心,促使了师生们的思想得到净化和升华,为联大培养爱国志士和世界一流人才作出了杰出的贡献。冯先生的爱国主义精神永垂青史。  相似文献   
抗日战争英雄叙事就在主流意识形态的“疆域”下,展现中国共产党领导下的抗日战争的英雄史诗,作家们的英雄叙事驱动力与其说是来自于主流意识形态,不如说来自于他们对战争的切实体验,这在很大程度上区别于新时期文学的英雄叙事。这一特点也决定了他们的英雄叙事在主流意识形态的规范和自我真实体验之间的摇摆。客观地说,“十七年”文学抗日战争英雄叙事大多流于模式化,缺少对抗日战争深层的文化反思,更没有在民族矛盾中追问“国民性”这一深层文化问题,叩问国民性这一历史之因和民族受侵略之果的关系,进而把文化质疑和文化建设置于这样一个新的平台上。  相似文献   
第三党积极参与抗日民族统一战线的建立, 投身全民抗战, 在国统区参加爱国民主运动, 他们为抗日战争作出了重要的贡献, 从第三党积极参与抗战的史实中, 也看出了民主党派的发展规律。  相似文献   
介绍在混凝土中掺加高效抗腐蚀气密剂及钢筋阻锈剂、降低混凝土的水灰比、增加混凝土中水泥的用量、改善混凝土的施工操作方法等各种方法,有效提高的混凝土密实度和抗渗能力,并在施工过程中采用自动检测仪器对混凝土的耐久性进行检测,保证了抗海水腐蚀混凝土的实施质量。  相似文献   
抗战前十年,南京国民政府发行了巨额的国内公债。它是中国当时社会政治、经济的产物和统治阶级进行阶级统治的需要。这些公债的发行使国民政府的工业、国防基础设施的建设成为可能。为中国坚持抗战并最终取得胜利打下了物资基础。其历史作用是应该得到肯定的。  相似文献   
抗日战争期间,日本侵占中国的西沙和南沙群岛,修建军事设施,作为南进基地。日本此举凸现了两群岛的战略价值及其对南海航线的意义。美国为首的盟军就多次在南海破坏日本交通线;《开罗宣言》未明确提到日占的两群岛为日后纷争埋下伏笔;侵占两群岛日军的投降问题也成了围绕两群岛展开的争执之一。  相似文献   
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